Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Day 2

Chapter 3

Good morning,it's a beautiful day,because my day started with recieving an owl from Professor Robert Plumb about my last lesson's essay assignment about NASA's failed missions to Mars.I did well like I was expecting,I recieved a 100 on my essay and 10 points for Gryffindor.

Heading to breakfast at the Great Hall.Let me describe the day's weather through the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall.In the muggle world,we would have to make the ceiling out of transparent glass to be able to see the real sky through the ceiling and know about the weather.But,the glass would shatter and break in heavy rain or get heated up in bright sunlight making it hot like the greenhouses,or get covered in snow.However,the Hogwarts Great Hall ceiling is enchanted to look exactly like the real sky outside and mimic the weather.It is not made of glass but is a real ceiling,and performs all the normal functions of a ceiling,in addition to being enchanted to look exactly like the real outside sky at any time.It appears the weather at Hogwarts today is pleasant,though its summer,some rain(the pattering of which on my window woke me up this morning)in the morning has brought the temperature down.Breakfast is well laid out at the four house tables,the elves have again done a good job,there's bacon,eggs,kippers,sausages,fried tomatoes,mash,cereal and cornflakes with milk,porridge,toast,jam,marmalade,ketchup,coffee,orange juice and pumpkin juice.Yesterday,I had finished breakfast with two pieces of toast,jam,marmalade,a few  sausages,two eggs and a cup of coffee,this is my usual breakfast and most resembles the kind of breakfast I have at home.So,I am going to be choosing to have these things from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall on most days.Today,however,I am a few minutes late to breakfast,(I got caught up in re-reading my astronomy essay and mentally appreciating myself for the essay and the good grade),so I decide to go with porridge from the tureens,scrambled eggs,bacon and orange juice to finish my breakfast quickly.All the food items I mentioned having eaten today or earlier for breakfast here are great to taste,the elves I must say,are great chefs.

Breakfast is almost over,here comes the owl post.There's a letter from home asking how I am,whether I am liking it at Hogwarts and sending their greetings,I am going to write back soon.I was awaiting an owl from my Charms professor or her assistants because I am eager to know my essay assignment's grading.But there appears to be no more owls for me.There are no owls from the people I approached and tried to be friends with,either.No response to the owl I sent to a member of my dorm room either,greeting her with a hello and introducing myself.Thats very disappointing,I totally need more friends.Maybe,they are just busy and hence never noticed my owls or didnt get the time to write back to me.I am going to try a little harder today to make friends and look for some people who are actively walking around here,taking classes and looking for friends,just like me.

Going back to my dorm room to pick up my quills and parchment and then heading off to class.I believe I have Potions and Defence Against The Dark Arts today,with Flying in the afternoon.Though I am scared about flying,the other two appear to be very interesting and I am totally looking forward to my first classes in these subjects.

So,I just had my first Defence Against the Dark Arts class by Professor Jericho Penrose.Professor Jericho Penrose is a Slytherin,the Slytherin Head of House,and has quite a backstory,if you check his social media page,you will see that he has an interesting background with a daring and challenge taking personality,and also a bullied childhood,and his introduction to magic school and relation to magic since his young years is quite interesting too.He has been an outstanding student scoring "O" s in all of his subjects,he told us the story of him being an Auror,having lots of adventures as an Auror,getting bored of the same old cases and life as an Auror,and wanting to do something daring when he got an opportunity to teach in Hogwarts,his social media says that though he had some difficulties in the beginning with his teaching job,he tackled it head first with his daring personality and got good at it.I wanted to see how his daring personality plays out in affecting his demeanor in class,but he appeared to just be strict and have a self-proud streak and also very passionate about teaching.I followed him on social media,just now.My first social media friend at Hogwarts,Lily Lavender happens to be his Professor's assistant(I am not expecting any free grade modifications without hard work,though).The first class was an introductory class and we got to know about the definition of dark magic,its types and the different kinds of dark spells and their definitions,how much we will be able to learn and how much of the knowledge of Dark arts we will have access to,and how much is acceptable legally,we were told about the consequences of being too interested in the Dark Arts,and the lesson also included a brief history of how the wizard corrupted by the Dark Arts caused some major disturbances and lost his body,yes the infamous Voldemort.The lesson also let us know that in first year we will be studying some dark spells and dark creatures.We then learnt about Lumos and Nox again.The lesson was interesting and Professor Penrose has had an interesting life too,quite an inspiration for studying Defense Against the Dark Arts.The lesson concluded with a multiple choice and short answer  quiz,which Professor Penrose strictly told us to solve without referring to the lesson notes.I must admit I didnt do well because I forgot the definitions of jinx,hex and curse,and made one or two more mistakes(though I once again read up the same from the notes after submitting the quiz).I do not remember being told if the lesson is retakeable.I am awaiting my grades,anyway.I shall retake the quiz after grading,if possible.We also got asked to do an optional essay assignment with a 200 word limit or maybe a minimum 200 word count(I dont remember) on our opinion on the legality of the Dark Arts,though it could have been interesting,I felt like I had not much to say except the Dark Arts should always be kept illegal and controlled by the laws to a great extent.So,I decided to skip the assignment,so,hey Gryffindor,sorry for not getting us the house points there.I sneaked back here to the library to write more in my diary throughout the day.I had left my diary in the library overnight(yes I admit I left it on purpose)and I sneakily left my diary here again before heading to Defence Against the Dark Arts class,exactly on one of the bookshelves,among the other books,hoping to see how popular it has become.I admit I really enjoyed it when my diary was accidentally read yesterday and look forward to gathering more readers.Today,my diary seems to have acquired quite many fingerprints and I am glad its this way.I can no longer distinguish my own fingerprints on the edges from the fingerprints of others,because there are a lot of them,but while I keep writing this,and while my diary stays in the library,you can enjoy reading it and I can enjoy sharing.

