Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 5 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 18
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Whistle to Watch-teaching about and how to cast the Whistle to Watch Transformation spell and it's spell block,along with the story of it's invention,history and more information on it.Assignments-"Whistles and Watches"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Did You Hear That?"(Essay assignment,asking us to write an essay describing our mental preparation for the Whistle to Watch Transformation spell,especially focussing on the sound observation,and also on the different working mechanisms of the two objects and the changes thus required for the transformation and how we visualized them,and what was going on in our minds when preparing to cast the spell,including details according to some given points).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Glass to Sand-a lesson mostly teaching information about and how to cast the Glass to Sand spell and it's spell block,with a discussion of it's practical application including a guest lecture from Professor Jericho Penrose mostly relating a practical application of the spell from his ex-life as an Auror and giving some advice related to the spell and it's practical application and Transfiguration lessons to us,the story of invention of the spell and history of the spell,followed by a review containing a general overview of all the lessons taught to us in Transfiguration classes until now,which we were warned by Professor Mitchell was not a substitute for studying for our finals and also a closing note by our Professor for first year Transfiguration classes with her.The lesson did not include the sensory breakdown and observation of glass and sand but explained to us how the two were very much similar except a difference in their size and explained how,by whom and why the spell was often considered a curse instead of a transformation,and Professor Mitchell's opinion on it.Assignment-"Glass and Sand Exploration"(Essay assignment,asking us to do a little research and personal observation on both glass and sand and write an essay describing the same,mandatorily including all of the five senses breakdown for both the objects,in no fewer than 200 words.We were told that we were given this opportunity as in our next year at Hogwarts,our Professor will be leaving most of the sensory breakdown up to us in Transfiguration classes.We were told that creative submissions were also welcome for the assignment).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
History of Magic
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Australia-lesson mostly about the magic of the native Aboriginal tribal population in Australia and how and why the population increased in number to unprecedented levels and how and why the population declined after European colonization,including how and why European colonization happened and details of the current status of the magic of the Aborigines and of magical population and magical education in Australia.One interesting concept that grasped my attention and felt fascinating to me during the lesson was ethnocentrism,and we were told during the lesson that the topic of the phenomenon of ethnocentrism will be discussed more in our History of Magic classes in our fourth year at Hogwarts,for a certain reason,while discussing a certain continent.Another interesting thing in the lesson was the history of and the reasons behind the creation of the Danunda Magical Academy in the Northern Regions of Australia.Assignment-"Land of the Old and New"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Magic and Religion-mostly a lesson on some religions and their impact on magic and magical people with mention of how magical people were seen in society.This lesson material is not included in the syllabus for our First Year History of Magic Final Term Examinations but is not meant to be neglected as it will provide an useful background for our future History of Magic studies at Hogwarts,as told to us by Professor Everby during the lesson.Assignments-"Religion Research Paper"(Essay assignment,asking us to pick a unique religion,preferably one that we are unfamiliar with,then perform outside research on the religion,and write an essay based on our research on the religion,covering some mentioned bullet points in a given rubric,and adding our opinions in small part if we want,but keeping it respectful and small.The assignment had an upper as well as a lower word count limit.The assignment was optional but highly recommended by Professor Everby for enlightenment and another mentioned reason.).Assignment completed and submitted for grading after confirming from Professor Everby what exactly a unique religion means.
No more Afternoon classes as the syllabus for first years at Hogwarts for both the afternoon subjects has already been completed in class and the First Year Final Term Examinations of one of the afternoon subjects that is Flying has also already been conducted.
Owls Recieved:-From my friend Rose Peterson-message asking me to meet her in the library,and informing me that she has got her book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" published.
From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-parcel containing a tray of sweets smeared in glitter and message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 15 house points for my essay for my third resubmission of the assignment titled,"Observing Planets".Feedback note on my essay for my third resubmission of the assignment for me from the Professor reads,"Excellent! You earned all 15 house points on your third try. Choose your favourite sweet from this tray *throws multi-coloured glitter in the air*. Save this assignment for your O.W.L.".I am elated and help myself to quite a few sweets from the tray and distribute the rest among my fellow Gryffindors in the Gryffindor common room.
