Hogwarts Magazine #1
The first issue of the Hogwarts Magazine. New issue every month! Thank you for reading
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Hogwarts Classes Tips
Chapter 6
Hogwarts Classes Tips
By Kayley Seah and Rosie Woudde
Hello reader!
Are you all doing your homework? Or are you struggling with motivation? There are a couple things that might help you.
- Study with music.
There are many YouTube channels that create ambience videos, making it feel like you’re actually in the library at Hogwarts studying for your midterm. There are different videos for different classes, so there are potion class videos when you work on your potions homework.
- Join a study group.
There are many study groups where everyone is willing to help you if you’re stuck with your homework. Check out:
Just A Study Group For First Years
- Take notes.
It’s hard to stay focussed when reading the classes sometimes, it’s just so much info. Taking notes helps structuring and remembering all that information. It helps with studying for the tests as well. The O.W.L.s will also be about information from the first year, so it’s good to have that information somewhere.You can write your notes at home, but you can also write your notes in the library on HiH
- If you’re not much of a reader there are also YouTube videos that explain the material!
Hogwarts is Here Tutoring Class YouTube Channel
Defence Against the Dark Arts - Spongify
- Lastly, have fun! Not everything needs to be in essay form, you can make a video, a drawing, a short story, anything! Keep it fun by changing things up a bit.
We have included an interview with Lily Lavender, author of many different study guides which can be found in the library.
(Words in bold are the questions we asked)
Do you think it's a good idea to have notes?
I think that it's a great idea to take notes! You will need them for your O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T's when you reach fifth and seventh year. Plus, many notes come in handy when doing other classes, as some information overlaps between classes. You can either use an online document such as Google docs or Word, or use a physical notebook. Personally, I use good old fashioned pencil and paper, with a binder for all of my subjects, past and present!
Which year is it best to start with?
It's best to start with 1st year, as all courses pile up on information learned from the previous year. If you were to start with 3rd year potions, it'll be quite difficult to know how to structure your essays or know what the content is telling you. However, if you are in 1st year and want to get a little ahead before officially going onto 2nd year, you can take Divination, Alchemy, CoMC, or Ancient Runes!
Do you think it is best to take all classes at once or just one by one?
Since all of the courses are work at your own pace, it depends on how busy or relaxed your Muggle schedule is. Personally, I take one course at a time, just because I find it easier to really immerse myself into the course I am taking. Some like the "Hogwarts" schedule, which is usually one or two lessons for every course per week. Some find it better by doing two courses at a time as well. It all depends on you!
What in your opinion is the hardest part when it comes to doing the homework and how do you overcome it?
One word: essays! In 1st year, most essays are quite easy and are optional. However, be prepared to write mandatory essays beginning from 2nd year! I find procrastination gets the best of me when I find out I have to write a 500-1,000 word essay. My advice is to read the prompt carefully and if you seem to have writer's block, there are many students and PAs out there that can give you some ideas on how to start. If you come across a big word count essay (over 500 words), my advice is to write half of it, take a break, and get back into it, as sometimes a quick snack break can help your stomach and your thoughts.
Anything else you want to share?
A warning I give to all students who do the course work; do not plagiarize your assignments! Coming from a PA's perspective, if we catch any plagiarized assignments or essays, it will result in a 0 and you will not be able to retake the assignment. This will impact your overall grade, as if you plagiarize more than one, you may not even be able to complete the course! As long as your words are your own, you should be well on your way to complete each course Hogwarts is Here has to offer!
Thank you Lily for answering our questions!