Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 12 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 25
The First Year Charms Final Term Examination
It was held in the Charms classroom with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg,after Professor Cassandra cast some anti-cheating charms.We were strictly told by Professor Cassandra to not cheat during the exam and were reminded of our honor and that it is appreciated.The anti-cheating charms were strictly kept in place during the entire exam.It involved answering a question paper headed "Final Exam" that had a lot of multiple choice questions and a few open answer questions set from all the lessons taught to us in Charms classes until now,and it had so many questions or so I felt,that I forgot to count how many were there.It also had a question that had a practical part involved in answering it.The practical part in answering the question was to make a pineapple do a tap-dance on Professor Cassandra's desk using one or more spells taught to us until now in our Charms classes and the question had to be then answered like the other open answer questions by writing a story,with all related relevant information regarding Charms,on how we performed the practical part.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be easy as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for Charms and other subjects at Hogwarts,however,I also found some questions in the question paper to be highly conceptual and those are the ones I am worried about,though I answered those to the best of my ability and also answered the others correctly or so I think.We were given blank parchments to write our answers in.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and checked all my answers after writing them.I feel quite good about the exam,except being slightly worried about my answers to the questions I found to be highly conceptual.At the end of the exam,we were required to do one last Charms assignment for the purpose of the First Year Charms Final Term evaluation.This assignment was actually a students' feedback assignment headed "Year One Evaluation",and we were told that this assignment will not affect our First Year Charms grades or our First Year Course Average for Charms.The assignment involved going to a separate place as guided,wherein we were given feedback questions and questions asking our suggestions and feedback on,and our opinion about,the First Year Charms classes course,to answer anonymously.We were asked to do it honestly and informed that it would remain anonymous even when our answers would be read.After answering the questions,we were magically given a secret paraphase to reproduce on a parchment to be submitted by us for the assignment,to confirm that we provided our feedback as required.I provided my feedback honestly,about how I felt about the First Year Charms classes course,and most of it or almost all of it was positive,and I also provided suggestions and answered all the questions honestly,and then recieved a secret paraphrase which I jotted down in the parchment for the assignment and then submitted the parchment to our Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra,for the assignment as required.
The First Year Herbology Final Term Examination
It was held in the Herbology Greenhouse One with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our Herbology Professor,Professor Aspen,and involved answering a 33 question question paper headed "HERB 101 Final" with multiple choice and open short answer questions set from all the lessons except the last lesson taught to us in Herbology classes until now.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be quite hard as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for Herbology and other subjects at Hogwarts.We were given blank parchments to write our answers on.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and checked all my answers twice after writing the exam and feel quite good about the exam.
Owls Recieved:-None.
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1172.
Important Events Today:-No important events happened today.