An owl came right over while I was preparing to finish writing and close my diary for now to leave for class,and it had a bundle of messages.Then came another and another,and hey presto,I have three owls with their messages to read.The first owl appears to be from Lacey Lestrange,a new Slytherin student sending me a hi,saying she is new here,and welcoming me to Hogwarts,awesome,I am happy to get approached by people as I am looking to make friends.I check her out on social media and her profile picture looks like she is a serious,quiet,troubled looking girl with a calm,mysterious but silently competent demeanor,I have learnt the hard way to not judge by appearances,she may be completely different from the way I am describing her profile picture,but relax,I was just doing a self assigned "describe the picture" assignment and hoping to make a "to be not considered real" lightly taken first impression of her from her profile picture,but she seems to have gotten photographed her social media profile picture by the same photographers who came to photograph mine standing in front of the Hogwarts castle,because I recognize the background props from their studio,thats interesting,I grab a parchment and write back to her via the same owl,saying hii and welcome to her too,and admire her profile picture saying its from the same place where I got the photography appointment for mine.The second owl is from my Herbology professor,Professor Aspen and his team,the message says I got awarded a 100 marks each and thus 10 points each for Gryffindor for my herbology introductory essay assignment and my herbology objective assignment(The groundwork quiz),wow,so I really did well.There,Gryffindor,we go,team.I can now mentally forgive myself for ruining my first Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz,I know I messed up really bad in it,but it was probably mostly because of mental exhaustion leading me to be less concentrating and also it was my first class,I promise to do better in Defense Against the Dark Arts class next time.Though I understand its not necessary to excel in every class,and people can have their weak subjects just like they can have their strong ones,I still think I can do better next time because I found the Defense Against the Dark Arts class interesting,not boring at all.The third owl is from my Astronomy professor Robert Plumb and his team,saying I got a 100 on my Muggle Astro tools quiz which was awaiting grading,well,great,I think my day is catching up to my need for happiness.

Heading off to my next class which is Potions,will be back soon to write my diary.

