Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Day 2 after Christmas vacations

Chapter 15



History of Magic

Lessons Taught:-Lesson 6-Africa-enjoyable lesson which started with Professor Everby distributing cookies with golden symbols on top for devouring,which I devoured,and taught us some magical history of Africa,with main focus on Egypt,and had a special section on hieroglyphs taught by surprise guest Professor Wessex,Ancient Runes Professor at Hogwarts.Assignments-"The Rain Down in Africa"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson),which I completed and submitted and which was immediately graded.I recieved 90 marks on and 9 house points for this assignment.

Lesson 7-Europe-had interesting parts talking about the Bell-Beaker culture,telling the story of the hag Cedany,the wizard Gerbert DeBolbec and his wife Josselyn and talking about monolithic structures such as the Stonehenge and about the Parthenon,Perikles,Philip II of Macedonia,Alexander the Great,Romulus who was the founder of Rome and his use of love potions to help Roman men seduce the neighboring Sabine women to increase the Roman population and the intolerance of Christianity towards magic and its consequences,but was basically a lesson on the magical history of Europe containing these interesting parts.The lesson began with Professor Everby sitting atop a large stone surrounded circularly by student's desks arranged around it on which we were made to sit.This definitely contributed to the familiar mixed feeling of fear,fearfully peaked attention and fearful but interested and fascinated curiosity,which is a regular feature at the beginning of Professor Everby's lessons.Assignments-"Europe of Old"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson),completed,submitted and immediately graded.I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for this assignment.


Lessons Taught:-Lesson 6-Applying Your Will-a lesson mostly elaborating on the spell component willpower and revisiting the Levitation Charm and discussing the Sticking Charm to emphasize the importance of willpower in these two spells and practically teaching to cast the two charms to help practise willpower.Assignments-"Lesson Six Worksheet"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson),completed and submitted and immediately graded.I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for this assignment.

Lesson 7-Categories of Spells-a lesson mostly describing the categorization and categories of spells with examples and the history of categorization of spells,and discussing two charms,one from each category,the Sticking Charm and the Softening Charm in detail,and practically teaching to cast these two charms.Assignments-"Lesson Seven Worksheet"(Worksheet assignment with multiple choice questions based on the lesson),completed and submitted and immediately graded,and on which I recieved 100 marks and for which I recieved 10 house points,"Categorizing Spells"(Essay assignment,asking to pick five spells taught to us in Charms classes and categorize them into static or dynamic explaining with reasons for each one),and "Journal Progress Lessons 6-7"(Essay assignment,asking to turn in the Charms journal entries for the Lessons 6 and 7).All these assignments completed and submitted for grading.



Lessons Taught:-Lesson 6-Basic Blooms: Part II-a lesson mostly teaching about silverweed,nettle,motherwort,fluxweed and the Dehumidifying spell.Assignments-"Winsome Weeds"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson),which I completed and submitted for grading.

Lesson 7-Hazardous Herbs-mostly about the W.H.I.P.S. classification,it's purpose and the classes under it with their further subclasses or levels,and characteristics and examples of plants in each of these classes and how to deal with or protect against the plants in each class.Assignments-"Danger, Will Robinson!"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "W.H.I.P.S. Classes"(Essay assignment,asking to either write an essay reasonably classifying any magical plant not discussed in the lesson into a W.H.I.P.S. class,explaining two reasons for the same,or to write an essay classifying any one of the plants mentioned in the lesson into a W.H.I.P.S. class different from the one it is classified into according to the lesson,along with two reasons for the same.).Both assignments completed submitted for grading.


Owls Recieved:-From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I recieved 90 marks on and 9 house points for the assignment titled,"High-Flying Fun".Feedback note from the Professor for me for my assignment reads,"Flying in formation can be a very challenging skill. Keep practicing, and you’ll gain confidence enough to build toward some nifty tricks!


Although side-saddle flying requires one-handed flying, there are other skills we learned that are much more similar to each other.".

