Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Day 8

Chapter 10

Good Morning,my diary.I am excited as today is Wednesday,and after the long wait of a week,I get to go to Astronomy class at the Astronomy tower at 10 PM again,but that is in the evening,or rather at night.I have to go to Transfiguration class and Charms class in the morning,followed by Flying in the afternoon,and then to the library in the evening,followed by Astronomy class.I leave my bed,freshen up,dress up in my uniform and prepare for Transfiguration class with the necessary things.Then I head down to the library to update the printed version of my diary in the library,upto however much I have written in my real diary until now.Then I go to the Great Hall for breakfast.The enchanted ceiling shows the outside sky with a bright sun,and the weather appears,warm,bright and sunny.The breakfast tables are heaped with a lot of the delicious-looking usual food and I help myself to a lot of it.I glance at Professor Draekon out of the corner of my eye,surrounded by students asking him questions about assignments,while he is trying to eat a little while answering them.Soon,the owl post comes in with letters and parcels and messages for many students and the crowd around the Potions Professor thins a little.I recieve two owls as well.The first one is from my History of Magic Professor sending me my grades,it says I recieved 100 marks on and thus 10 points for Gryffindor for the short answer and objective assignment for the lesson in History of Magic Class which was about the civilizations in America,and their culture,with focus on the use of magic.The second owl is from the same Professor as well,grading my essay for the essay assignment titled "Theories or Hocus Pocus?".It says I got a 100 marks on my essay and thus 10 points for Gryffindor and includes a feedback note by the Professor on my essay,which reads "Very good job!".That means I now have 319 house points to my name.Just then I recieve two owls from my Herbology professor,the first one says I recieved a 100 marks on and 10 points for Gryffindor for the short answer and objective quiz assignment for the lesson which was taught first in Herbology yesterday,and includes a note from Professor Aspen saying "Great answer to your open question.:)".The second owl brings a message saying I recieved 80 marks on and 8 house points for Gryffindor for the short answer and objective quiz assignment for the lesson which was taught second in Herbology class yesterday and also includes a note from Professor Aspen saying,"Great answers to your open questions.:)".I then recieve three owls from my Charms professor,Professor Cassandra.The first owl is a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks on and thus 10 house points for Gryffindor for the "Lesson Two Short Answer" assignment from Charms class.The message concludes with a note from Professor Cassandra reading as follows:-"Excellent and thorough description of the differences between the four forms of "Flight" Charms!


Good reasoning behind your choice of the most important spellcasting component. As a note, willpower is not a mandatory spellcasting component. For example, the Wand-Extinguishing Charm, "nox", does not require any exertion of willpower.


Great work! You have demonstrated a good grasp of the concepts!".The second owl is a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks on and a 10 house points for Gryffindor for the essay I wrote for Charms class listing my own wand's properties and describing how I got my wand.The third owl from Professor Cassandra brings a message saying that I got a 100 marks on my Charms journal turn in and it seems Professor Cassandra was really pleased with my journal because the message also says I recieved a 13 house points for Gryffindor for my Charms journal turn in(instead of the usual 10,or 11 in case of very well done assignments) and includes a note from Professor Cassandra which reads as follows:-"Exceptional work!


I very much enjoyed reading your journals. Very creative integration of the lessons! You showed an excellent reflection of the material we covered in class as well.


I especially enjoyed the practical applications for the spells you included, such as ripping parchment for the Mending Charm and using muggle locks and keys to practice the Unlocking Charm.