Hey,I came back from Potions class,and it was exciting.I got to see Professor Draekon and realized I may have seen him before,probably have seen him in the Hogwarts castle corridor near the library when I just dropped the stray Amortentia bottle I had found lying there.It was probably him because that's what he looks like,always wearing a black cape with a hood or a black jacket or a black hoodie and carrying books under his arms and walking around with an authoritarian attitude and demeanor.He seems to be quite a nice person though,even though he seemed to be scary at first glance.He did not scold us even once during class and though he has strict rules in classroom for potion making and assignments as well,he seems to be quite a friendly personality by nature,despite everything I initially imagined he could be.He studied from the Mahoutokoro school of magic,as he said in class,and I also followed him on social media,immediately,and got to know that he has a background in the Muggle sciences branch of Muggle chemistry as well.I find him quite hot from his looks,but like his personality as well.I hope I am not developing a silly crush,like a school girl crush,on my professor.The dungeon room where we had our class was darkly lit and it was cold in there,and it was close to the Slytherin common room for sure,because I noticed a lot of Slytherin students coming out of nowhere and disappearing along the corridors,probably to different classes,while the others appeared from the staircase instead.Also after class,the Slytherins just disappeared into nowhere while others made their way towards the staircase to leave the floor.I would like to see the Slytherin common room closely and maybe even visit it someday,but not before I have made some friends in the Hogwarts castle.Today in potions class,we were given an introductory lesson on the history of potions,and how well or not the muggles tolerate it and the reasons behind their tolerance levels,a little briefing on how to act in potions class and how to do our assignments and also a briefing of the syllabus we have to cover in potions first year.Our Professor highly recommended a book,Magical Drafts And Potions by Professor Draekon himself,though he said we will not need it for potions class in first year and its not mandatorily required to be read.But since I am in the library,I may as well pick it up and add it to my bookshelf and read it whenever I study potions or feel like reading it,as he said it is highly recommended.So,I found the book and added it to my bookshelf and read its description on the backside of the cover page,which talks about Arsenius Jigger,a notable potioneer,a former Ministry of Magic employee and a DADA(Defense Against the Dark Arts,lets call it DADA from now onwards,cz its too long a name)professor at Hogwarts once upon a time,being the original author of the book,and this current book being the third printing of the original version,and also implies that the book may have been edited by Professor Draekon with appropriate footnotes as needed,though most of the content is same as in the original version.I am looking forward to reading it.At the end of Potions class today,we were given two assignments,the first one a quiz on the introductory lesson,which I completed and submitted and hope to do moderately well in,awaiting its grading,and the second one an optional essay assignment titled "What I Do Best" asking us to describe our skills,any exposure we had to potions in the past,what we understand from "potions" and how we think these classes are going to be,and our expectations from the class stating what potions we would like to learn about in this year or in the next years.I wrote the essay with full enthuisiasm and submitted it,I am hoping for the best regarding its grading,I hope the Professor and his team like my essay.I also had a little question lingering in my mind regarding my own tolerance to magical potions being a muggle born witch,and whether or not muggle born witches and wizards have no or less tolerance to or any adverse effects from magical potions,compared to other pure-blood or half-blood witches and wizards,because in today's potions class we discussed about muggles having lost tolerance to magical potions over time due to lack of exposure especially after the International Statute of Secrecy of 1689,and also about muggles living in completely non magical areas having less tolerance to magic compared to muggles in areas where a lot of magical energy is around.So,I owled my question to Professor Draekon and also mentioned it in my first quiz assignment in the space that was provided in it for any notes I would like to add to the assignment before submitting it,I hope the professor and his team see my question soon and answer it for me soon cz I am really curious about it.

I have an owl from Lacey Lestrange saying that she did get her profile picture photographed from the same place I mentioned earlier.I owl her back saying how she is,if she can show me the Slytherin common room one day and I can show her the Gryffindor one and if we can be friends.

Let me go down to the Great Hall to have lunch and I still have flying classes to attend today,before I can sneak back to the Gryffindor common room and enjoy the cozy atmosphere in there.Leaving my diary here on the bookshelf,as usual.

