Hogwarts: The Founders of the Castle
Do you know how your house came to be? This book contains information on the four founders of Hogwarts; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, & Ravenclaw, as well as how the Sorting Hat got its power to decide which student goes where. It also includes the traits, weaknesses, & talents each house has. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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The Sorting Hat
Chapter 1
“Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see. I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers back, your top hats sleek & tall. For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, & I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head, the Sorting Hat can't see. So try me on & I will tell you where you ought to be.”
⊱ Gryffindor
⊱ Hufflepuff
⊱ Slytherin
⊱ Ravenclaw
The Sorting Hat once belonged to Godric Gryffindor, who offered the hat to magically enchant the traits for each house in place for when they could not be doing it themselves. This magical hat can decide which house a student will belong to based on the traits of each of the houses. It is said that the hat uses Legilimency to read the thoughts of anyone who puts on the hat. Its songs change every new school term, even sometimes warning of danger coming to Hogwarts. When students get sorted, the hat takes wishes & desires into account while deciding & has a great sense of humour & a wise memory of every student that was put into each house. Only the worthy & the true brave Gryffindors can pull the Sword of Gryffindor out of the hat, even if the sword is secured elsewhere. When not needed, the Sorting Hat is kept in the Headmaster's or Headmistress's office until a new term begins.