Wonderful!" and I am very pleased.The usual house points awarded to a student for an assignment in which the student obtains full marks or 100 marks is 10 house points,if the Professor likes the assignment more than usual and considers it worthy of extra appreciation,the Professor can award more house points as he/she wishes.I check my magical social media and it shows 370 house points to my name on my profile.Since I am in the Great Hall,I decide to check how the four houses are doing for the Hogwarts house cup too.It appears Gryffindors are still in last place,with Ravenclaws in the lead,Hufflepuffs on the second position and Slytherins on the third.I finish my breakfast and head to Transfiguration class,and sit on the first bench with Lacey and Rose.Rose and I excitedly tell her about the progress of our quest for the Marauders Map and how we are a long way into it and are almost about to finish it,while Lacey smiles and nods.Then she tells us a few details about her progress on the Quidditch pitch,saying that she has already been allowed by Madame Eira Fox to attend tryouts for the Slytherin Quidditch team,and the Slytherin Quidditch team captain is more than excited and elated to have her.We congratulate her on her success and she tells us how she has learnt to perform a few maneuvers.She also says that the Headmistress will allow her and approve her on the Slytherin Quidditch team in first year itself,if she performs well in the tryouts for the Slytherin Quidditch team,which will be attended and watched by the Headmistress.We wish her the best of luck and say that we hope she makes it into the Quidditch team in first year itself.She asks us if we will come to see her some time.We realise we have been too busy with our Marauders Map quest to go watch Lacey on the field and cheer for her,but we agree to be there the next time,nevertheless.The Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell enters class,and after waiting for some time for all the students to enter,begins class.The lesson she teaches us first is mostly about the different types of transfiguration,and the different types of transformation and animagi,werewolves and metamorphmagi.The next lesson she teaches us is about the five exceptions to Gamp's law,explaining each exception in detail,and this is a topic I have always been excitedly waiting to learn,because one of my favourite witches,Hermione Granger often stated it during different incidents as described in the Harry Potter books and movies.At the end of both lessons,we are given a short answer assignment each for each lesson.I turn in both assignments together after completing them to the best of my ability and realise I am the first student to turn in my assignments,and other students slowly follow suit.This also means I will be the first one to recieve my grades for the assignments turned in for this Transfiguration class.At the end of today's Transfiguration class,which I enjoyed even more than the previous Transfiguration class,I realise that to me,transfiguration has been the most conceptual and mind gripping class until now.I tell my realisation aloud to Lacey and Rose,and they both agree that it has been the same for them.

After Transfiguration class,we head to Charms class,and as we figure out,we have our Charms midterm examinations after our Charms class today.Many students seem to have caught wind of it and look quite worried.As we enter class among the flurry of worried faces,and the sea of worried faces enlarges in size as more worried students file into class,the attendance in Charms class rising up a little or a lot more probably compared to the first Charms class,the Professor looks at us reassuringly with a smile on her face and tells us not to worry.She says that if we have been paying attention in class and taking notes,and turning in all assignments,the midterm examinations will be easy.Lacey,Rose and I mouth "I hope" looking at each other,nervously arranging our quills and parchments and inkpots for class,and keeping our fingers crossed under some parchment until the end of midterm examinations for Charms class.The class starts with a lesson mostly about the importance of language,the history of alphabets,the importance of incantations,and information on,the spell blocks of,and how to cast the Fire-Making Charm and the Locomotion Charm.At the end of this lesson,we are given an objective assignment which is to be graded immediately and I obtain full marks or 100 marks on it after completing it and turning it in for grading,and recieve 10 points for Gryffindor for it.Professor Cassandra then asks us to update our journals for this lesson during the break,as we will have to submit our journals for evaluation for midterm,and then leaves the class giving us a break of ten minutes.During these ten minutes,I summon my Charms journal from where I left in the library using the charm Accio,and update an entry for the lesson we have already been taught today.I see Lacey and Rose updating their journals too.Many students are sitting in class,updating their Charms journals instead of enjoying the ten-minute break.The Professor enters class soon after,exactly when the ten minutes are over,and starts teaching the next lesson for today's class,after telling us that it will be followed by the midterm examination for Charms class.The next lesson is mostly about concentration,its importance,spell modifiers,the Sunlight Charm and the Dancing Lights Charm.It is followed by an objective quiz assignment,which we take and which is then graded immediately.I recieve a 90 marks out of 100 in it,because of a silly mistake.I could have obtained full marks if I had solved the assignment with a little more concentration,but I was so worried about the midterm that I messed it up and made the silly mistake.The assignment is not retakeable as well and I am disappointed.I am awarded 9 house points for it.Our Professor then asks all those who want to turn in the Charms journal for midterm evaluation to do so after completing their entries until the last lesson taken until now.Since it is optional,a few students choose to not turn it in.I turn mine in after completing all the required entries.Lacey and Rose turn in their journals too.Then our midterm examination starts.Our seating is shuffled a little ensuring distance between the students.Then Professor Cassandra hands us the Charms midterm question papers,saying that the full marks is 100.We are also provided parchments to write our answers on.Though I was worried,I find that the Charms midterm is actually fair enough and not so difficult.My worry ceases a little after I read and understand the question paper.It only requires a single essay type question to be answered within a minimum range of words and a maximum word limit,choosing out of three options for the essay to write.Each option requires selecting three spells from three different lessons taught until now in class and elaborating them in detail with each of their spell components described in detail.The three options are just three formats of writing the essay.I choose the second option and write the essay describing the Levitation Charm,the Unlocking Charm and the Locomotion Charm.I choose these three spells because choosing these make it easier for me to write the essay in the given format.I write a little over the upper range of the minimum word limit,and I think I have done fairly well.When the examination ends,and the parchments with our answers are taken back by the Professor,I feel relieved.