From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 12 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"The Sky's the Limit".Feedback note from Professor for me on my essay for the assignment reads,"What a creative and unique flying maneuver! I would love to see the Broomstick-Piano Flying Maneuver performed. I especially liked your idea for this maneuver to be used by cheerleaders at Quidditch games.


Extra credit was awarded for exceptional effort and detail!".

From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Riding Some Runners".Feedback note from Professor for me for my assignment reads,"Carpet flying can be challenging, but it is a wonderful exercise of team effort and cooperation!


I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed this week's lesson!".

From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 12 house points for the assignment titled,"Trying out Tapestries".Feedback note from Professor for me for my assignment reads,"Congrats on your epic win! Well played! Being a leader is an important position to be sure, but sometimes it is more important to know how to be a good team player. Excellent work!


Extra credit was awarded for exceptional effort and detail in your reflection. Wonderful!".

I must,at this point,note that Professor Madame Eira Fox,always takes care to interact a lot with her students both in class and while giving feedback when grading students' assignments,and also often attempts to build interest in her subject among her students,through these interactions.She is very interactive and detailed in the feedback notes she writes on the messages sending grades for assignments.

From Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Categorizing Spells".No feedback note in the message.

From Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen-message saying that I recieved 80 marks on and 8 house points for the assignment titled,"Winsome Weeds".Feedback note for me for my assignment from the Professor reads,"Great answers to your open questions. :)".

From Potions Professor,Professor Draekon-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Back to the Start".No feedback note.

From Potions Professor,Professor Draekon-message saying that I recieved 93 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Genetic Inquiries".Feedback from Professor Draekon on my essay for me for the assignment reads,"I thought your ideas on the benefits for Muggle communities was an excellent idea. Points were taken off for not fully explaining your plan to extract DNA from dragons, which falls under the ethical consideration. Dragons are not tamable, therefore you would have to find a different way to extract DNA.


You were awarded one extra credit point for detailing your dragon of choice.".

From Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen-message saying that I recieved 100 marks or full marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Danger, Will Robinson!".Feedback note for me from Professor Aspen for the assignment reads,"Great answers to your open questions :) Keep in mind that wearing dragon-hide gloves is not the best defense for dealing with a dangerous magical plant, but you listed the other two correctly.".

From Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"W.H.I.P.S. Classes".Feedback note from Professor Aspen for me on my essay for the assignment reads,"Great job on your classification :)".


House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-901.


Important Events Today:-Feeling grateful about the effort Professor Madame Eira Fox put towards writing highly interactive,interest-building towards Flying classes,and detailed feedback notes for my assignments,I noticed and appreciated the immense enthusiasm and effort put by all the Hogwarts Professors and their team of Professor Assistants,the Hogwarts Headmistress and other Hogwarts staff to make studying in Hogwarts interesting and easy and a better experience,to create and teach the lessons and to maintain the entire Hogwarts school and it's curriculum with discipline and decorum,to conduct examinations and organize contests and grade them fairly and to make life at Hogwarts in general,organized and easy for students,and decided to write a post on my magical social media profile thanking them for their efforts.I,therefore,posted the following on my magical social media profile today-"I would,here,at this point,like to take a moment and a post to thank my Hogwarts Professors and the teams of their subjects consisting of the Professors themselves and their Professor Assistants for teaching and sometimes writing the lessons taught to us in class in the most interesting and curiosity-building manner,with a lot of interesting and fascinating information,making these classes fun with not only interesting lessons but also the interesting unique personalities and demeanor of each of the Professors.I am very grateful for the subject material I have learnt in each of the classes of each subject and look forward to learning more.I would also like to thank the Professors and their Professor Assistants of each and every subject for their time,efforts and enthusiasm spent towards carefully and attentively grading other students' and my assignments with attention to detail and answering queries with great enthusiasm and effort,with utmost patience,despite their busy schedules.I would also like to thank them for writing highly interactive,interest-building towards the subject,detailed feedback notes on the assignments that they grade for us.I would like to thank the Professors for writing concise but appropriately detailed,interesting and fascinating textbooks and reference books and publishing them in the Hogwarts library.I feel very emotional while writing this post as I have had a great experience at Hogwarts until now and look forward to having more such wonderful experience here.I would also like to thank Headmistress Oshiro for heading Hogwarts so beautifully and for her immense contribution to the Hogwarts library.I would also like to thank all the Hogwarts staff who put their efforts together to maintain the Hogwarts castle and to keep the Hogwarts system and administration running smoothly and efficiently for giving all the residents of Hogwarts a beautiful and wondrous,hassle-free experience.I would also like to thank all the contributors to the Hogwarts library,which is a valuable treasure-trove of information,for adding such valuable and useful knowledge and information to the Hogwarts library,for others and me to read and find interesting,fascinating and fun.I would also like to thank my fellow students and other members of the wizarding world at Hogwarts for staying here and contributing in various ways towards keeping this place running and making this place fun and an interesting experience.I would like to thank my friends here at Hogwarts for making my life at Hogwarts easier and more fun and interesting.Thank you.".