From DADA Professor,Professor Jericho Penrose-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Fire crabs".Feedback note for me from the Professor for the assignment reads,"Outstanding work! We are glad to hear you enjoyed this class, keep up the good work!".
From DADA Professor,Professor Jericho Penrose-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Fire crab Sanctuary".Feedback note for me from the Professor for the assignment reads,"Design of sanctuary (50/50)
Labeling/explanation of the sanctuary (10/10)
Creativity (10/10)
Effort (15/15)
Grammar/spelling (10/10)
Identifying marks (5/5)".
From Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen-message saying that I recieved 92 marks on and 9 house points for the assignment titled,"Filing Your Flowers".Feedback note from the Professor for me for the assignment reads,"Great answers to your open questions overall :-)".
From Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 11 house points for the assignment titled,"Classify Me!".Feedback note for me from the Professor for the assignment reads,"Great work on your plant profile. :)".
From Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Whistles and Watches".Feedback note for me from the Professor for the assignment reads,"Outstanding work!".
From Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 12 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Did You Hear That?".Feedback note on my essay from the Professor for me for the assignment reads,"Great work! You had an extremely detailed story and very deep observations regarding both objects. Well done!".
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1089.
Important Events Today:-Rose got her book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" published in the Hogwarts library.She owled me today asking me to meet her in the library and telling me that she got the book published in the Hogwarts library.This owl is listed with it's content under the "Owls Recieved" section of today's entry in this diary of mine.In response to her owl,I headed straight for the Hogwarts library where I found Rose looking elated.She had used the cover page illustration I had created and designed,as the cover of her book and compiled the whole book beautifully.There are still chapters to be added as the chapter about our quest to find the Mirror of Erised has yet not been added by her,but is going to be added by her before today ends.However,our quest for the Marauder's Map is already completely published in the book.The book features all the participants of our quests as authors on the book cover,as we all contributed to the quest by participating in it,but has Rose PETERSON named as the compiler,as she is the one who wrote and compiled the book and the book is published in the Hogwarts library under her authorship.I was so glad and elated too,just like Rose,that I hugged her excitedly.You can search the Hogwarts library for author 'Rose PETERSON' and book name 'The Mysteries of Hogwarts' to find the book.If you have read this diary of mine until here,you know what the book is about.I congratulated her on finally getting the book published and posted the following on my magical social media wall:-"My friend Rose PETERSON has got her book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" about my quest for the Marauder's Map with my friends including Rose herself and a few other fascinating quests that my friends including Rose and me undertook that are soon to be updated in the book,published in the Hogwarts library.Please search the Hogwarts library for author 'Rose PETERSON' and book name 'The Mysteries of Hogwarts' to find the book.I am very glad and elated and excited about it.yay".I also added a comment to my post with a guide to the exact spot on the exact bookshelf in the Hogwarts library where Rose's book was being housed in the Hogwarts library after publication.After that,Rose and I had a few heart to heart conversations after a long time as we had both been very busy studying for our finals of all subjects.Rose said that she was going to keep updating the printed version of her book in the Hogwarts library while she keeps writing the next chapters and their contents in the book,frequently,with whatever she writes in her book after her last publishing or updating.I borrowed a copy of her book from the Hogwarts library to keep in my bookshelf and read and also to re-read daily at bedtime to check her updates to the printed version of her book out(In case you didn't already know,whenever the printed version of a book is updated in the Hogwarts library,all other printed versions of the book whether they are borrowed or stolen or in any way taken from the Hogwarts library,are magically updated the same way,without needing anyone to touch the book,no matter where the book is and what is being done to it.).After that,as Rose left the library to return to her dorm,I also put up a notice in the library at the noticeboard for our students' group "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner",announcing Rose's publication of the book and providing the guide to where exactly the book is housed in the Hogwarts library after publication.Then I went to my own dorm 'Gryffindorm' and put up a notice on the dorm's 'notice and communication wall',with the same text as in the content of my post regarding Rose's book on my magical social media wall.I also pinned a comment to my own notice in my dorm,'Gryffindorm',providing the guide to exactly where to find the book in the Hogwarts library.(If you didn't already know,every dorm has a 'notice and communication wall',on one of the walls of the dorm,where members and frequenters of the dorm can leave notices or other communication for other members and frequenters of the dorm,and any number of comments on such notices or communication including answers to the notice or the communication from the members or frequenters of the dorm who read it or from the member or frequenter of the dorm who put the original notice or communication up,can be written on parchments and pinned below the original notice or communication for further communication.These pinned items are often referred to as 'comments'.)
