Second Years Guide to Ace Transfiguration: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for TNFG-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Transfiguration Glossary
Chapter 1
Animate ⊱ Anything that moves on its own, such as animals.
Carnivore ⊱ Eats meat & their prey.
Consciousness ⊱ Being awake & alert of what's happening around you. This consists of thoughts, emotions, decision-making, & subconscious urges.
Ectotherm ⊱ A creature who must rely on an external source to produce their body temperature.
Goblet of Fire ⊱ A goblet used for the Triwizard Tournament to choose those that are to compete in the tournament.
Herbivore ⊱ Eats only plants.
Holy Grail ⊱ A cup that grants happiness, everlasting youth, & endless amounts of food. It can also be a plate or a stone.
Inorganic Compound ⊱ Salts, metals, water, & minerals are this type of compound.
Intelligence ⊱ A thing that can experience the world through thinking, learning, & reacting.
Keratin ⊱ A protein that is rich in fibres to harden hairs, called spines.
Nocturnal ⊱ A creature that is most active during the night.
Omnivore ⊱ Eats both meat & plants.
Ophidiophobia ⊱ The fear of snakes.
Organic Compounds ⊱ A compound made up of carbon. Nucleic acids, sugars, fats, proteins, enzymes, & hydro-carbon fuels are this type of compound.
Organic Materials ⊱ Materials that are made from animals or plants.
Parselmouth ⊱ The skill to talk to snakes. Also known as Parseltongue.
Petals ⊱ Thin, smooth, & colorful. This attracts bees to spread the plants pollen to reproduce.
Pistil ⊱ The part of a seed that produces other plants. The stigma, style, & ovary are included in the seed.
Reparifarge ⊱ An untransfiguration spell that return's the target into its original being.
Sentience ⊱ A thing that can experience the world based on feelings, tastes, & touch.
Sepal ⊱ Surrounds the bud to protect the plant as it grows.
Snuff ⊱ A fragranced tobacco product.
Stamen ⊱ Produces the pollen. The filament & the anther are included in the pollen.
Stem ⊱ Carries nutrients from its roots to the plant.
Vanish ⊱ Dispersion of a target on the molecular level to simply disappear.