Second Years Guide to Ace Divination: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for DIV-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Lesson Three: The Tarot Deck - First Steps Study Guide
Chapter 4
Twenty-two out of the seventy-eight cards are the Major Arcana, numbering from zero to twenty-one. They can be called trump cards. The names on the cards can be called other names in a different deck. The Minor Arcana has four suits. For beginners, Barbara Moore tarot decks are the best to use. A popular deck is the Rider-Waite. You can be either gifted a deck or play the waiting game for one that speaks to you the most.
The Four Suits
Wands (batons, clubs, staves) ⊱ Fire, south, spirit, spring
Petacles (coins, discs, rings) ⊱ Earth, east, home, fall
Cups (chalices, grails, goblets) ⊱ Water, west, heart, summer
Swords ⊱ Air, north, mind, winter
Herb Burning ⊱ Like a gaseous potion for healing, herbs are used to aid the focus of bringing back magic to the tarot cards
Breath of Fresh Air ⊱ Magic from planets & stars are strong magic, this will recharge their magic, almost like recharging a battery
Reordering Your Deck ⊱ Most common, a ritual to focus on each card as you organize them, do it every time before & after readings
Burial ⊱ Used when all else fails to work, uses the Moon's magic which is the strongest on full Moons
Fun Facts
⊱ The Major Arcana illustrates those in your life, archetypes, or things that you may come across in the future.
⊱ The Tarot of the Elves, art by Davide Corsi, & guidebook by Mark McElroy are for those who are more familar with tarot decks.
⊱ Every deck has their own strengths, weaknesses, specialty, & spread.
⊱ Many tarot cards were made with machines, which will lessen its magic when you try to use it.