The Hogwarts Phones (Book 1)
Imagine everyone got phones from the Harry Potter series! Read on to look at the school chat, instagram accounts and posts from the fandom! And, want to join the fun? Read on to find out!
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Want to join the fun?
Chapter 8
Well, I think that this link is all you need:
@Hogwarts_is_felix - Hope to see you soon!
@Boy_who_lived - I would meet you, just as long as you don't gawp at my forehead...
@Draco_star - Hurry up, my father will HAVE to hear about this then.
@Turn_to_page_Cedric - If you need any Prefect advice, but come anyway!
@Ginger_Bat - I really want to meet all of you and get to chat with fans!
@Weasley_is_our_king - Come to meet the best keeper alive!
@Serpent_pansy - Come on, seprents, join me to plan Potter's expel!
@Loony_Lovegood - I'm sure that I have some gurdyroots to give you.....
@Gred_and_forge - Come and meet the most best wonderful pranksters!!
@Cho_diadem - Hallo. Ravenclaw Quidditch fans this way!
@Lav_"n"_Firenz - Won-won?