First Years Guide to Ace Flying: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for FLY-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Two: It's Time for Me to Fly Study Guide
Chapter 3
Apparition Test Centre
This is where you can get an Apparition license. Instead of waiting to get into a school's program of this test, you can come here. This centre is for license renewals, new licenses, & multiple other services.
Floo Network Authority
This is where many fireplaces are used to handle requests to hook up the Floo Network to the requested location. It is the biggest room out of the entire department. Things such as residence, buisness, magical schools, & location area will be considered. Maintenance employees are used when there are faulty connections.
Portkey Office
This is where Portkeys are connecteed, approved, & observed. Private Portkeys are harder to get a license for, where as commerical Portkeys are easier to consider. The result in using unapproved Portkeys include fines, wand restrictions, & confinement. A monitoring system is in place that can track unapproved Portkeys.
Magical Motors Office
This office is used for transportation between the magical world & the Muggle world. Ministry cars, the Hogwarts Express, & privately-owned motors are included. This is where magical transportations are approved & works alongside the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office.
Broom Regulatory Control
This is used to observe broomsticks & its riders. This is commonly used as a control centre for all types of flight. This office is in control of all broom companies, sale & distribution, & observes broom flight. In bigger cities, a five hundred to five hundred & fifty meter height is used. The reason a higher limit is used in bigger cities is because of skyscrapers. If you are seen by Muggles, ticket fines for low flying & possible broom bans are issued.
Fun Facts
⊱ The Apparition Test Centre tests about 100 wizards & witches everyday, so plan for an entire day being spent at the centre.
⊱ The Portkey Office can observe unapproved Portkeys, including those in the MACUSA Hit Wizards.
⊱ Areas where it's not entirely magical has a three hundred meter flying height limit.
⊱ Flying into a creature sanctuary for creatures & reckless flying will earn you fines or broom bans.