At the end of the midterm examinations for Charms class,we file out of the Charms classroom full of relief,and decide to go the greenhouse to look at our plants.We take to the greenhouse in the bright afternoon sun,and breathe a sigh of relief at having finished midterm examinations for Charms class and also  to see our plants healthy,then we sing some romantic melodies to our rose plants,and knowing that we do not need to water our rose plants today,we caress them wearing dragon-hide gloves(caressing them was my idea,as I wanted to practically test for myself if the plants are sentient,in any form,though they are non-magical) to protect ourselves from their thorns and then head to the Great Hall for lunch.We see many first year students hanging out in the greenhouses too,to feel relieved and relax after the Charms class midterm examinations near the plants.We then go back to the Great Hall for lunch and lunch is served with beautiful and delicious looking dishes,which are arranged heaped up on the four house tables,and the dishes include different types of cheeses including Camembert,Brie,dragon-milk cheese,cottage cheese,gorgonzola and mozzarella,gravy,ketchup,tartar sauce,Kreacher's French onion soup,and toasted bread,hot chocolate,mint humbugs,and after-dinner mints(though named after dinner,they are a popular mouth freshener and sweet served now at any of the mealtimes at Hogwarts).While I am just finishing lunch,I recieve two owls from my Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell,the first one with a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks or full marks on the short answer assignment for the lesson taught first in today's Transfiguration class,and was awarded 10 house points for Gryffindor for the same.The message also contains a feedback note for me for my assignment from the Professor,which reads "Impressive work!


Great work explaining the difference between vanishment and conjuration!".The second owl brings a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks or full marks on the short answer assignment for the lesson which was taught second in today's Transfiguration class,and got awarded 10 house points for Gryffindor for it.The message also contains a feedback note from Professor Mitchell for me for the assignment,which reads "You have demonstrated a good understanding of the exceptions to Gamp’s Law!


I am proud of your progress so far this year!


As a note, you should always insert a single space after a punctuation mark such as a comma. This will make your writing easier to read.".I calculate my total house points until now,and also check my magical social media profile to tally the house points I have earned until now,and conclude that I have earned a total of 409 house points for Gryffindor until now,which is also reflected on my magical social media profile.

