Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Day 15 after Christmas vacations

Chapter 28



The First Year History of Magic Final Term Examination

It was held in the History of Magic classroom with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our History of Magic Professor,Professor Everby.It involved answering a question paper headed "HoM 101 Final" that had a lot of open answer questions set from all the lessons except the last lesson taught to us in History of Magic classes until now.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be medium as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for History of Magic and other subjects at Hogwarts,but the exam was very lengthy and most of the open answers required very long to quite long answers to be written.It was quite exhausting to write such long answers to so many questions.I also found some of the questions to be a bit conceptual as well.The exhaustion of writing such a lengthy exam made me forget to count the number of questions on the question paper.We were given blank parchments to write our answers in.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and checked all my answers after writing them.I feel moderately good about the exam.At the end of the exam,we were required to do one last History of Magic assignment for the purpose of the First Year History of Magic Final Term evaluation.This assignment was actually a students' feedback assignment headed "HoM 101 Evaluation",and we were told that this assignment will not affect our First Year History of Magic grades or our First Year Course Average for History of Magic.The assignment involved going to a separate place as guided,wherein we were given feedback questions asking our feedback and suggestions on,and our opinion about,the First Year History of Magic classes course,to answer anonymously.We were informed that it would remain anonymous even when our answers would be read.After answering the questions,we were given a separate parchment on which we were required to fill in an option saying that we answered the feedback questions for the assignment,and then the parchment was required to be submitted by us for the assignment,to confirm that we provided our feedback as required,and this confirmation would also help us get exactly full marks or 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"HoM 101 Evaluation".I provided my feedback honestly,about how I felt about the First Year History of Magic classes course,and most of it or almost all of it was positive,and I also answered all the other feedback questions honestly,and then filled in the option as required on the separate parchment for the assignment and submitted it.


The First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination

It was held in the Transfiguration classroom with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell.It involved answering a 15 question question paper headed "Final Exam" that had a few multiple choice questions and a lot of open answer questions set from all the lessons taught to us in Transfiguration classes until now and also involved writing an optional essay part of the exam.I found the difficulty level of the question paper headed "Final Exam" to be medium as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for Transfiguration and other subjects at Hogwarts.We were given blank parchments to write our answers to the questions in the question paper in.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and checked all my answers after writing them.I feel quite good about the part of the exam in which we had to answer the question paper headed "Final Exam".The optional essay part of the exam will not affect our overall Course Average for Transfiguration,as was told to us during the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination.However,it will help in the final evaluation of our performance in Transfiguration in our first year at Hogwarts and will also give us house points for it,as was told to us during the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination.The optional essay part of the exam had three optional essay questions,one or more of which could be attempted for the exam.The three optional essay questions were headed "Final Essay Option One","Final Essay Option Two" and "Final Essay Option Three".We were given three blank parchments to write our essays on.We were told that the ones who wanted to attempt any one essay question could use one blank parchment to write their essay for their chosen essay question and submit it and submit the remaining two parchments completely blank,the ones who wanted to attempt any two essay questions could use two blank parchments to write their two essays for their two respective chosen essay questions,one in each,and submit them,and submit the remaining parchment completely blank and the ones who wanted to attempt all the three essay questions could use all the three blank parchments to write their three essays for the three respective essay questions,one in each,and submit them.I found that the first essay question headed "Final Essay Option One" had an easy level of difficulty,the second essay question headed "Final Essay Option Two" had a medium level of difficulty and the third essay question headed "Final Essay Option Three" was the hardest and had the maximum level of difficulty among the three.I chose to attempt all the three essays,but decided to attempt the second essay question headed "Final Essay Option Two" first,as I felt that that essay question had the level of difficulty I could best match to obtain the best possible grade,among the three essay questions,according to myself.Once I finished attempting it,I attempted the first essay question headed "Final Essay Option One" second,as I felt that that essay question was easy enough to give my brain some rest to be able to properly attempt the hardest essay question to the best of my ability,after it.I attempted the third essay question headed "Final Essay Option Three" last,as attempting that essay question last helped me to prepare my mind and brain to match the difficulty level of the third essay question headed "Final Essay Option Three" and also took off a lot of pressure from my mind as it made the third essay question headed "Final Essay Option Three" the last essay question to be answered by me among the three.After I finished attempting all the three questions,I felt relieved at having finished my First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination.I feel quite good about all the three essays I wrote for the three respective essay questions,as I wrote all the three essays to the best of my capability and I think that all the three essays turned out quite good for my capabilities.


Owls Recieved:-None.


House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1172.


Important Events Today:-No important events happened today.

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