Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Day 17 after Christmas vacations

Chapter 30



The First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination

It was held in the Astronomy Tower with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb.It involved answering a 25 question question paper headed "End-of-Year Exam" that had 25 open answer questions,most of them open short answer questions,set from all the lessons taught to us in Astronomy classes until now.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be easy as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for Astronomy and other subjects at Hogwarts.We were given blank parchments to write our answers in.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and checked all my answers after writing them.I feel quite good about the exam.There was no practical part of the First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination,which if there had been,would have to be conducted in the evening in the Astronomy Tower.I felt very much relieved after the exam at having finished the First Year Final Term Examinations of all subjects and at having only the First Year Final Term Examination results of all subjects except Flying,very much awaited by me,between today and being officially a second year student at Hogwarts.


Owls Recieved:-None.


House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1172.


Important Events Today:-As I had no studies to do in the evening because my Final Term Examinations of all subjects were over,and as I had no other plans for this evening,I spent the evening in the Gryffindor common room,planning for my second year at Hogwarts.I planned to bring a Comet 340 broomstick of my own to Hogwarts in my second year at Hogwarts,after buying it from Diagon Alley,along with a good broomstick servicing kit.I planned to buy a niffler and a pygmy puff as pets from the Magical Menagerie and Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes respectively and bring them to Hogwarts in my second year at Hogwarts.I decided to upload posts showing my newly bought broomstick,niffler and pygmy puff on my magical social media wall on the very first day at Hogwarts of me being a second year witch at Hogwarts.I also decided that I will no longer write a diary in my second year at Hogwarts,as I found writing a diary very tedious towards the end in my first year at Hogwarts.I decided that if I felt like it,I will record certain things about me and my experiences at Hogwarts in my second year at Hogwarts,in a book which I may or may not publish in the Hogwarts library.Ideas for writing different books in my second year at Hogwarts for publishing in the Hogwarts library raced in my mind such as writing a catalogue for the textbooks available in the Hogwarts library,writing a cookbook with wizarding world recipes that I know about arranged from A to Z,writing a book recording my exploration of the Hogwarts castle as a guide for the ones who need it to which places are found where and at which floors in the Hogwarts castle,writing a book listing and describing the different indoor as well as outdoor magical games and magical sports in the wizarding world that I know about arranged from A to Z,writing a book on the art of duelling and duelling charms and potions that can be used for duelling or offense or defense and other means of duelling and offense or defense,writing a book listing and describing the magical foods or the magical sweets and candies I know about in the wizarding world arranged from A to Z etc.I found most of these ideas silly and not upto the mark to be read a lot in the Hogwarts library or not very useful to anyone who has access to the Hogwarts library after thinking.Therefore,I discarded the ideas for that time but I may end up writing one or more of these books or writing a completely different book in my second year at Hogwarts but I know that I will definitely not write a diary as it is very tedious work to write a diary.I have had little sneak peeks of what we will get to study in the second year at Hogwarts and though I mostly liked what I came to know,most of it is still unknown to me.I am relieved to have finished my first year at Hogwarts except for the First Year Final Term Examination results of all subjects except Flying,anyway.I also had an idea for an open students' group of my own run by me in which I can hold competitions for the members except me for different awards or ranks for creating new magical objects with details of enchantments and magic involved in creation according to a format made by me,within limits of possibilities of magic,and names for the group.I may or may not put this idea into action in my second year at Hogwarts.I also thought and felt excited about the things I can do at Hogwarts in my second year at Hogwarts that are not allowed or not possible or not provided for first year students at Hogwarts to do at Hogwarts,such as bringing my own broomstick to school,bringing pets other than a cat or an owl or a toad,flying without supervision,playing Quidditch if I want(though I do not want to),riding in carriages driven by thestrals from the Hogsmeade station to the Hogwarts castle and possibly writing essays for essay assignments of which the grades are considered in the Course Average of the subject for which the assignment is to be taken.I also decided that I will be continuing our meetings for our students' group "Our Own Cozy Little Library Corner" even in my second year at Hogwarts and will continue to go on quests with it's members like I did in my first year at Hogwarts.I am very sure that I will put this decision of mine into action in my second year at Hogwarts,therefore,you must keep your eye on the book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" by Rose PETERSON,available in the Hogwarts library as 'The Mysteries of Hogwarts' by Rose PETERSON to know about my future quests with the members of the group,like I definitely will.Also,that means that Rose will definitely keep updating the book even in my second year at Hogwarts with our latest quests.You may get confused to see me and several others designated as first years at Hogwarts in the introduction and cover page of the book but that will only be because Rose first started writing the book when we were in our first year at Hogwarts.If you have entirely read this diary of mine until here,you know exactly what students' group,what quests and what book I am talking about. Most students in the same year as me at Hogwarts spent the evening relaxing or reading or chatting or socializing or playing indoor magical games.

I uploaded two posts on my magical social media wall after dinner today showing two different magical photographs of me,one a photograph of me exhausted after writing the First Year History of Magic Final Term Examination and the other a photograph of me exhausted as well as finally relieved after the First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination.Both the photographs were taken by Rose who was present at the scene at both times.I accompanied the first photograph I mentioned above with the following text on my magical social media wall:-"Today is the first evening after my First Year Final Term Examinations ended.Therefore,I am posting this magical photograph as a remembrance of my exhaustion after the aforesaid examinations for the subject of History of Magic.This magical photograph was taken by my best friend, Rose Peterson, and it shows me looking exhausted after I finished my First Year Final Term History of Magic Examination,as the question paper for the exam was very lengthy and exhausting,in my opinion,and I had to write quite lengthy answers for the questions in it.I am wearing my Gryffindor Hogwarts uniform and robes and have a quill,which I just used to write the exam,in my hand,in the photograph.I was standing in the History of Magic classroom where the exam was conducted when this photograph was taken and the History of Magic classroom is thus visible in the background of the photograph.I accompanied the photograph of me after the 

This magical photograph was developed by the expert magical photographers and portrait makers by the name of Wizarding World.com.".I accompanied the magical photograph of me exhausted as well as finally relieved after the First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination with the following text on my magical social media wall:-"Today is the first evening after my First Year Final Term Examinations ended.Therefore,I am posting this magical photograph as a remembrance of the aforesaid examinations.This magical photograph was taken by my best friend, Rose Peterson, and it shows me looking finally very relieved after I finished my First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination as it was the last examination I gave in my first year at Hogwarts.I am wearing my Hogwarts uniform and robes and have a quill,which I just used to write the exam,in my hand,in the photograph.I was standing at the top of the Astronomy Tower where the exam was conducted when this photograph was taken and a part of the Hogwarts castle is thus visible in the background of the photograph due to angles of photography.

This magical photograph was developed by the expert magical photographers and portrait makers by the name of Wizarding World.com.".

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