Okay,I am back here to the library after lunch.So,I went down to the Great Hall for lunch and sat at my long Gryffindor house table as usual,below the red and gold Gryffindor banners,among many other Gryffindors.I saw Professor Draekon sitting at the head of the Gryffindor table,eating his lunch.I gathered he is the Head of House for Gryffindor and then noticed his name on the largest Gryffindor banner with Head of House written under it.Thats interesting,I am looking forward to impressing him with more House Points and now I have yet another reason to behave and study well,especially in his class.That reminds me I have only 69 House points to my name as of yet,but that is okay.Its only my second day at Hogwarts and I can do better and some of my assignments await grading.I glare at the banners of different houses and the house coloured gems in the giant hourglasses beneath them.It appears Hufflepuff is in the lead with 285,829 points,Ravenclaw is following closely second with 284,448 points and Gryffindor appears to be in the third position with 213,278 points while Slytherin seems to be doing badly being the last with 209,568 points.I feel proud of my house for atleast not being the last one in the race for house points and it seems like the age old traditional rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin(though things have become more friendly nowadays and noone cares about the traditional rivalries between the houses)has been quenched by Gryffindor being in the lead over Slytherin.However,I would like to see my house on top by the end of the year.I will work hard for it and try to contribute as much as possible,now also for my new crush Professor Draekon.By the way,I notice that the largest house banners of all the other three houses also have the names of their Head of Houses written on them,and decide to take a look.The Slytherin Head of House is Professor Jericho Penrose,our DADA professor,the Ravenclaw Head of House is Professor Anne,who apparently teaches Care of Magical Creatures as I just discovered by stalking her on social media and the Hufflepuff Head of House is Professor Soleil,the Muggle studies Professor,(I stalked her as well on social media and followed her)and she appears beautiful in her social media profile picture so I crane my neck to look at her at the head of the Hufflepuff table.Sure enough,she is present there,looks as beautiful as her profile picture,a redhead with glowing skin,sparkling and smart looking eyes,chomping on food,eating quickly and chatting jovially to some of the students sitting close to her.I envy those students immediately for having such great company.I turn my attention back to my crush Professor Draekon at our table.He looks Western,and a mix of Japanese and American,but he looks more Western to me.His social media page says he had a Japanese mother and an American father,interesting,I need to stop stalking him on magical social media and actually look at him.He is chomping on his lunch uninterestedly with a serious face,oblivious to the roar of thousands of students talking in the Great Hall and the clatter of cutlery and plates and other utensils as everybody is eating.I wave at him with a faint smile,trying my best to smile and not close down my smile due to fear and my nervousness but he doesn't notice,he keeps looking elsewhere dreamily and keeps eating.Great,now I have another reason to work on my attention span because I will have to do well in Potions.I turn back to my food embarassed,hoping I didn't draw the attention of other students who may start teasing me if they noticed,and start eating the chicken wings enjoying their crispiness and crunch them slowly,with ketchup on the side,and leave Professor Draekon alone with his thoughts.I loved the chicken wings,they were delicious,well seasoned,juicy and tender on the inside and I lick my fingers to keep their lingering taste in my mouth for as long as possible and savor them.Thankyou elves,once again,you did a great job.I chug a glass and a half of water and now I am feeling full and mentally thank the elves,still sitting at the table and then slowly get up and proceed to the nearest bathroom to wash my hands and get a pee before I rush back to the library to write my new feelings in my diary.Now,I must go back to my dorm to leave my parchment and quills back in my trunk,and change into some fresh,comfortable and airy clothes and tie back my hair to go to flying class.See you soon,diary.I hope I will enjoy the flying class.

I came back from flying class,and picked up my diary from the library cz I am heading back to the dorm for a cozy evening and some diary writing.I met Lacey Lestrange on the way,quite nearby the Gryffindor common room,and immediately recognized her,she recognized me too and we had a quick chat.She says she recieved my owl and was going to write back if she hadnt met me.She says she is doing good,inquires about my health and we exchange a few pleasantries,and she agrees to be my friend.Yay,I finally have a new friend,I am so happy to have my first proper friend in Hogwarts.She seems calm,thoughtful and kind and thus I think she will make a great friend,even if she is in Slytherin.I am looking forward to this friendship and I hope she is too.She tells me about the way to the Slytherin common room and invites me there when I have free time,and being close to the Gryffindor common room,I take her with me into the Gryffindor common room(I whispered the password to the Fat Lady cz I dont have the authority to give away passwords to members of other houses yet,even if I trust her)and I show her the doors of the different dorms I tried to join and left.She asks for a great dorm to visit to make great new friends and I suggest my own dorm Gryffindorm,the one which I share with a few other people and the one I finally settled in after looking in quite a few for like minded people,and give her my dorm number.(Its cool that now Hogwarts has relaxed its traditional rules a lot more compared to when Harry Potter was in Hogwarts,now dorms are available to be self chosen depending upon the friends we would like to share it with,can be self made and self created just by choosing an empty dorm room and decorating it to own taste and waiting for others to join or staying alone,and dorms are now leavable as well)I invite her to come whenever she pleases and ask me to let her in.She says she will be happy to and excuses herself to go complete her pending assignments and take a rest,I shake her hand and say goodbye and tell her I am looking forward to seeing her in classes as well,and she takes her leave,for the moment.I am soon going to tell her about my diary and hope she reads it too just like the others and likes it,and I am soon going to share about my crush on Professor Draekon with her as well,but for now,I think it is too early to do so.