In the evening I went to the Hogwarts library and borrowed a copy of the book 'The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection' by Quentin Trimble,reprinted and edited by ภครђ ק๏ttєг.I found two other reprinted and edited versions of the same book,reprinted and edited by two other people,in the Hogwarts library.They were 'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by Emily and 'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by [No Name].I also found the book Hermione Granger read in the Harry Potter books and movies 'Hogwarts,A History' reprinted and edited and published in the Hogwarts library by three different authors as 'Hogwarts A History',reprinted and edited by Cei Tailon,'Hogwarts a History',reprinted and edited by Elizabeth malfoy,and 'Hogwarts a History',reprinted and edited by Marcus Cerri.
At night in my dorm today,I read Rose's book and am going to henceforth check it everynight for updates and read the updated part even if I do not mention doing it in this diary of mine but I will not mention doing it in this diary of mine for reasons of keeping this diary concise and brief and for certain reasons that I explained in this diary of mine on Day 1 after my Christmas vacations.Tonight in my dorm I also read the book 'The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection' by Quentin Trimble,reprinted and edited by ภครђ ק๏ttєг,that I got from the Hogwarts library to completion.Since I had no afternoon classes today and thus had retired to bed early due to a lot of extra time from the afternoon that shifted to the evening and then to the night,because of the lack of afternoon classes,I also finished reading the books 'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by Emily,'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by [No Name],'Hogwarts A History',reprinted and edited by Cei Tailon,'Hogwarts a History', reprinted and edited by Elizabeth malfoy and 'Hogwarts a History',reprinted and edited by Marcus Cerri to completion.Since I still had an hour before my usual bedtime left,I also finished reading the two books 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' by Newt Scamander,reprinted and edited by Faith Dawson and 'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them' by Newt Scamander,reprinted and edited by Alex Anderson to completion,as I felt that though these are reprints of the textbook for Care of Magical Creatures,a second year subject,this advanced reading will help me a lot,now as well as in my second year at Hogwarts.Needless to say,I always read any books cover to cover and I did the same even today.Then,I posted the following on my magical social media wall:-"Added more books to my bookshelf in my dorm,all from the current Hogwarts library,and yes read them all.The first one in my list is of course my friend's book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" by Rose PETERSON.To know what I mean,please refer to my previous post.
Here's a list of the books I newly added to my dorm bookshelf and read cover to cover:-
1.'The Mysteries of Hogwarts' by Rose PETERSON.
2."The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection" by Quentin Trimble,Hogwarts DADA textbook from the times of Harry Potter,reprinted and edited as 'The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection' by ภครђ ק๏ttєг.
3.The same textbook as above as 'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by Emily.
4.The same textbook as above as 'The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self-Protection',reprinted and edited by [No Name].
5.The book "Hogwarts,A History" that Hermione Granger read in the Harry Potter books and movies as 'Hogwarts A History',reprinted and edited by Cei Tailon.
6.The book "Hogwarts,A History" as 'Hogwarts a History',reprinted and edited by Elizabeth malfoy.
7.The book "Hogwarts,A History" as 'Hogwarts a History',reprinted and edited by Marcus Cerri.
All these books are really wonderful reads and I would suggest reading each of these in first year itself,especially the reprinted and edited versions of the DADA textbook from the times of Harry Potter and "Hogwarts,A History" as these can be really informative and helpful.I feel that it is a blessing to have these books available in the current Hogwarts library.I really enjoyed reading them." and then fell asleep for tonight until the next day.