After lunch,Lacey,Rose and I head to Flying class,and realise we have midterm for Flying too,after today's Flying class.We prepare for it and gear up both mentally and physically,not worrying too much as failing in Flying class cannot keep us from moving into the next year,which is for second year's course at Hogwarts.Flying class starts with a lesson mostly on how brooms work,what makes a broom a better broom,and why some people can fly brooms better,while some cant and how to overcome the problem for those who cant,and how,why and when to perform broom maintenance and broom care.At the end of the lesson we are asked to solve a mandatory quiz assignment titled "Broom Basics",which we solve and turn in for grading.Then we are asked to apply our knowledge from today's lesson to service and care for the Hogwarts broomsticks,and then write an essay describing how we did it,for an assignment titled "Taking Care of Broomsticks",but we are told it is optional.While some students including Rose take a break during this time,some other students including Lacey and me stay back to service and care for the broomsticks.Lacey looks like she would like to care for and service all the broomsticks on the grounds,but chooses a Nimbus in the end to service.I choose a Nimbus too,and perform maintenance on it,and then we write the essay describing how we did it and turn it in.There was a word limit on the essay,and I had to modify my initial writing to fit the essay into the word limit.As I have already said many times before,I often have problems with word limits,as I almost always end up writing more than needed.Thankfully,that did not happen for my Charms midterm essay,but it did happen in Flying class as I described above,and I had to modify my essay.After that,all the students are asked to assemble and gather round again,and the next lesson is taught.The next lesson is very exciting,as it is going to provide us the actual first time we get to fly on our broomstick.After giving us a theoretical lesson,which is essentially a theoretical briefing for the practical flying lesson,the practical flying lesson starts in which we are taught to actually summon,mount,rise up on,hover in midair on,take off,turn,stop,land and dismount the brooms.We are also allowed to try flying through glittering hoops that Madame Eira places in the air on the Hogwarts grounds,but I do not try those.Instead,I choose to fly in a straight line,then turn and come back as instructed and learn the rest of the things taught in class instead.When I first started Flying class,I was terrified about practically flying on a broomstick,but now I have overcome my fear a lot,after watching people fly on the Quidditch pitch and taking the theory classes of flying until now,and that helped me in doing almost alright at my first practical flight in class today.I am elated.At the end of the lesson,we are required to do a mandatory quiz assignment titled "Taking to the Skies",which I complete to the best of my ability and submit.Then midterm examination begins,and we are made to sit far apart from each other to not be able to talk or see each other's parchments,and handed Midterm question papers.The Midterm examination for Flying class is a short answer and objective quiz,with questions from each lesson taught until now.I felt that the question paper had the most questions from the lesson on the Ministry of Magic and the last lesson taught in Flying class until now,the lesson on how to actually fly.I solved the question paper to the best of my ability,answering all the questions as well as I can on the parchment handed to me,and when asked,turn in the parchment.Lacey seems to have done very well,as there is a broad smile on her face and Rose,well,doesnt look too happy.I think I did atleast just average,if not good,and tell Lacey and Rose so.Lacey says she did well and Rose says she did average only to ensure that she passes first year,and that she hasnt been paying attention to Flying class much.

After Flying midterm examinations,we spend an hour before the evening watching Lacey at her Quidditch practice and then her half an hour long tryouts cheering for her.We do not get to hear Headmistress Oshiro's verdict on Lacey joining the Slytherin Quidditch team this year as we are required to rush to the library for our next meeting for the quest for the Marauders Map.But,we wave to Lacey reassuringly before leaving nevertheless,and tell her by gesture of mouth and hands,that we will ask her her results of the Quidditch tryouts from the Headmistress,before going to sleep.

We spend about two and a half hours in the library,and to our utter relief,and excitement,our quest for the Marauders' Map is now complete.We now have four Marauders' Maps,with all the features in the original map complete with the protective charm too and our own twist on the original protective enchantments and some other protective enchantments,one each for myself,Bea,Rose and Lacey,as a result of our quest for the Marauders' Map in the library.And we are so excited and ready to do mischief with the help of it.We rush down to the Great Hall to meet Lacey and tell her the exciting news and give her her Marauders' Map.(To know about how we got the Marauders' Map,you need to check the to-be-published soon book 'Mysteries of Hogwarts' by Rose Peterson in the Hogwarts library.).Lacey looks overjoyed and satisfied too,and pockets her Marauders' Map,hiding it away from prying eyes and tells us excitedly that the Headmistress approved her for joining the Slytherin Quidditch team in first year itself.Though she will not be allowed to use her own broomstick,she can still play Quidditch with school broomsticks under supervision,until she passes her first year Flying class final examination.We are elated and excited for her,and tell her we were just going to ask her anyway,though we knew she would make it on the team,and hug her.