Okay,now I am going to describe my Flying class.It was taken by Professor Madame Eira Fox,she is an ex-Ministry Employee or MLE,in the Ministry of Broom Regulatory Control and a Hogwarts Professor as well.She is attractive,has keen fox like eyes,just like her name,and purple silky looking straight hair.After class,I totally stalked her on social media to know more about her and followed her there and she didnt disappoint.Other than being an ex Ministry Member and a Hogwarts professor,she is a very interesting personality as well with one of her interesting quirks being singing to the Muggle band of Backstreet boys in the Hogwarts corridors.She will definitely be interesting to get to know,and there are interesting things to know about her as well on her social media,but for that you have to stalk her on social media like I did.Her keen eyes are very attractive and I find her very intriguing and interesting and if I had  a crush on anyone other than Professor Draekon and after Professor Cassandra Virneburg,it would be her.Well,maybe you will like her as well and develop a crush on her,but I will leave that to you to decide and get to know her,and of course in that case,it will be great if you attend her classes.

So,my first Flying class was an introductory lesson about the rules and requirements we are expected to follow in the class,and why they are important and what we will be learning this year.We were told about the assignments we will be recieving,the pattern of examinations throughout the year and we were also told that we will not be prevented from going to second year without passing Flying class,but if we do not pass the first year Flying class,we cannot take further flying lessons until we pass our first year by retaking the examinations.Also,only those students who have already passed first year Flying class are allowed to bring and use their own broomsticks in school and fly around on their own without being under supervision.Any first year student is not allowed to bring their own broomstick to class or use it,or to fly without being under supervision.Broomsticks and flying pads are provided only in class whenever required to first years,and anyone who hasnt passed the first year flying exam must fly under supervision even in second year for Quidditch practice until the firsr year Flying exam is retaken and passed.At the end of the class,we were administered a quiz on the introductory lesson which I hopefully did quite well and it awaits grading and an optional essay assignment on our previous experience and background of flying,whether we have a previous experience of flying or not,and it had two separate prompts either of which could be attempted,one for the ones with previous experience in flying and one for the ones without.I,being a muggle-born,and having no previous experience of flying had to choose the second prompt and write my essay based on it,the prompt included points to be elaborated on like introducing myself,whether I had any experience even remotely related to flying and to describe it,how I do feel about the prospect of flying for the first time,what challenges do I think I may face in the flying class and what I am looking forward to from the flying class.I wrote the essay to the best of my ability and submitted it,hoping to get a good grade,I am eagerly waiting for the grades to arrive.I am honestly looking forward to slowly shed my fear of flying and slowly take to the skies,though I havent been very excited about flying class and rather scared since morning until I actually attended it.

Heading down to supper in the Great Hall after which I shall leave my diary in the library and go back to my dorm to read the two books I brought from the library,Magical Drafts And Potions,and a History of Magic.

The Great Hall is beautifully decorated with magically floating candles and the usual chatter is in the air.The Heads of Houses are at their respective House tables,but I do not see Professor Draekon.I am curious,but he probably must just be busy.I help myself generously to steak and kidney pie,sausages and mashed potatoes.I skipped on the pumpkin juice as usual because I dont like it and skipped the dessert as well because there are pumpkin pasties which I dont like as well.Having finished dinner and washed up at the nearest bathroom,I decide to head up to the library,but strangely enough an owl post awaits me in the corridor itself outside the bathroom at this time of the night.And to my great delight,its from Professor Draekon.So,he works in the evenings and late into the night,since he chose to answer my question via owl this late at night,but does he usually skip on his dinner as well,I am curious.That isnt good for him if he does that though.I have butterflies in my stomach and with great excitement and curiosity,I open the owl post and see the message Professor Draekon has sent me,it perfectly answers my question and makes it all clear to me.I am very happy.I quickly pull out quill and parchment and write a reply to Professor Draekon saying thankyou and that I understood perfectly.I wonder if I should try to get more friendly with him and ask him if I can talk to him more or can we be friends,or should I ask him to read my book but I realize that would be too daring or worse still if I should just tell him that he is my crush but I dont dare to do any of these things ultimately as he is my Professor and I do not know him well or if he will take nicely to a student wanting to talk more outside academics to him,especially since he has such a busy schedule,or flirting with him.So,I just conclude my message with "I am looking forward to more fun and magic in your class" and tie it with some string to the same owl's leg and send the owl back with my message in the post.By the way,Professor Draekon's answer and my replies seem to have been updated on his social media wall as well,so if you are interested in my question and its answer,or in Professor Draekon,you can always go check his social media wall for his answer.

