Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 18 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 31
From today onwards,I will be writing my diary a little differently.As there are clearly no more classes for me to take until I return to Hogwarts as a second year witch and as the only possibility of my house points further increasing is with the First Year Final Term Examination results of any of the first year subjects at Hogwarts except Flying until I return to Hogwarts as a second year witch and as the most important owls I recieve from now until I return to Hogwarts as a second year witch will be the ones bringing my First Year Final Term Examination results of any of the first year subjects at Hogwarts except Flying,I will only be writing about the kind of events that I used to write about under the heading of "Important Events Today" until now,that happen on each day,without any headings,at night before bedtime.My diary written in such a manner begins from after this writing.
Today,in the morning,there was great excitement in the Great Hall after breakfast as the owl post arrived.This was because today morning's owl post was supposed to bring the Final Term Examination results for all subjects except certain ones(for example,Flying classes in case of first year students at Hogwarts) for students of every year at Hogwarts except the Fifth Year and Seventh Year at Hogwarts as it was the O.W.L. results for the Fifth Year students at Hogwarts and the N.E.W.T. results for the Seventh Year students at Hogwarts.This meant that the Fifth Year and Seventh Year students at Hogwarts were even more excited than the students in other years at Hogwarts.These results,provided the students obtained passing grades in all subjects,except certain ones(for example,Flying classes in case of first year students at Hogwarts),mean that the students have officially been promoted to their next year at Hogwarts.I was also very excited as I too had been eagerly waiting for the owl post just like almost every student in the Great Hall this morning.While many students grabbed their owl posts and began to tear open the envelopes and open up the letters in their owl post in the Great Hall itself,I chose to carry my owl post to my dormitory to find my First Year Final Term Examination results of all subjects except Flying out,as I prefer solitude for most events important to me,whenever possible.I saw Rose and Lacey at their respective house tables in the Great Hall and waved to them,and they waved back,and while I saw Lacey opening her owl post in the Great Hall itself,I saw Rose heading towards the Ravenclaw tower with her owl post.I headed to my dorm with my owl post and as I reached,I sat on my four poster bed with my owl post in front of me on my bed and began to check out each owl post one by one.I had recieved seven envelopes and a parcel via my owl post this morning.Each envelope was from the Professor of one of the seven subjects,Astronomy,Charms,Defense Against the Dark Arts,Potions,History of Magic,Transfiguration and Herbology,and there was one envelope from each Professor who primarily taught me a subject at Hogwarts until now,except from the Flying class Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox.The parcel was from the Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb.I opened the parcel first and the contents were nothing but a tray of Honeydukes sweets.I laid out the envelopes in the order in which I recieved them this morning and read the letters inside the envelopes one by one.As it will be tedious to describe the event involving me reading these letters as these letters contain my results of the First Year Final Term Examinations of all subjects except Flying,I am only going to write down after this writing,the content of the letters,exactly reproduced,in single quotation marks under headings naming the subjects of which,the corresponding letters bring the First Year Final Term Examination results.
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your Potions "Potions 101 Final" exam as part of the First Year Potions Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Excellent work!!!
Below is your result for the First Year Potions Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 100 marks out of 100.
House Points Recieved- 10.
Potions First Year Course Average: 98% - O.
With pleasure,
Professor Draekon,
Potions Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved 96 marks out of 100 on and 9 house points for your Defense Against the Dark Arts "Final Examination" exam as part of the First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Outstanding work on your final! Well done! We look forward to your continued presence in our classroom!
Below is your result for the First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 96 marks out of 100.
House Points Recieved- 9.
Defense Against the Dark Arts First Year Course Average: 94% - O.
Remarks- Pass.
With pleasure,
Professor Jericho Penrose,
Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved 95 marks out of 100 on and 9 house points for your Charms "Final Exam" exam as part of the First Year Charms Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Well done but unfortunately you needed to use the Locomotion charm in addition to the levitation charm. We’re glad to have had you in class! See you next year!
