Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 7
Chapter 9
Good morning diary,I wake up refreshed at about 8 AM,not going into the details of dressing up for breakfast,I head for breakfast to the Great Hall,where I have my usual breakfast of two pieces of toast,jam,marmalade,eggs,sausages and two cups of coffee at the Gryffindor house table.I wave to Professor Draekon during breakfast,who as usual doesnt notice.I recieve the owl post for me,which is a single owl carrying a letter from my family,saying they are glad to know I am happy and wishing me the best.At the breakfast table itself,I use the charm Accio to summon parchment and quills and write a reply to the letter,owling it back.Then I go to the library to update the printed version of my diary,after which I go to my dorm and get ready for History of Magic class.
My second History of Magic class begins soon with me sitting between Lacey and Rose on the last bench.This seating is quite convenient to me as in History of Magic class,I prefer to sit on the last bench spread out across the bench or stretched at my own leisure,listening to the Professor,as this class does not involve casting charms or spells or performing transfigurations or brewing potions or any sort of magic that is best performed under supervision sitting right under the nose of the Professor,on the first bench,to ensure immediate assistance in case of any possible magical injury.
At the end of History of Magic class,I am in the corridor with my friends outside the History of Magic classroom.In History of Magic class,today,we were given two lessons,the first one titled "Magical Beginnings" mostly discussing the theories given by different wizards about the beginnings of magic.The lesson started amazingly with our Professor showing us three amazing things,but I will not tell you what those are.You need to attend History of Magic class to find out.The lesson ended with an objective and short answer quiz,which I completed to the best of my ability with help from the notes I had taken during the lesson and submitted for grading,and an essay assignment titled "Theories or Hocus Pocus?" for which we were asked to write an essay on which of the theories about the beginnings of magic taught in today's history of magic class,we felt was most likely,and give two reasons for the same.I completed the essay assignment to the best of my ability and submitted it for grading.From a look on the Professor's table,I believe my answered quiz for today's lesson is 7th on the grading queue,which means there are six assignments from other students to be graded,before my answered quiz for today's lesson is taken up for grading,and the essay assignment I just submitted is 8th on the grading queue,similarly.The next lesson which commenced after a short five-minute break that we spent practising Aguamenti on our drinking cups in the corridor outside History of Magic classroom,was a lesson mostly about the different civilizations in the Americas and their culture with focus on their use of magic and the social standing of magical people in their society.This lesson started with a visual display of a painting and some amazing visual representations in the classroom as well,which you must definitely find out about by taking these History of Magic classes from the beginning to the end of term.The lesson ended with a short answer and objective quiz assignment which I completed with help from my notes that I had made during the lesson,and an objective-only assignment which was graded immediately and I recieved 100 marks or full marks in,thus giving me 10 points for my house Gryffindor,and 159 house points to my name until now.
While we are heading towards Charms class from the corridor outside History of Magic classroom after summoning fresh parchments from our dorms using the charm Accio,I recieve a flurry of owls from my professors.The first owl is from my DADA professor bringing me my grades for the objective and short answer quiz assignment for the first introductory lesson taught in DADA class.The message brought by the owl says that I got a 80 marks out of 100 marks on that quiz assignment and hence 8 points for Gryffindor.I remember I hadnt done well on the quiz and had wished to retake it if possible after submitting it.Sadly,Lacey and Rose inform me that it is not retakeable,as they had both tried to retake it,but were denied.The second owl is from one of the professor assistants from my DADA professor Jericho Penrose's team.The professor assistant writes on behalf of Professor Jericho Penrose the answer to my question to Professor Penrose about charms and spells,stating that they are one and the same,and adding that though he is not Professor Penrose he knows the answer to my question and is able to answer it.I am glad for the answer and owl him back saying thankyou to him.The next owl is from my Potions Professor,Professor Draekon saying I got a 100 marks on my submitted quiz for the lesson taught in the first part of my previous potions class,and thus a 10 more points for Gryffindor.I am elated.The next two owls are from my Flying class professor who bring two messages for me,the first message saying I got a 100 marks or full marks on the first ever quiz assignment I submitted in Flying class,and thus got awarded a 10 house points for Gryffindor.The second message says I got a 100 marks on my first ever essay assignment for Flying class,and also that I got awarded 11 house points by my professor for this essay.It also contains a note from my professor on the same message welcoming me to fly.After recieving so many good grades and only one average grade in a DADA quiz assignment,I am inspired and decide to retake the first ever quiz assignment assigned by Professor Draekon in potions class in which I got 90 marks out of 100,so that I can get the maximum number of house points possible and an outstanding marks average for my assignments in potions class and try to impress my potions professor,Professor Draekon.With this in