After all this excitement,I suddenly decide I need to catch up on the latest news in and around Hogwarts,instead of going back to the library,so I decide to explore around the Great Hall instead and find the Hogwarts newsroom which has been newly built in Hogwarts for the newer generations and did not exist in the Hogwarts castle earlier,when Harry Potter and the rest of the golden trio and their contemporaries walked around the castle.This room has a newsboard which is mostly used by the Hogwarts administration and professors to talk about new exciting news,or to put notices about professor assistant applications(currently there's one up there for students who already excel in their studies and wish to help Hogwarts by being a Professor Assistant),Professor applications and to put up news about the new rooms being added or any old rooms demolished,any changes around the castle that the students dont know about,or any improvements made in the castle,any magic gone astray causing inconveniences to the students,any fixes of inconveniences to Hogwarts students and professors alike,that havent been informed or any new rules and regulations around the castle as well.Currently,the newsboard has four items on,with two newspieces and two notices on it,with a brief description and headline on top of each,and which can be opened simply by a single tap on the top of the notice or newspiece with a wand to read the entire inner content,which is in detail.The first newspiece in its description on top describes that Hogwarts students have launched their own streaming platform as they wanted to write original version stories of their own.I am impressed by this.The next two are notices one by the Hogwarts professors for Professor Assistant applications being open and one by the Hogwarts administration itself for Professor Applications for Hogwarts being open.I am looking forward to excelling in my studies and being able to apply for the post Professor assistant in the future,especially if its for Professor Draekon.I would love to be Professor Draekon's assistant and help him in teaching potions,though I still dont feel qualified enough for the job.Okay,enough rambling because its clear that my crush on him is making me associate everything to him all the time and think about him all along.I did not open any of the items on the newsboard until now.I opened the last item,because it seemed interesting as it talked about certain patchings done in and around Hogwarts.I lightly tapped it with my wand and it flipped open and began to unroll into a long piece of paper until I could read the entire inner content and it talked about little inconveniences being fixed in and around Hogwarts,such as the dorms being made leavable(earlier students entering a dorm couldnt leave as easily)and other dorm rules being fixed.There were certain fixes done in the library too,and it says that the library is still a work in progress.

After checking out the newsroom,I head back towards the library but spot a couple of students playing Hogwartle in the little abandoned corridor near the newsroom.Its an interesting game and the new craze among students in Hogwarts as I am able to catch from the conversations I hear around me all day long.So,I decide to try a shot at the game before going back to the library.Its a five-letter word guessing game just like the muggle game Wordle.The game gives you clues on whether the position and the existence of the letter in the word to be guessed is correct,and using those clues,the correct word must be guessed in a limited number of tries.However,Hogwartle is only different from Wordle in the words to be guessed being all names and important words from the books and movies regarding Harry Potter or related to Hogwarts in some way,and also the Hogwartle board is magically enchanted to give the clues in different colours instead of being computerized.I played the game and guessed the word Goyle,starting from Harry,by the second last try.It was fun to play.If you want to play Hogwartle,head straight to the little abandoned corridor near the Hogwarts newsroom to find the enchanted Hogwartle board and you can play alone if you want or you can always find some students available there to give you tough competition and turn it into a challenge to score more than each other or guess faster.I have never seen that corridor empty until now and I am glad I visited it to know what the craze is all about and also the newsroom.

After this,I head back to the library after the much long day,and leave my diary on the bookshelf as usual,in a conspicuous spot,hoping for more people to read it and turn it famous in school, and decide to go to my dorm to read Magical Drafts and Potions and A History of Magic until I fall asleep.I also mentally make a note to arrange some quills and parchment on the ready for tomorrow,in my dorm,before sleeping,as I have classes again tomorrow morning,I have my first morning classes of History of Magic and Transfiguration tomorrow,followed by the second class of Herbology in the afternoon after lunch.I am looking forward to all of these classes with equal excitement and curiosity.Good night,my diary,stay safe here in the library.Also,there will be a curfew after 10 pm as usual in the Hogwarts castle outside the common rooms,so I will not be able to come and check on you in the middle of the night,I will only see you next tomorrow morning at the earliest,so please do not fall into trouble until then.

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