Full Moon

written by Alaina Potter

We're all dying to know what happens to Dora and Remus' son, Edward, so, here is the backstory. Credit to Cuine for the fan art drawing.

Last Updated






Remember Me?

Chapter 1

Hey! It's Teddy here. It's currently 2017, and I'm going to start my seventh year of Hogwarts today. You may now me as, Tonks' and Lupin's son, but I'm more than that. I had a life. And for most of that life, I was raised by my grandma. My mum and dad died in1998, and my grandpa died in 1998 as well. My mum's mum helped raied me, alongside my godfather, Harry Potter. My godsiblings are James, Albus, and Lily. My godmum is Ginny Weasley, Harry's wife. It was fun being raised by them, but it made me think what life would be like if my parents were still alive. Of course, I'm an only child, so I don't have really anyone to communicate with. Just the people who aren't natrually close to you, raised me. I'm so grateful for them, but I wish I could just have one chance to see my parents. I mean, harry's mum didn't leave his side. My mum gave birth and left me. Normally, you'd think it was sweet, but what kind of mother does that? If she would have stayed behind, she and dad would be alive. 

I was standing in my bedroom at Grimmauld Place, where Harry lives, and was packing my trunk. I made sure to keep my Hufflepuff robes safley tucked into the trunk so I wouldn't lose them. I put my wand in my pocket, along with my pocketwatch. I put in some photos of my parents, and my girlfriend, Victorie. Victorie is the daughter of Bill and Fleur. She was born May 2nd, the day of the Battle of Hogwarts, so that's where she got her name.

Oh! I forgot to mention! Draco Malfoy was assigned to take care of me as well. Draco is a relative of mine. My mum's mum was sister's with Draco's mum. 


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