mind,I tell Lacey and Rose my plans and while they smile at me and head towards Charms class,saying they will wait for me in the Charms classroom,I dash towards the potions classroom in the dungeons.I reach the Professor's table and find Professor Draekon grading assignments and not yet ready to leave for lunch.I ask to retake the first ever potions quiz I took in his class,and he gives me an appreciative nod and a smile,and after some rummaging finds the parchment on which I took the first ever potions quiz assignment in his class.He removes it from the bundle of parchments containing graded assignments and hands me a fresh copy of the quiz assignment on another parchment.I sit in front of him at his table on a chair under his nose,and retake the quiz assignment handed to me,both from my memory and by referring to my potions notes that I made in potions class.I complete the assignment to the best of my ability,correctly answering the question I answered incorrectly last time,and submit it.I am sure I will recieve atleast the same grades if not better grades,and satisfied with myself,bow to Professor Draekon and get up to leave saying "Good Afternoon,Professor" while waiting for him to dismiss me and allow me to leave,as I have to go to Charms class now.The effect of being alone with Professor Draekon in his potions classroom in the dungeons is an electrifying feeling that I cant get rid of.I would have timidly tried to make conversation if I did not have to go to Charms class now,and worry about being late to Charms class.Professor Draekon finally absent-mindedly looks up from his table,and looks me up and down awhile,and then dismisses me to go to Charms class.I feel tingles of electric shock flowing in waves through my body and making me vibrate my muscles and skin all throughout the body,and my cheeks flush hot while I try to leave the potions dungeon without looking or feeling funny.While I succeed and rush towards Charms class,my cheeks are still red hot when I enter Professor Cassandra Virneburg's Charms class.Professor Cassandra is a hot professor too,and looks at me with lowered eyes and pursed lips while I enter her class,and I cant keep my eyes held on her blazing gaze as I lower them and walk towards the bench on which Lacey and Rose are sitting,waiting for me.Lacey shoots me a look and Rose giggles and I realise they know the reason behind why my cheeks are flushed and ignore them.A few more students file into class under the glares of Professor Cassandra Virneburg and get seated in the classroom.After waiting for a few more seconds,Professor Cassandra Virneburg starts the class.The first part of the class is a lesson mostly about the source of our magic,the differences beteen muggles,squibs and witches and wizards and the different blood statuses of witches and wizards,different components of spellcasting and the different types of "Flight" charms.We are also taught the spell blocks of and how to cast the four different types of "Flight" charms.Rose and I find it easier compared to Lacey,to cast the spells,as we have been doing a lot of casting spells and other advanced magic during our times in the library for the quest for the Marauders Map.After the lesson,we are asked to solve an objective quiz assignment which is immediately graded,and I complete it and turn it in and recieve full marks which is 100 marks on it,and 10 house points for Gryffindor for it.We are also asked to solve another short answer assignment titled "Lesson Two Short Answer" with four questions to be answered in short in 2-5 sentences,which I complete to the best of my ability and turn in for scrutiny and grading.I realise I am the first one to turn in the short answer assignment titled "Lesson Two Short Answer",and that my assignment will be graded first.There also appear no more assignments on the Professor's table pending for grading,so my assignment will be graded soon.Lacey and Rose and the other students finish the assignments too,and after a short break,Professor Cassandra begins the second part of today's Charms class.The second part of today's Charms class involves a lesson which mostly covers information about wands and their working,wand woods,cores,lengths and flexibility and their pairing with their wielders,wand movement and the Unlocking charm and the Mending Charm.It is followed by an objective assignment which we complete,and get immediately graded for.I recieve a 100 marks on it,and thus 10 points for Gryffindor for it.Then,we are asked to take an optional essay assignment which asks us to write an essay listing the properties of our own wand and then describing how we got our own wand and/or turn in a copy of our Charms journal with the entries updated until now and/or leave the class for today.I realise I havent updated my Charms journal even once until now but I also realise I have been recording about my classes in my diary,so I stay back with the students writing the essay and/or turning in their Charms journal,and decide to write the essay and also update the Charms journal until today,including today's class,with help from my diary for reference,right now and here sitting in class.I complete both and turn in both the essay and a copy of my updated Charms journal which Professor Cassandra makes from my original Charms journal using the Doubling Charm Geminio.Lacey and Rose stayed back to write the essay and turn it in too,and they complete the essay and turn their essays in with their Charms journals,which Professor Cassandra replicates using the Doubling Charm Geminio and keeps a copy each of,returning their original Charms journals to them.I decide to keep my original Charms journal in a corner of the library now,which is least frequented by other students and which even Rose does not know about.I decide to not let anyone,even Lacey in on the secret.I decide I will maintain the charms journal there,and place a well-researched(from the library) protective charm on it,so that it is protected from copying by other students.