For dinner we are served,baked chicken wings,fried chicken wings,ketchup,chicken roast,chocolate pudding,rice pudding,Kreacher's French onion soup(added to the Hogwarts mealtimes menu as Kreacher's French onion soup,after being popularised in the magical world by the house elf Kreacher),meat pie,baked beans and fried tomatoes,and after-dinner mints.After dinner,I munch and chew on red chillies flavoured Bertie Botts' Every Flavour beans(this is a new flavour that the Bertie Botts' company has added recently to their products) and drink a lot of water to handle the heat,and onion flavoured Bertie Botts' Every Flavoured Beans and Pepper Imps,which are all handed to Lacey and me in huge quantities by Rose.Lacey only takes the Pepper Imps,as she is not a fan of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans.

Following dinner,we go to our dorms to freshen up and get ready,and then head to Astronomy class at 10 PM in the Astronomy Tower of Hogwarts,with our telescopes,wands,parchments,quills and inkpots,which I was eagerly waiting for.We find Professor Robert Plumb already arranging his telescope for class,and waiting for students to arrive,in the Astronomy Tower.After about ten minutes,all the students assemble,back from their dinner and take their seats in Astronomy class and the class begins.At the beginning of class,we are told that we will be having the midterm examinations for Astronomy tonight after class.We all gear up and get ready to pay attention in class for the exam and for being able to perform well in it.The Charms and Flying class midterm examinations have lessened my worries about the midterm a little,as I have performed satisfactorily well enough in both of these examinations.I hope Astronomy midterm exams will go similarly well enough,too.I look at Lacey and Rose who are both still nervous for the Astronomy midterm examination,and I nod at them and silently wish them luck through gestures.Astronomy class begins with a lesson mostly on astronomical tools for wizards and how to use them,the magical telescope all students of Hogwarts use in Astronomy class at Hogwarts and its differences from a muggle telescope and how to use it along with the precautions needed to be taken and some viewing tips,and some other astronomical tools.I furiously take notes during the lesson to be able to revise the material before the Astronomy midterm exam.After teaching the lesson,Professor Robert Plumb hands us a mandatory short answer quiz assignment titled "Magical Astro Tools" on the lesson,and assigns us an optional essay assignment asking us to write an essay describing the story of how,where and of what model we bought our magical telescopes we are using in class,and stating its differences from a muggle telescope,and explaining the precautions needed to be taken for the care of the telescope.I complete both the assignments and turn them in.Though the essay assignment is optional,I choose to write the essay,because writing the essays for the essay assignments helps me grasp the concepts taught in class better and form a clear understanding and memory of the parts of the lesson that are required to be used or referred to for the writing of the essay.I notice I am the first in Astronomy class to submit today's first essay assignment for Astronomy,and I am relieved.The Professor allows us a short break for relaxing until he starts teaching the next lesson.While some students including Lacey and Rose use the break to complete the essay assignment,and others chat and/or drink water,visit the bathrooms and/or run down and up again through the steep spiral staircase in Astronomy Tower,I revise my notes from each Astronomy lesson taught until now by Professor Robert Plumb,for the Astronomy midterm exam.I also have a question,that comes in my mind during revision of my notes from the Astronomy lessons,regarding NES being written on the top of essays submitted by some students(NES stands for non-native English speaker,and must be written at the top of the essay by students who are non-native English speakers,and use translation charms or muggle translator tools to translate their essays from their own language or the language they write in to English,before submission,to prevent marks being deducted from their essays for grammatical or spelling errors made by the translation charms and/or translator tools,as essays and any other assignments are only graded,if in English.),as I am a non-native English speaker too,but I do not use any translation charms or muggle translator tools for my essays as I can write in English and have been writing everything including my essays in English until now and also getting well enough grades on my essays,and thus am confused regarding whether writing NES at the top of my essay applies to me as well,even if I am not using any translation charms or muggle translator tools for my essay.I raise my hand and try to ask my question to the Professor,but he announces the end