Second Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Three: Thinning the Verd Study Guide

Chapter 4

Weeding & Pruning

Weeds will sometimes take control over the area & choke the other plants nearby until they are dead. Avoid using the Gouging Charm, as it moves dirt around & any rocks will likely hit you. Do not prune evergreen plants, as it puts them in danger of health. Use pruning shears or hand shears. Give the plant fertilizer & keep it out of sunlight until cuts are healed.

Dutch Elm Disease, Root Rot, & Silverleaf

Dutch elm disease is fungal & is passed on by elm bark beetles. To identify the disease, look for the spider patterns in the bark. The tree can slowly die within twenty years after infection. To heal the tree, an oil substance is coated to the tree, while the infected areas are pruned. Root rot can easily affect any plant with little water or those who are at risk of over watering, which mold starts to grow. To identify the disease, look for wilted plants. Remove the affected plant altogether & use a fungicidal potion to prevent any spreading of mold. Silverleaf can infect magical & mundane trees & it is fungal. To identify the disease, look for silver colored leaves as well as scab-like crusts on branches. To heal the tree, prune the affected branches & spray with Cantanker's Crust-Lifter.

Poison Pox, Bubotuber Blight, & Elecano Stembrek Disease

Poison pox is spore-borne & is venomous. To identify the disease, look for wilted stems & flowers, its teeth & fangs all crumbly, its leaves has a waxy feeling, & the plant has dark purple veins. To heal the plant, use Toxeputus Depello, prune the affected areas, use the Disinfecting Charm on the soil, & use the Scouring Charm. If the plant turns purple, remove the plant entirely. Bubotuber blight is named because of its yellow-green pustules. This disease aims for magical plants & spreads rapidly. To heal the affected plants, prune & use Beauregard's Blight-Be-Gone. Elecano Stembrek Disease loves magic & targets the magical essence of a plant. It attacks the stem & roots, which makes them an orange or a pink-yellow color. Over a certain amount of time, it takes hold of the plants magic until it kills it entirely. To heal plants with this disease, withhold water.

Abyssinian Shrivelfig

This plant is classified as a fruit & needs a pH balance of 6.1 to 6.5. It prefers full sunlight & needs to be watered regularly. Its fruits has a purple or a deep red color & its fruit is a pod that dwells sap. Its sap & petals are used in the Shrinking Solution. If you ingest the fig sap, your tongue & teeth will shrink in size. The figs can be used in jam, while its leaves are used in wart potions & rash potions. When harvesting, use the Severing Charm.

The Severing Charm

Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shape
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Moderate

The Bug Disinfecting Charm

Incantation: Defaeco (deh-FAE-coh)
Wand Movement: Short line upward then to the right
Willpower/Concentration: Low

Fun Facts
Vines, trees, & shrubs should be pruned when their season is the most inactive. Spring flowers should be pruned when they fade, though hydrangeas & roses are a bit different.
Belladonna & aconite plants will not be infected with Poison Pox because they are already poisonous.
In the sixteenth century, Ignac Stembrek linked certain diseases together. Tamsin Elecano discovered that a virus was the cause of the disease.
The Abyssinian Shrivelfigs grow on ten metre trees & ten figs are grown on each limb.

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