Second Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Two: Garden Grumbles Study Guide

Chapter 3

Gnomes, Aphids, & Red Spider Mites

Gnomes like outdoor gardens with magical plants. To remove gnomes, use a Jarvey or use the spin & toss method. No potions or spells will work on these creatures. However, valerian seems to have gnome-repelling traits. A sign of gnomes are holes in your garden & roots of plants vanishing. To revive your garden, use the Growth-Starting Charm to regrow the roots of the plant. Aphids can infest magical & mundane plants, but magical plants can be infested faster. Aphids are tiny & bunch together on stems & leaves. This creature can be red, black, brown, colorless, or green in color. Use ladybugs or lacewing flies to decrease the infestation, as well as the Scouring Charm. Red spider mites dislike humid or damp areas & can infest magical & mundane plants. The plant will look dusty if infested & have tiny red specks on the bottom of leaves. Use the Scouring Charm to decrease infestation.

Beetles & Botany Butterflies

Beetles are annoying to deal with rather than dangerous. A half eaten leaf due to beetles cannot be used for potions. These insects can pass on diseases, which can kill off fields of plants. To stop the spread, remove the parts of the plant infected & remove the beetles by hand. Botany Butterflies are magical & magical plants attract them. Its caterpillar stage is the most troublesome stage. To stop them from eating your plants, remove the caterpillars & place them elsewhere with an alternative food source. Remove any part of the plants that have been eaten.

Chizpurfles & Flesh-Eating Slugs

Chizpurfles are magical pests which are very tiny in size. They like to feed on magic & electricity. This insect can detect magic from a mile away & can ruin potions very quickly. They are a pest for breeders & researchers since chizpurfles are found in feathers & magical creatures. If an infestation occurs, all magical plants will be feasted on while mundane plants will be intact. You can buy Purfle Poof or Chiswick's Chizpurfle Chaser to eliminate the infestation as much as possible. Flesh-Eating Slugs can devour both plants & animals. However, they are restricted in how fast they can eat. They release an acid which can dull flesh to chew & digest with ease. Use dragon hide gloves to remove them from plants & use the Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent.

The Scouring Charm

Incantation: Scourgify (SKUR-ji-fy)
Wand Movement: S-Shape
Willpower: Low to Medium
Concentration: Low

The Bug Repelling Charm

Incantation: Nonperiurabus (non-PEAR-ee-er-ah-bis)
Wand Movement: Circle around the plant
Willpower: Low to High
Concentration: Moderate

Fun Facts
This butterfly stays in its chrysalis for three months & uses photosynthesis for food.
Slugs like vegetables such as cabbage, beans, peppers, cucumbers, & fruits.
Botany caterpillars can disguise in a green color & will curl up to protect themselves from harm.
Chizpurfles are similar to ticks; they suck blood for fuel.

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