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your submission of the Charms assignment titled, "Year One Evaluation". Please note that this assignment was designed by me to obtain anonymous feedback from my students regarding the First Year Charms Course for my own reasons. The 100 marks you recieved on this assignment only indicate that you reproduced the correct secret paraphrase on the parchment you submitted for this assignment, indicating that you completed the anonymously feedback giving exercise, which was part of the assignment. The only other possible grade on this assignment is 0 marks out of 100, which means that the student wrote a different secret paraphrase or no paraphrase on the parchment he or she submitted for the assignment, indicating that he or she did not complete the anonymously feedback giving exercise, which was part of the assignment. In such cases, I have awarded 0 house points for the assignment. I have awarded no house points to the students who did not take the assignment. The only other possible number of house points I have awarded for this assignment is 10. Therefore, please note that the grades obtained on this assignment do not affect your Charms First Year Course Average or your ability to pass the First Year Charms Course. However, I have awarded 10 house points for your time and effort spent towards completing the anonymously feedback giving exercise for the assignment. You will find these house points reflected in the hourglass of your house in the Great Hall and anywhere else that the house points earned by you for your house are indicated.These house points and the 100 marks you recieved on the assignment will also be reflected in your result below, as the assignment was part of the Charms Final Term evaluation for First Year.
Below is your result for the First Year Charms Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 195 marks out of 200.
House Points Recieved- 19.
Charms First Year Course Average: 98% - O.
Remarks- Pass.
With pleasure,
Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg,
Charms Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
History of Magic
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your History of Magic "HoM 101 Final" exam as part of the First Year History of Magic Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Very good job!
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your submission of the History of Magic assignment titled, "HoM 101 Evaluation". Please note that this assignment was designed by me to obtain anonymous feedback from my students regarding the First Year History of Magic Course for my own reasons. The 100 marks you recieved on this assignment only indicate that you correctly filled in the option on the parchment you submitted for this assignment, indicating that you completed the anonymously feedback giving exercise, which was part of the assignment. The only other possible grade on this assignment is 0 marks out of 100, which means that the student did not fill in the option on the parchment he or she submitted for the assignment, indicating that he or she did not complete the anonymously feedback giving exercise, which was part of the assignment. In such cases, I have awarded 0 house points for the assignment. I have awarded no house points to the students who did not take the assignment. The only other possible number of house points I have awarded for this assignment is 10. Therefore, please note that the grades obtained on this assignment do not affect your History of Magic First Year Course Average or your ability to pass the First Year History of Magic Course. However, I have awarded 10 house points for your time and effort spent towards completing the anonymously feedback giving exercise for the assignment. You will find these house points reflected in the hourglass for your house in the Great Hall and anywhere else that the house points earned by you for your house are indicated. These house points and the 100 marks you recieved on the assignment will also be reflected in your result below, as the assignment was part of the History of Magic Final Term evaluation for First Year.
Below is your result for the First Year History of Magic Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 200 marks out of 200.
House Points Recieved- 20.
History of Magic First Year Course Average: 98% - O.
Remarks- Pass.
With pleasure,
Professor Everby,
History of Magic Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your Herbology "HERB 101 Final" exam as part of the First Year Herbology Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Well done on completing your final!
Below is your result for the First Year Herbology Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 100 marks out of 100.
House Points Recieved- 10.
Herbology First Year Course Average: 93% - O.
With pleasure,
Professor Aspen,
Herbology Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your Transfiguration "Final Exam" exam as part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Well done and congratulations on completing TNFG-101! We'll see you next year!
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 13 house points for your essay for the optional essay question headed "Final Essay Option One" as part of the optional essay part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination. Feedback note on your essay for this essay question from me for you:- Excellent explanation of the Matchstick to Needle Transformation.
I love that you included definitions and explanations of qualitative and quantitative observations!
Extra credit was awarded for attention to detail, thoroughness, and a great teaching approach!
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 14 house points for your essay for the optional essay question headed "Final Essay Option Two" as part of the optional essay part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination. Feedback note on your essay for this essay question from me for you:- I enjoyed reading your story!
An exceptionally creative use of the spells we learned this year! Excellent!
I loved the inclusion of mistransfigurations and your use of the objects in unique ways. I was also very impressed with your quick thinking to use a variation of the Smoke to Dagger Transformation to cut your friend's cake!
Extra credit was awarded for detail, thoroughness, and the use of an extra spell. I also enjoyed reading your reflection at the end - nice touch. Wonderful work!
You recieved a 100 marks out of 100 on and 13 house points for your essay for the optional essay question headed "Final Essay Option Three" as part of the optional essay part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination. Feedback note on your essay for this essay question from me for you:- A very thorough and detailed analysis of possible exceptions to Gamp's Law.
You demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding of not only the natural laws of magic but various other aspects of magic as well, such as potions!
Extra credit was awarded for thoroughness, great cross-course knowledge inclusion, and the multitude of examples considered! Very impressive!
Please note that the optional essay part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination was optional and the grades obtained on it will not affect your Transfiguration First Year Course Average. However, the house points awarded for the part will be reflected in the hourglass for your house in the Great Hall and also anywhere else that the house points earned by you for your house are indicated. These house points and the 300 marks out of 300 you recieved, 100 marks out of 100 each, on the three optional questions as part of the optional essay part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination will also be reflected in your result below, as the optional essay part was nevertheless a part of the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination, despite being optional.
Below is your result for the First Year Transfiguration Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 400 marks out of 400.
House Points Recieved- 50.
Transfiguration First Year Course Average: 99% - O.
With pleasure,
Professor Mitchell,
Transfiguration Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
'Dear Ms. Hiya,
You recieved 100 marks out of 100 on and 10 house points for your Astronomy "End-of-Year Exam" exam as part of the First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination. Feedback note from me for you for this exam:- Well done. Help yourself to a sweet from the tray.
Congratulations on completing Astronomy 101!
Please find a tray of sweets in your owl post from me to enjoy alone or with your friends.
Below is your result for the First Year Astronomy Final Term Examination:-
Marks Obtained- 100 marks out of 100.
House Points Recieved- 10.
Astronomy First Year Course Average: 97% - O.
With pleasure,
Professor Robert Plumb,
Astronomy Professor,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'
I was overall very happy with my results that I had just recieved.As you may have noticed,my Course Average for the entire year for first year decreased in Flying class and Astronomy,increased in DADA and remained the same in History of Magic,Transfiguration,Potions,Charms and Herbology.As you may have also noticed,I recieved Outstanding grades in all my subjects in my first year at Hogwarts.I am thus quite happy about my grades.After checking out and contemplating my results that I had just recieved,I owled Lacey and Rose via Hedwig Two or Queenie asking them to meet me in the Hogwarts grounds.I,then,took the tray of Honeydukes sweets that I had recieved via owl post from Professor Robert Plumb and headed to the Hogwarts grounds.There were no Flying classes for any year going on in the Hogwarts grounds today as it was end of term for students of each and every year at Hogwarts.Lacey,Rose and I met in the Hogwarts grounds and talked about our First Year Final Term Examination results of all subjects.I told them about my results of the same and they told me and each other about their results of the same.From what we talked amongst ourselves,it appeared that Rose's performance in her first year at Hogwarts had been as good as mine and Lacey's had been worse in comparison to Rose's and mine.I,then,distributed the Honeydukes sweets from the tray I had taken to the grounds with me between Lacey and Rose after eating one myself.
I updated the following post on my magical social media wall this evening:-"My first year at Hogwarts has officially ended as my results of the First Year Final Term Examinations have arrived.The following are my Course Average for First Year for each of the subjects studied by me in my First Year at Hogwarts:-
Potions: 98% - O.
DADA: 94% - O.
Charms: 98% - O.
History of Magic: 98% - O.
Herbology: 93% - O.
Transfiguration: 99% - O.
Astronomy: 97% - O.
If you remember,I already posted my Course Average for First Year for Flying classes earlier,as I had already finished my First Year Flying Final Term Examinations earlier,and my Course Average for First Year for Flying was 96% - O.
I am proud that I have Outstanding grades for all my subjects in my first year at Hogwarts.I will be leaving for my summer vacations soon.Hope to see you all in my second year at Hogwarts.".I also updated my backstory with my Course Average for First Year for all my first year subjects including Flying and declaring myself a second year witch as now I can officially call myself a second year witch at Hogwarts as I have already recieved passing grades on all my subjects in my first year at Hogwarts.
I also mentally calculated the total house points I earned for my house until now at Hogwarts this evening and tallied the same with the house points as shown on my magical social media profile at that time and these matched.I had earned a total of 1300 house points for my house,Gryffindor,until now at Hogwarts.
