Second Years Guide to Ace History of Magic: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HOM-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Lesson Two: Beginning of Wizarding Villages Study Guide
Chapter 3
Witchcraft was thought of as evil in Christianity & Judaism. Between the thirteenth & fourteenth centuries, witch trials & burning became the norm. Methods of confessing were used as torture devices before burning or hanging commenced. Those that were caught & were killed were magical children or those who didn't have their wands around. Some who were caught faked their deaths & fled to a different village. Wenedelin the Weird wanted wanted to be caught by Muggles & would cast the Flame Freezing Charm while being burnt. Between the Renaissance Era, thousands were killed & burnt. In the eighteenth century, burning started to fade.
Witch-Hunting Cases
A Royal Affair ⊱ 1591, King James the sixth of Scotland visited Denmark, witch hunts started to form, Justine Thian recorded her insights about the hunt
The Witchfinder General ⊱ 1644 to 1646, Mr. Hopkinds charged the most true witches, responsible for three-hundred executions
Wrong Place, Wrong Time ⊱ 1682, Temperance Llyod was accused for using witchcraft on Grace Thomas, accused for being in connection with the devil
Insanity at Salem ⊱ 1692 to 1693, one-hundred & fifty people were accused of witchcraft, nineteen were true witches, two were children, death was by hanging, drowning, or stake burning
Fun Facts
⊱ St. Augustine of Hippo theorized that magic was an illusion, & this aided the magical folk under Roman rule.
⊱ If a Muggle caught any whiff of magic, magical folks could easily Apparate or cast a defensive spell to escape.
⊱ Records show that Wenedelin the Weird has been caught more than forty-seven times; fourteen as herself & thirty-three as disguises from the Polyjuice & Glamour Potions.
⊱ Muggles deemed witchcraft life-threatening & during this time, witches were interpreted as those who had sold their souls to the devil.