of the short break right then,and leaves class saying that he is just about to start the next lesson.I decide to ask him later via owl,and scribble my question respectfully addressed to Professor Plumb and thanking him,on a piece of parchment,and keep the parchment inside my robes to owl to Professor Plumb later.For the next lesson,we recieve a really great treat,as Professor Plumb starts the lesson by bringing in the centaur Firenze.I have heard about the centaur Firenze in the Harry Potter books and movies,but getting to meet Firenze for real,is something I could only hope for and dream.Firenze is handsome,as I see him now.I had no idea that he would be so handsome.Professor Plumb introduces Firenze shortly,and tells us that Firenze will be teaching us,meaning the students and Professor Robert Plumb himself as well,today.I am very excited.I see the looks of awe,excitement and joy on the other student's faces including Rose and Lacey.I am also a little scared that something one of us says or does may offend the centaur or make him feel like we are not treating him with respect.So,I sit in a respectful posture,constantly focusing on the centaur,and hoping everyone else is doing the same.Professor Plumb teaches about the source of magic in the universe,the stars,and how the Sun is the main source of magic in our solar system,and a little bit more mostly about the reflection of magical energy by the Moon and other planets,and how they affect us on Earth,the A.M.E quotient and its variables with their definitions,why it is important to us and what it means for the effects of the Moon,and other planets,and the effects of other astronomical objects on Earth.Then,the lesson is taken over by Firenze who teaches mostly some information about divination,Astrology and what each planet means for us astrologically and for divination,and how their separate or combined effects can be interpreted.When Firenze finishes and says its time for him to leave the castle,saying he enjoyed his time here,Professor Plumb thanks him for teaching all students and the Professor so many things,and asks us to give him a round of applause,which we do.Then Professor Plumb continues the lesson mostly interpreting Firenze's lecture for us and explaining its importance for us and telling us a lot about Dr.Mansour and how she proposed and developed the A.M.E. Quotient and what the A.M.E. Quotient means for us.Then he asks us to raise our hands if we want to ask our guest,Firenze any questions,and tells us to stay back if we do.Almost everyone raises their hands,and the Professor promises to be brief.He then tells us about our second treat in today's class which is,having only one mandatory short answer quiz assignment,and no other assignments to solve for this lesson.Following this,the Professor tells us his bad news as well,which is about Astronomy midterm examination after the next lesson.He then attempts to introduce some more information,which he says Firenze will be sharing with us,and somehow unexpected offends Firenze unknowingly,who leaves and does not come back even after the Professor's request and explanations.This class overall,turns out to be a real amazing treat,owing to not only Firenze teaching,getting to see Firenze for such a long time up close and having a single assignment to solve after this lesson,but also because the information learnt in this lesson is totally on one of the topics of my interest,that I have always been interested in,even when I was in the muggle world.Both the lessons learnt in today's class until now were very interesting to me,and while the Professor hands over the single mandatory short answer quiz assignment for this lesson titled "Intro to A.M.E.",which we complete and turn in,and then allows a short break,during which most students revise for the Astronomy midterm exam,I enjoy both the assignment and the break,as I thoroughly revise my interesting notes from the two interesting-to-me lessons taught until now in today's class.After the break,Professor Plumb starts the last lesson for today's class.The last lesson for today's class is mostly more about the A.M.E. Quotient and explaining each of its variables in detail and comparing to the similar quotient for the ratio of light reflected off the surface of a non-luminous celestial body to the incident on,or hitting,the surface.The lesson concludes with Professor Plumb giving us a mandatory ten question short answer quiz assignment titled "A.M.E. in Depth",which I complete and turn in,but after turning in and re-reading my notes on the lesson,I realise that I have probably messed up in one of the 'explain why' questions related to the formula,the A.M.E. Quotient,mistakenly writing that the angular size of Jupiter is more than the angular size of Mars as viewed from the Earth,despite knowing and it also being mentioned in the question that Mars is closer to Earth than Jupiter.I may lose marks on the question and may get 90 marks out of 