After Charms class,we go out in single file and while the other students scatter in their own different directions in the corridor outside the Charms classroom,I stay there with Lacey and Rose telling them about Professor Draekon in the dungeon when I went to retake my assignment.They giggle awhile and then stare at me while patting my back,and then we leave our things back in our own dorms and head separately to the Great Hall from our dorms for lunch.While heading to the Great Hall for lunch,I recieve an owl from my History of Magic Professor,saying that I recieved a 100 marks,and thus 10 house points for Gryffindor,on the quiz assignment for the lesson titled "Magical Beginnings".I also recieve an owl from Professor Draekon saying that I got a 100 marks or full marks on the quiz assignment I retook,and thus my grades for the assignment are updated from my previous 90 marks to 100 marks,and therefore the house points I recieved for the quiz assignment are also upgraded from 9 house points to 10 house points.Therefore,I get an additional house point now,and 1 additional house point is added to my name.I am happy.
For lunch,we were served sprouts,cereal,stew,soup,jacket potatoes and roasted chicken wings,with custard and treacle tart for dessert.Rose gave me and Lacey some chocolate frogs to relish after lunch.
We have herbology classes in the afternoon after lunch.While I go back to my dorm to grab my apron and dragon-hide gloves and earmuffs,and check my dressing requirements and protective gear for herbology classes putting them on,then take parchments,quills and inkpot,Lacey and Rose do the same and we meet outside the greenhouses.Other students have just begin to enter the greenhouses,and we are once again bombarded with messages,hit by a flurry of owls bringing in our owl posts.We each recieve messages from our professors with grades.I recieved an owl from Professor Draekon with the grading for my essay submitted for the assignment for the second lesson of first year potions syllabus titled "Just What We Need" with a feedback note from Professor Draekon reading "Well done on your essay.:)",the grading I recieved is a 100 marks for the essay,and a 10 house points awarded to me for Gryffindor house.There was another owl from the same Professor with a message with my grading for my submitted essay assignment titled "The Doors Of Time" for the third lesson in the potions first year syllabus,and it said that I recieved a 100 marks on the essay and another 10 house points for me for Gryffindor,and the message also contained a feedback note from Professor Draekon for my essay for the assignment titled "The Doors Of Time",which read "Very well and thoughtful lab setup.:)
*leaves some cupcakes next to your essay*".I am elated once again.I also recieved an owl from my DADA professor carrying a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks on my quiz assignment for the DADA lesson on static and dynamic spells,thus earning another 10 house points for Gryffindor.My next two owls are also from the DADA professor,the first one with a message saying I recieved a 100 marks on the essay which I wrote for the essay assignment asking me to write on my opinion on the legality of the Dark Arts,and that I recieved a 10 points for Gryffindor for it.The message also contained a feedback note reading "Great work!" from Professor Jericho Penrose below the grading of my essay.The next owl from my DADA Professor,Professor Penrose,had a message saying that I recieved a 100 marks on the quiz assignment for the lesson in which we were taught about the Verdimillious Charm and the Revealing Charm and I recieved 10 house points for Gryffindor for it.Finally,I read the message from the last owl for me,which is also from my DADA professor,and the message says that I recieved a 100 marks for my essay for the essay assignment for the lesson in which we were taught about the Verdimillious and the Revealing Charms in DADA class,and contains a feedback note for my essay from Professor Penrose saying "Great work!" and also states that I recieved 10 house points for Gryffindor for my essay.Thats a lot of owl posts,and I fold the messages recieved and keep them in my pockets under my apron,letting the owls go.I do a mental calculation of how many house points I have recieved till now and it sums up to 289 house points.I tally my calculation with the house points shown on my magical social media profile.It matches,and now I have 289 house points to my name.I am fully satisfied and very happy.My friends Lacey and Rose have also recieved a lot of owls with their grades and thus their house points,and they both also look very happy.With satisfied and happy faces and smiles on our face,we enter the greenhouse.Professor Aspen enters right behind us and starts teaching.
