Just my diary

written by Hiya Debnath

Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.

Last Updated






Finished my First Year at Hogwarts,Here is a Summary of my First Year at Hogwarts

Chapter 33

I have finished my first year at Hogwarts.Here is a summary of my first year at Hogwarts.


House Sorted Into:-Gryffindor.


Subjects I studied(all of these were compulsory) and the names of the Professors of these subjects:-

Astronomy,Professor Robert Plumb(Ravenclaw,admin and runner of the 'House Points Competition Group' students' group)

Charms,Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg(Ravenclaw)

Defense Against the Dark Arts,Professor Jericho Penrose(Slytherin,Head of House for Slytherin,Ex-Auror)

Flying class,Professor Madame Eira Fox(Gryffindor,Ex-Minister in the Department of Broom Regulatory Control,Ministry of Magic)

Herbology,Professor Aspen(Gryffindor)

History of Magic,Professor Everby(Hufflepuff)

Potions,Professor Draekon(Gryffindor,Head of House for Gryffindor)

Transfiguration,Professor Mitchell(Ravenclaw)


Grades Recieved:-Outstanding grade in all subjects.


Best grade recieved in the subject Transfiguration.


Worst grade recieved in the subject Herbology.


House Points earned by me for Gryffindor until the end of my first year at Hogwarts:-1300.


Books Read by Me from the Hogwarts Library:-Quite many,all of them are listed on different posts on my magical social media wall,included textbooks,reference books and other novel-like or diary-like books alike.


Books Written by Me and Published in the Hogwarts Library:-"Just my diary" and "Things To Know For First Year Students".


Competitions and Contests Participated In:-'Kneazle Maker Contest' hosted by Professor Anne(results to be declared in my next year at Hogwarts) and monthly 'House Points Competition' hosted by Professor Robert Plumb,as part of the 'House Points Competition Group'(joined in the last month of the year and results to be declared in my next year at Hogwarts).


Affiliated to:-The Gryffindor Common Room.


Dorm Joined and That I Live in at Hogwarts:-Gryffindorm,found as Gryffindorm (#73550).


Best Friends:-Rose PETERSON(Ravenclaw) and Lacey Lestrange(Slytherin).

Other Good Friends:-Bea Loralles(Gryffindor),Everline Felice Mayhem(Hufflepuff),Dibyarup James Potter(Gryffindor,a friend who claims to be Harry Potter's youngest son and is thus a mystery in himself),Lily Lavender(Gryffindor,DADA Professor Assistant and Head Girl,and my acquaintance),Evony Senoj(Slytherin),Eliana Riddle(Ravenclaw) and Arlo(Ravenclaw).

First Ever Person I Approached for Friendship at Hogwarts:-Lily Lavender.

Other Friends and Acquaintances and People I Follow on My Magical Social Media and People Who Follow Me on My Magical Social Media Excluding the Professors and the Headmistress:-Amaris(Gryffindor,my dormmate),Anantha Patel(Ravenclaw,healer,Rose PETERSON's friend and my acquaintance),Ariel(Gryffindor,met her at the Herbology greenhouse,has broken her wand quite a few times),Ava Lilianna Snape(Gryffindor,Ariel's friend),Brooklyn Miller(Gryffindor),Camomille Nott(Gryffindor,admin of the students' groups 'Honeydukes shop and markets' and 'Honeydukes Factory'),Dane Lautner(Slytherin,Transfiguration Professor Assistant and my acquaintance),Isabel Rhodesse(Slytherin,DADA Professor Assistant),Jade Rox(Hufflepuff,my acquaintance),Juliana Jin(Gryffindor,my dormmate),Juniper Lee(Gryffindor,my dormmate),Laura Williams(Gryffindor,wears a blouse with Taylor Swift written on it in her magical social media profile picture which made me,a Taylor Swift fan,want to be friends with her,my dormmate),Lurkelly Leikeze(Ravenclaw,my acquaintance),Moriah(Gryffindor,my dormmate and the admin* of my dorm),Mya Granger(Gryffindor,my dormmate),[No Name](Gryffindor,my acquaintance),Ross Geary(Slytherin),Saije Officer(Gryffindor,my acquaintance) and Sofia Abbott(Gryffindor,my dormmate).

*admins of dorms are tasked with maintaining discipline in the dorms at Hogwarts.


Students' Groups Joined or Created By Me That I Was Part Of:-'Honeydukes Factory'(run by Camomille Nott,a group that allows Hogwarts students to work in the Honeydukes Factory directly or from a long distance),'Honeydukes shop and markets'(run by Camomille Nott,a group that allows Hogwarts students to buy or sell Honeydukes candies and sweets),'House Points Competition Group'(run by Professor Robert Plumb,a group that allows students to participate and win gold medals for the first rank in monthly competitions for the most house points earned by the student in a month),'The Greenhouse'(run by Professor Aspen,a group that must be joined if students want to get plots booked in their names in the Hogwarts greenhouses and that allows students to record their activities in the Hogwarts greenhouses under the group's records) and 'Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner'(created and run by me,a group that initially started as a group meeting in a cosy library corner for discussing studies,preferably with members from all houses,then got turned by me into a secret meeting place for my adventurous quests,recorded in the book"Mysteries of Hogwarts" by Rose PETERSON found published as 'The Mysteries of Hogwarts' by Rose PETERSON in the Hogwarts library,with the other group members).

Dangerous Solo Adventures I Had:-Went on an exploration of the Hogwarts castle and the Hogwarts grounds on a day in the weekend when I was suffering from magical exhaustion and during the exploration ended up visiting the Forbidden Forest alone where I met a unicorn who helped ease and heal my magical exhaustion.


This ends the summary of my first year in Hogwarts in short.


Please note that I may have mistakenly used the spelling "cozy" for the word cosy in quite some places in this book.I hope my readers will understand that book writing or diary writing for that matter is tedious work and therefore kindly forgive me for such mistakes that I failed to correct.I apologize for the inconveniences caused due to my mistakes.My students' group called "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner" has often been mistakenly spelled as "Our Own Cozy Little Library Corner" by me in this book.I would like my readers to note that the correctly spelled name of my students' group is "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner" and the two different spellings used for the name of the students' group in this book refer to one and the same students' group and forgive me for the same.I apologize for the inconveniences caused to my readers due to these mistakes of mine.


Please also note that this book may contain many more spelling errors and grammatical mistakes for the same reasons as I mentioned above.I apologize to my readers for the same and for the inconveniences caused due to these mistakes of mine.I request my readers to be kind and forgive me for these mistakes.


Also,please note that this book doesn't claim to be completely factually correct and only is a  record of my experiences in my first year at Hogwarts.It may be true factually or a work of fiction,in some places,or entirely.

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