100 on the assignment.We were allowed to use calculators for this assignment,as it has quite a few numericals to be solved using the concepts from the lesson,and these numericals involve a few mathematical calculations.The Professor asks us to get our calculators from our dorms if we think we may need them,and while many students including Lacey rush to their respective dorms and return with their muggle and/or magical calculators,Rose and I simply summon our calculators using Accio from our respective dorms.It appears both Rose and I have muggle calculators,mine is a muggle calculator I brought with me along with my other belongings to Hogwarts from the muggle world,where I used to live before coming to Hogwarts.I mentally thank myself for unpacking my trunk and leaving quite a lot of things including my calculator on my bed and around my bookshelf in my dorm,as I think that if the calculator was in my locked trunk,the charm Accio wouldnt work and I would have to go all the way back to my dorm to get my calculator.I decide to write to my Charms Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg tonight and ask her if the Summoning Charm Accio will work if I try to summon an object to some other place from my locked trunk in my dorm.All assignments given in any of the Astronomy classes held until now have been open book,but the questions though some times are more often than not conceptual and application-based,and often require in-depth understanding of the material in the lesson,and sometimes the lesson does not contain the direct answer to the question asked,but only provides information to deduce the answer from,and sometimes some assignments also require extra outside research.Overall,the subject Astronomy at Hogwarts in first year(as I have only attended first year classes at Hogwarts as of yet),in my experience,requires a lot of brain cells to master,though that is true for most other magical subjects,and in my opinion,is somewhat like muggle physics and muggle astronomy in terms of how it feels like to study the subject and try to master it.We are then given some time to revise for our Midterm exam,which I utilise in revising my notes from each lesson for Astronomy taught to me until now at Hogwarts.Then,we are made to sit some distance apart from each other,and handed the Astronomy midterm examination question papers.The question paper is a twenty question short answer quiz,with numericals to be solved applying the concepts taught in the lessons given in Astronomy classes until now and other questions.We are also provided parchment to write our answers in.We are allowed to use calculators in the Astronomy first year midterm exam as some questions are numericals and require some mathematics to be applied and some mathematical calculations to be done to arrive at the answer.I write the Astronomy first year midterm exam to the best of my ability,probably over-explaining my answers on some questions,and hand over the parchment with my answers when asked to.I think I have done good enough in the exam to get full marks,but I will keep my fingers crossed,till my Astronomy first year midterm exam results arrive.I had to use my muggle calculator for a question in the exam,because I was overwhelmed by the twenty questions to be solved,and the high number of numerical based questions with mathematical calculations required was getting to me,so I needed respite from performing mathematical calculations for awhile.Many other students also used muggle and magical calculator to solve questions in the exam.After the exam,Professor Plumb allows us to leave,and I look at Lacey and Rose,and Rose announces with a beaming face that she did well in her Astronomy first year midterm exam while Lacey says she did not perform her best,but did averagely well enough.We congratulate each other on having completed midterm for atleast three subjects in our first year by now,and as we retire towards our dorms,we are ushered in towards our common rooms and dorms by prefects of our house,because of the curfew at Hogwarts after 10 PM.

At night,after entering my dorm,I retrieve the parchment with my question to Professor Plumb from inside my robes,and send Hedwig Two,or Queenie with it to the Professor.Hedwig Two or Queenie happily accepts the job and gets it done immediately,returning soon to his cage after having delivered the parchment to Professor Plumb.Then,I send Hedwig Two,or Queenie on another errand,delivering a letter I just wrote to Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg,asking her the question about the Summoning Charm Accio,that struck me after summoning my calculator to Astronomy class tonight,using the charm.Hedwig Two,or Queenie,completes her errand and comes back to her cage.Then,I read the book "The magical theory" by Carin James from my dorm bookshelf by wandlight from my own wand,and then undress,extinguish my wand and go to sleep.

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