Second Years Guide to Ace Potions: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for PTNS-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Potions Glossary
Chapter 1
Arachnophobia ⊱ The fear of spiders.
Arthropods ⊱ Classes that consists of insects, arachnids, crustaceans, beetles, cockroaches, spiders, scorpions, crabs, & lobsters.
Atom ⊱ A nucleus which has positive protons & neutral neutrons in which are connected to each other.
Atrophy ⊱ When muscles begin to waste away.
Bellaluna Alvas ⊱ Created the Sleeping Draught.
Billywig ⊱ An Australian insect that can cause Merovingian Mumps.
Consciousness-Centered Approach ⊱ Claims the patient dead when no brain activity is alive.
Covalent Bond ⊱ When positive & negative electrons push away but also attract protons in the other.
Debrief ⊱ Questions which are answered after trial & error.
Edema ⊱ When fluid builds up in a localized part of your body.
Equilibrium ⊱ A word meaning balance.
Fermions ⊱ Protons, electrons, & neutrons.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid ⊱ Blocks the pathways from one neuron to another. Also known as GABA.
Glial Cell ⊱ Supplies good health to the neuron cell & creates pathways around the neuron cells to drive out the toxic cells.
Informed Consent ⊱ The patient fully acknowledges the pros & cons of a treatment.
Insectivore ⊱ Animals that eat insects as food.
Isotope ⊱ An element with any number of neutrons.
Life-Centered Approach ⊱ Keep the patient alive until they pass on their own.
Living Will ⊱ A document stating if you would want treatment or a family member to make the decisions in the event you are incapable to make the call yourself.
Melatonin ⊱A hormone that aids in controlling sleep cycles.
Merovingian Mumps ⊱ A non-fatal illness extracted by the sting of a Billywig.
Molting ⊱ The shedding remains of an animal.
Neuron Cell ⊱ Sends an indicator throughout the brain.
Neurotransmitter ⊱ Provides information to every neuron.
Non-Tradeable Materials ⊱ Ingredients that are too vicious & too valuable to be sold or bought.
Phylum ⊱ A category ranking above class but below kingdom.
Placebo ⊱ A substance not harmful to use. It is made out of mundane ingredients.
Sanctacaris ⊱ An insect similar to spider & scorpions. It translates to saintly crab.
Theoretical Validity ⊱ Support logic & reasoning.
Valerian ⊱ An herb that aids in treating insomnia & sleep disorders for both the Muggle and magical worlds.
Wholesale Provider ⊱ Sells a large amount of items for a reduced price. Local shops uses this method.