Second Years Guide to Ace Alchemy: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ALCH-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Lesson Seven: Three Primes & Four Aspects Study Guide
Chapter 8
The Four Aspects
Fire illustrates passion, desire, & will. It symbolizes our intuition, imagination, & ideas. Air illustrates intellect, thoughts, & wisdom. It symbolizes reason, logic, & thinking. Air magic is fairly easy to control & those who use it intends to find their inner self. Earth illustrates body & matter is the physical sense. It symbolizes sensation & practicality. Water illustrates emotion. It symbolizes feelings, whether it be calm or chaotic. Water magic is an ancient type of magic & those who use it intends to cleanse their minds & is used to remember a memory.
The Three Primes
In alchemy, sulphur represents life, soul, & fire. It also symbolizes passion & the wishes we yearn. Mercury symbolizes good common sense & a creative imagination. In alchemy, this prime represents spirit & the universe, water, & uncertainty. When sulphur & mercury are combined, salt is the created substance. In alchemy, salt represents the body. Paracelsus believed in balsam, which shields a body from decay, old age, & corruption. Salt symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, & Earth. This prime is related to ash, ouroboros, & the Philosopher's Stone.
Air Charm
Incantation: Marum Aeris (ma-RUE-m air-IS)
Wand Movement: Hold in front of you then flick to the right
Fun Facts
⊱ Fire magic is an ancient type of magic & those who use it intends to be deceptive & power hungry. When casting, use a fireplace & practice Incendio.
⊱ Earth magic is an ancient type of magic & those who use it intends to create their ideas & bring it to life in the physical form. When casting, use your eyes, smell, taste, touch, & sounds.
⊱ The ancient Greeks theorized that water could restore their spiritual self by metamorphosis.
⊱ Sulphur can turn liquid into solid & due to this, mercury & sulphur are connected to each other. They are Conjunctio between sol & Luna (the Sun & the Moon).