Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 6 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 19
No classes as today is Saturday morning and all the lessons in the first year syllabus of Hogwarts for all the subjects taught in the morning in first year of Hogwarts have already been taught to the first year students at Hogwarts in their classes.
Owls Recieved:-From Potions Professor,Professor Draekon-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 11 house points for the assignment titled,"A Letter Home".Feedback note for me from the Professor for the assignment reads,"Excellent work this year! The PTNS team is happy to know that you enjoyed your first year. Your essays have been incredibly detailed. This one in particular shows a thorough understanding of the concepts you've learned and for that I'd like to award you 1 extra credit point. We look forward to your work in PTNS 201!".
From Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Glass and Sand Exploration".No feedback note on my essay for the assignment for me from the Professor.
From Potions Professor,Professor Draekon-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"In the Middle of My Thoughts".Feedback note on my essay for the assignment for me from the Professor reads,"Excellent treatment of your patient!".
From History of Magic Professor,Professor Everby-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Land of the Old and New".No feedback note from the Professor for me for the assignment.
From History of Magic Professor,Professor Everby-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay on the assignment titled,"Religion Research Paper".Feedback note on my essay for the assignment for me from the Professor reads,"This sounds like an interesting religion and I hope you enjoyed researching it. Great job!".
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1140.
Important Events Today:-Today was a study leave day for the final examinations.It is Saturday and a holiday but most students in the first year of Hogwarts including me spent our time studying and practising magic taught in class for our final examinations.
I updated on my magical social media wall with a post containing the following text:-"I would like to make some comparisons between wizarding and muggle subjects(This is not a real comparison or based on any fact or reality but just based on how it felt like to study these subjects):-
Transfiguration:-Muggle physics
Potions:-Muggle chemistry
Herbology:-Muggle botany
History of Magic:-Muggle history
Astronomy:-Muggle mathematics(yeah I know,muggles have astronomy,but I just said that this subject felt most like doing school level mathematics,especially geometry).
Flying:-Muggle sports and games and physical education.
Charms:-nothing like any subject of muggles,but could be closely drawn to English grammar,with respect to it's common rules for all spells such as spell components and pronunciation and Latin,which are also applicable to spells in other subjects,just like English Grammar is applicable to other subjects.
DADA:-nothing like any subject of muggles,but could be most closely drawn to English Literature.This is because DADA tells us about dark magic,like a dark creed,most enjoyable like a story,that we can practically participate in and partake of.".
I also posted the following on my magical social media wall:-"My favourite subjects from most to least until now at Hogwarts:-
5.History of Magic
Rose Peterson bombarded my magical social media with numerous likes on my posts on my magical social media wall and my comments on my own posts or elsewhere,until she had liked everything that I ever posted or commented in the magical social media.Then she invited me to join a group at Hogwarts run by Professor Plumb,known as "House Points Competition Group",which awards gold medals to the students who are part of the group and win the most number of house points in a month.I decided to join the group and sent a joining request to Professor Plumb who accepted my joining request and let me into the group.As an initial entry,at the beginning of each month,all students in the group are required to inform the number of house points earned by the student until then to Professor Plumb in the group and that is subtracted from the house points earned by the student until the end of that month,and this difference is taken as the student's score,and the student with the highest score is awarded the gold medal.Students who do not inform the number of house points earned by themselves until then at the beginning of the month to Professor Plumb in the group are not considered for the gold medal.I informed the number of house points earned by me until then to Professor Plumb in the group this morning.
Rose also showed me her progress on her book "Mysteries of Hogwarts",which I was anyway already following,by reading it daily in my dorm at bedtime from my dorm bookshelf,and I was happy for her and congratulated her and she was elated too.We had a lot of conversations about the further updating of the book and it's printed version as well,with me giving her some suggestions.
A Ravenclaw first year girl named Arlo saw my magical photographs on my magical social media and said that she saw all of them and really liked them.She also followed me on magical social media and I followed her back.I stalked her magical social media profile and found that all the six things she claimed to like under a heading about the things that she likes in her backstory were the same as the things I like.I was elated and both owled her saying,and told her,that she must be me from a parallel universe telling her about what I just mentioned to have found on stalking her magical social media and also telling her that we should keep in touch.She replied back saying that she would then keep bothering me by talking to me about one of the things she likes and asked me for tips for life at Hogwarts and said that we could be friends.I replied that that would not bother me at all and that I would rather love it and gave her my best tips.We had a pleasant conversation and became friends.Rose piped in in between as they are both future healers and Arlo had a friendly and pleasant conversation with Rose,and Arlo and Rose became friends too.