Hogwarts Magazine #1

written by Kayley Seah

The first issue of the Hogwarts Magazine. New issue every month! Thank you for reading

Last Updated






Fantastic Beast

Chapter 14

Fantastic Beast

By Kenzie G.

This month, we will be covering Abraxans, a very interesting creature! An important thing to note is that these wonderful beasts sadly became extinct in 2007. Anyways, they are still very interesting to learn about! This article will be discussing their looks, Ministry of Magic classification, Hogwarts connections, extinction, and what they eat. 

Abraxan (source

As for looks, I think we will all be able to agree that they are the great kind of unique. Abraxans are winged horses that are approximately the size of elephants. Their wings have baby blue feathers. Their hair is misty white, and could be used in various potions such as the Strong Exstimulo Potion, a potion which grants the wizard who consumes it extra strength in their spells for up to four spells. The body of these magical horses is light brown, very close to yellow (however, they appear grey in the Harry Potter movies). They almost look like a palomino horse, as described by Newt Scammander. It is also possible to have one as your patronus, though it is very rare.

Abraxans are classified as XXX beasts by the Ministry of Magic because of how large and powerful they are. Overall, they are generally harmless.

As for Hogwarts, Abraxans have appeared on our grounds a number of times. The earliest notable Hogwarts Abraxan would be the one owned by Hagrid. Around the 1980s (exact date unknown), with help from the infamous Jacob’s sibling (name unknown) and their friend, Penny Haywood, Hagrid attempted to research the beast. However, it escaped once brought to the Hogwarts training grounds! It was eventually found in the Clocktower Courtyard, and Hagrid was able to do his research after all. 

Another notable time Abraxans have appeared at Hogwarts would be the 1994 Triwizard Tournament. The winged beasts flew the carriage that Madame Maxime and her Beauxbaton students arrived on. Hagrid later mentioned this happening to Dolores Umbridge, 1995-96 DADA professor, in order to distract her. Madame Maxime flew this same carriage with the Abraxans to Albus Dumbledore’s funeral in 1997. 

Being one of the largest magical breeds, Abraxans were often used as slaves. Because of this, they became overworked, and their population declined to endangerment in 2004. In 2007, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures officially declared them to be extinct. However, there has been some preserved genetic material, so there is hope for these lovely beasts to return to us. 

It is unknown what Abraxans eat that is actually good for them. However, Madame Maxime, in her breeding days, would feed them malt whiskey drinks. She did this in order to make them larger, while a more healthy way would be to selectively breed them. 

Well, that’s it for Abraxans! I hope you found them as interesting as I did. Remember to continue reading the next editions of this magazine for more fantastic beasts!

Sources and Further Reading:







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