In Herbology class,we are taught two lessons by Professor Aspen in greenhouse one as usual.The lesson taught first mostly gives details about the specific requirements of plants and also teaches two charms,the ph Detection charm to detect the ph of soil and the Severing charm to help cut plants for repotting,harvesting,cutting off wilted parts and various other purposes.The lesson taught next mostly tells about the differences between magical and non-magical plants,sentience of plants and the rose,with its forty uses,and how to plant,grow,care for,harvest and use it.The class is followed by two objective and short answer quizzes,one for each lesson,which we complete and turn in.We are also given an assignment with the names of ten plants,where we are asked to identify and state which of the plants named are magical and which are non-magical.It is to be immediately graded.I complete the assignment,correctly identifying all the magical and non-magical plants and immediately get graded a 100 marks or full marks for it,recieving 10 points for Gryffindor to my name.That makes me have 309 house points to my name until now.Professor Aspen also reminds us that in the next class,after class we will be having our midterm examinations,as the middle of term is approaching,and we are soon going to have our Christmas vacations.I ask Lacey and Rose if the same will happen for all other subjects too,and Rose says that except Astronomy and Transfiguration,for all other subjects,the next class will have the midterm examinations for that subject held after class.Rose says she got the information from the Course Catalog from the Hogwarts administrative staff for the Academics section.That scares me a little but I am excited nevertheless,to give my midterm,and get halfway through my first year magical education at Hogwarts.After class,I decide I have enough information to plant a rose plant now,and though it is optional,I decide to do it,to have a better foundation for my future years nevertheless,in herbology.So,while Professor Aspen stays back in the greenhouse grading assignments,some students file out and other students stay in the greenhouse to plant or look after their planted plants,I stay back with Rose and Lacey(they stay back to plant their own rose plants too) and collect a rose sapling from Professor Aspen and dragon dung,watering pots,and a ph chart from the shelves and front of the Herbology class.I check the ph of my soil,put on my dragon-hide gloves,prepare the soil and plant my rose plant,in the correct location,where it may recieve the right amount and type of sunlight,and water it a lot while singing a romantic melody,"Kisses Sweeter Than Wine",that I heard and learnt from my dorm members singing it at night and some students in the greenhouse who sing it quite often,all along.I promise to check on the plant in the Greenhouse daily,pulling out my remembrall(The smoke inside it is white until now,and I am relieved I havent forgotten anything for the time being).I then caress my plant,remove my dragon-hide gloves and update what I did in the greenhouse,on a parchment with my name on the parchment board,that the students who have plots in the greenhouse use to update their adventures in the greenhouse for records.My job done,I find Lacey's and Rose's job done too.
After Herbology class,we dismantle and after freshening up,I have a brilliant idea.I decide to write down the things that a muggle-born Hogwarts student like me may find helpful to know,before and after joining Hogwarts,and share the things about the magical world that I learnt after coming to Hogwarts,and also share some advice from my own experiences here at Hogwarts,in the form of a published book for the Hogwarts library.I write and finish the book,compiling it in as much an organised way as possible,bind it up,putting the content of the book in my intended sequence and go to the library.I visit the Hogwarts administrative staff for the library section and get the book published in the Hogwarts library with my name as author.It is called "Things To Know For First Year Students".I also simultaneously get the printed version of my diary updated until now.I also find a corner in the library for my Charms journal,which is not frequented and leave my Charms journal there,researching and placing some protective charms around the library corner and the journal.I then walk away from the place,so as to not look suspicious and then for some time,scan some shelves in the library,for books that may be useful for my quest on the Marauders Map.Finding nothing,I give up and decide that we will have to search the restricted section again,and since I am exhausted and need a rest,I decide to wait for Rose instead.I then post on my magical social media,announcing and about my successful publication of the book "Things To Know For First Year Students" and get congratulated by Rose immediately,who then finds me in the library.I then go to continue my meetings with Rose in our usual place for the group "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner" and we make a lot of progress on our quest.Tired and exhausted,but with satisfaction on my mind and face,and happy,I come back to my dorm to freshen up once again and then head to the Great Hall for dinner.
I just followed someone new on social media by the way.It is one of Rose's close friends and fellow house member,who Rose told me about,and she is Anantha Patel,a Ravenclaw half-blood witch,healer(her mother is a healer graduated from Mahoutokoro school of magic,and taught her the trade as a family business to carry on and pass on to next generations),first year student at Hogwarts,and is from my country as well,just like Rose.
For dinner,we were served,cereals,mashed potatoes,baked potatoes,toast,cheeses of different varieties,sprouts and tofu salad,with rice pudding for dessert.I wave good night to Lacey and Rose after dinner,and come back to my dorm.I post about planting my first plant in the Herbology greenhouse,the rose,on my magical social media.I undress for bed,light my wand and settle into bed,and get ready for some bedtime reading.I choose Diary Of A First Year by [No Name] and A Guide To Hogwarts by Natasha Mowbray,use the charm Accio to summon these from my bookshelf,and finish both of these cover to cover.Then I put both back in the bookshelf,extinguish my wand after my tiring bedtime reading,finish my diary and saying to myself that it has been a long day,go to sleep.