Second Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Nine: Charming Plants Study Guide

Chapter 10

One reason to repot a plant is to let the plant have extra spare for it to grow. Another reason to repot a plant is to control how the plant grows by sizing down the pot. When repotting, water the plant & let it soak it up for about thirty minutes. This will help the plant slip out of its original pot. If the plants' roots has grown to the size of the pot, carefully rip them apart, throwing away loose chunks or cutting about half an inch around. To cut, use the Severing Charm or a sharp knife.

The Rose Growth Charm

Incantation: Herbivicus (her-BIH-vih-cuss)
Wand Movement: Three thin ovals
Willpower/Concentration: Medium

The Plant Growth Charm

Incantation: Rosivicus (roh-SIH-vih-cuss)
Wand Movement: Clockwise spiral & a line downwards
Willpower/Concentration: Medium

The Singing Plant Charm

Incantation: Tinniherbus (tih-knee-HER-bus)
Wand Movement: Point at your chest then at the plant
Willpower: Low to Medium
Concentration: Low to High

The Dancing Plant Charm

Incantation: Saltiherbus (sal-tee-HER-bus)
Wand Movement: Wave left then to the right
Willpower: Low to Medium
Concentration: Low to High

The Mobiliarbus Charm

Incantation: Mobiliarbus (MOH-bih-lee-AR-bus)
Wand Movement: A flick to the object
Willpower: Low to Medium
Concentration: Low

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