Tonight,the end-of-term feast was held at Hogwarts in the Great Hall during dinnertime.It started with Headmistress Oshiro addressing all the students,staff and Professors of Hogwarts gathered in the Great Hall for the end-of-term feast and delivering her end-of-term speech for this academic year.Everyone in the Hogwarts castle was always invited to the annual end-of-term feast held at the end of term every year,as an unspoken rule of Hogwarts,even if not officially invited.Headmistress Oshiro's end-of-term speech for this academic year was brief with closing notes addressed to the students,staff and Professors of Hogwarts and ended with her announcing the house points earned by each house as a whole at Hogwarts in that academic year and declaring the house which had as a whole earned the most house points in that academic year as the winner of the annual Hogwarts House Cup Trophy.The house that won the annual Hogwarts House Cup Trophy,this academic year at Hogwarts,appeared to be Ravenclaw.According to Headmistress Oshiro's end-of-term speech,Ravenclaw house had earned 260,137 house points as a whole in that academic year at Hogwarts and Hufflepuff had earned 235,522 house points,Gryffindor had earned 215,397 house points and Slytherin had earned 182,875 house points,speaking of each of them as a whole in that academic year at Hogwarts.After Headmistress Oshiro's end-of-term speech,Headmistress Oshiro waved her wand and the Great Hall became decorated in the Ravenclaw house colors.Then,the Ravenclaws cheered as the Hogwarts House Points Cup Trophy was awarded to the Ravenclaws.I noticed Rose very happy and happily cheering,too.Then,Headmistress Oshiro announced the beginning of the end-of-term feast and everyone gathered in the Great Hall including me settled down seating themselves in their usual places in the Great Hall to partake of the end-of-term feast.The menu of end-of-term feast included roast beef and roast chicken,boiled and roasted potatoes,Yorkshire pudding,peas,carrots and gravy,among many other delicacies.All the food items served at the feast were delicious.Following the feast,I hugged Lacey and Rose for a long time and then headed to my dorm.
I am soon going to wrap up this diary of mine as tomorrow I will be leaving Hogwarts for my first ever summer vacations of Hogwarts and I will only return as a second year witch at Hogwarts.Therefore,there are a few things I came to know in my first year at Hogwarts,that would like to mention for you before I stop writing this diary of mine.The first is that the summer vacations are two months long and always come after the end of term no matter what year you are in at Hogwarts.The second is that O.W.L.s are exams,that students must give for each of the subjects taken by them in their Fifth year at Hogwarts,at the end of term in their Fifth year at Hogwarts,and O.W.L.s are separate from the Fifth Year Final Term Examinations of any fifth year subject at Hogwarts,and the Fifth Year Final Term Examinations of any fifth year subject at Hogwarts are to be given earlier than O.W.L.s,and the same applies to N.E.W.T.s and Seventh year at Hogwarts with N.E.W.T.s in place of O.W.L.s and Seventh year at Hogwarts in place of Fifth Year at Hogwarts and the Seventh Year Final Term Examinations in place of the Fifth Year Final Term Examinations.The third is that if you visit the 'Academics' section at Hogwarts,you will find contained in it,a section called the 'Hogwarts Transcript' and if you go there and tap the section with your wand or hand,it will reveal on a huge bulletin board,a display under a heading containing your name,of the house points earned by you for your house until then at Hogwarts,separately in every one of your academic years at Hogwarts started by you until then,beside the name of the corresponding academic year at Hogwarts,and I tapped on the section called "Hogwarts Transcript" with my wand today purely to find out what the function of the section is,and another thing I discovered about the section called "Hogwarts Transcript" is that whatever is displayed under the heading containing your name on the bulletin board in the section is only accessible to you and to no one else as it only shows the display in response to your own wand or hand and thus,others may only use the section to see the corresponding displays for themselves which are similarly inaccessible to you,and yet another thing I discovered about the section called "Hogwarts Transcript" is that the display may often show the wrong house points at that time because the section called "Hogwarts Transcript" is apparently operated by a bit slow magic and takes quite a lot of time to update your latest earned house points until that time and that you can tap the display with your wand or hand to see more details of how those house points earned by you were earned through your Course Average for each subject taken in the year written beside your house points and all your assignments noted just like the gradebooks of the subjects that become visible on tapping the corresponding Course Average for the subject with your wand or your hand.That rounds up all the things I would like to mention.