During a break between lessons in Herbology class today,I planted Valerian and Lily in the greenhouse using some magical soil supplements.Then,I also planted the four basic blooms,Silverweed,Motherwort,Nettle and Fluxweed in the greenhouse.For details,check my records in the greenhouse.I also uploaded the following on my magical social media wall:-"I planted yet another ingredient of the Polyjuice potion today,the fluxweed.Therefore,I am very excited,yay.".

I had been noticing the notice for the creature design contest currently being hosted by the Care of Magical Creatures Professor at Hogwarts,Professor Anne,on one of the noticeboards in the newsroom near the Great Hall in the Hogwarts castle.It is the "Design a Kneazle" Contest and offers many awards to be won.It is open to all,even for those who haven't yet taken any Care of Magical Creatures classes.I had often considered entering the contest but refrained for various reasons.Today,I saw the notice for the contest again and suddenly decided to participate,therefore,I read the entire notice and the rules and regulations for entering the contest,then went to the Hogwarts library and read up all I could on kneazles and then designed three kneazles for the purpose of entering into the contest,as according to the rules of the contest,the maximum number of entries that can be submitted are three.I,then,went back to the newsroom and read up the rules again to be clear on them and then followed the instructions to submit my three entries.I hope that I did not make any mistakes during the designing and submission process and that my entries got properly and correctly recorded for judging.This is the first creature design contest I participated in,therefore,I was scared if I managed to understand and follow the procedure for designing and submitting entries correctly.Therefore,I also followed Professor Anne on her magical social media profile and owled her telling her my concerns and asking her if there is a way to verify whether my responses reached the right required place and got recorded for judging.I,then,uploaded a post on my own magical social media profile saying that I participated in the "Design a Kneazle" Contest being hosted by Professor Anne and asking the viewers of my post to look at and upvote the images of my kneazle designs,though they cannot actually support me in the competition during the judging.

I also uploaded three posts showing my three pet kneazles on my magical social media today.To look at my pet kneazles,and to read my posts about them,please check my magical social media wall.My pet owl,Hedwig Two or Queenie,began to screech and make noise and I assumed that she was jealous,so I let her out of her cage and uploaded another post showing her.To see the post,please check my magical social media wall.Then,I thought about the pets I want and uploaded yet another post on my magical social media wall sharing my thoughts,which reads,"I also want to own a niffler and a pygmy puff as pets,but I think I already have too many pets,so I probably should wait until second year to buy a niffler or any pygmy puffs.".

I checked the hourglasses at the Great Hall today.Gryffindor has overtaken Slytherin and taken the third position,while Ravenclaw is in the lead and Hufflepuff is in the second position.The number of gems representing house points in the hourglass of each house when I checked them today were as follows:-Ravenclaw-286,056,Hufflepuff-256,990,Gryffindor-231,373,Slytherin-224,546.

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