Things To Know For First Year Students
This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.
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Chapter 11
This chapter is a short description of each of the classes for your aid,to aid you in understanding what each class is about,and what is taught in the classes,in each subject.
Potions-Potions are liquid magical concoctions brewed by witches and wizards in cauldrons,with different ingredients.Potions have a wide swathe of uses in the wizarding world including healing,growing bones,curing coughs,boils and other maladies,changing appearances,creating temporary love or attraction,and bringing about good luck or making someone speak the truth.This subject deals with everything about magical potions and practically teaches how to brew the different potions.You will need to use your brass scales to weigh potions ingredients,wear your dragon-hide gloves for protection and use your glass or crystal phials to store your potions in potions class,as instructed.Potions classes are taken in the lowly lit dungeons,beside the Slytherin common rooms in the Hogwarts castle.
Charms-Charms or spells are magical words,which when uttered in certain ways of pronunciation,coupled with a certain wand movement,can bring about a certain desired effect such as levitating an object,conjuring birds or water,engorging or reducing an object in size,blasting a solid object,freezing someone,immobilizing someone,summoning something,magically locking a lock that then cant be unlocked or broken without magic,magically unlocking a lock without a key,cleaning,creating fire or light,repairing something,cutting through something,revealing human presence,creating protection and so on.However,it is not as simple as uttering a few funny words,and waving the wand a certain way,but involves more complex theories behind its working,as you will see in Charms class.Charms class will deal with information about charms or spells in general,and about different charms or spells in particular,and you will be taught how to practically cast different charms or spells.Charms classes are taken in the Charms classroom in the Hogwarts castle.
Defense Against the Dark Arts-Defense Against the Dark Arts or DADA as you will find yourself referring to it soon and many others refer to it as in short,is a subject that deals with fighting the Dark Arts.The Dark Arts,also known as Dark Magic,is a branch of magic,that deals with any type of magic,that is mainly used to harm,exert control over,cause pain to or kill other creatures.Usually,people who seek power and control may find themselves very attracted towards the Dark Arts.The Dark Arts can only be performed by those with malicious intent,in other words,in order to cast a dark spell,you have to want it or mean it,that is mean for and want an evil to happen,such as killing someone or causing pain to someone.The Dark Arts are usually condemned as they are known to corrupt the soul and maim the practisers' physical bodies,and once you are in the grip of the Dark Arts,its hard to come out.Harry Potter's arch nemesis Voldemort was known as the most evil dark wizard of all times(a dark wizard is simply someone who practises dark magic).The Dark Arts are mutable,and unbeatable.But they can be defended against,or hindered,which forms the basis of the study of the subject,Defense Against the Dark Arts.There are dark spells and even some dark creatures(dark creatures are simply evil creatures,or creatures associated with the Dark Arts,or creatures that can cause harm in various forms to,or kill individuals) as part of Dark Arts.The subject Defense Against the Dark Arts deals with spells and methods to fight against dark creatures and dark spells.In this class,you will be taught information on the Dark Arts and dark creatures and about some dark spells as well,only as much as needed to defend against them,and about spells and methods to fight and defend against them,and you will be practically taught some minor dark spells and mostly practically be taught spells and methods to defend against dark arts and dark creatures.While the position of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was jinxed by Voldemort for long years in such a way to ensure that any professor for this subject could not keep their position for more than a year,now,after Voldemort's death,I am not sure if the jinx has been lifted or is still present.A jinx is also a type of dark spell by the way,about which you will learn in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.DADA classes are taken in the DADA classroom in the Hogwarts castle.
History of Magic-History of Magic is a subject which deals with and in which you will be taught history,essentially of the wizarding world and its culture and developments in the culture,and about the history of the beginnings of magic,and its use in ancient civilizations,and about how magical people and muggles lived together earlier and their interactions,and how due to various events,they had to start living separately,with a strict law called the International Statute of Secrecy enacted by the Ministry of Magic to keep wizarding communities safely hidden away among the muggle world keeping all magic concealed from the muggles.This subject is usually known to be boring,just like history for muggles,but with the right perspective,and with focus on learning about the culture of the people of the past and their stories instead of only memorizing dates and places and times,and with the right professor,it can be made an interesting subject.History of Magic classes are taken in the History of Magic classroom in the Hogwarts castle.
Transfiguration-Transfiguration is a branch of magic that deals with the processes of transforming or altering the form or appearance of an object,creature or person.In this class,you will be taught about this branch of magic and practically taught to perform it.It is my favourite subject and one of the difficult branches of magic.While it can be difficult and even dangerous in its advanced forms,and some of its branches or types,if practised with caution and with paying attention and heed in class,it can be fun and interesting.Transfiguration classes are taken in the Transfiguration classroom inside the Hogwarts castle.
Herbology-Herbology deals with the study and care of various magical and mundane plants and their uses in the magical world.In this subject you will be taught about the art of handling,and care,and planting and harvesting and caring of various magical and mundane plants and their uses,and a lot of information on magical and mundane plants.You will be practically taught to plant,grow,care for and harvest these plants in the Hogwarts greenhouses in your own plots.Herbology classes are taken in the greenhouses beside the vegetable patch at the backside of the Hogwarts castle in the Hogwarts grounds.*In HiH,you can find your plot in the greenhouse and claim it and visit it whenever you want or require,by joining the group of students called The Greenhouses listed among the groups in Groups and Clubs section,which can be found on exploring Around The Castle.*
Astronomy-Astronomy is a subject that deals with the study of astronomical objects such as the sun,moon,other planets,moons of other planets,stars,constellations and the like,just like muggle astronomy,and also deals with the effect of astronomy on magic and on Earth,and on the lives of people.While you will learn about all this,you will also need to and be taught to practically use your telescope to view the astronomical objects in the sky and study them and learn about them.Astronomy classes are taken at 10 pm only on Wednesdays in the Astronomy Tower,the tallest tower of Hogwarts castle.
That covers the seven core subjects.Now,moving on to Flying and the electives.
Flying-Flying is a form of magical transportation that is used by witches or wizards.They fly mounted on broomsticks from one place to another without or with other people including family members,and call it flying.They also play Quidditch,flying on their broomsticks.The broomsticks for flying are powered by magic,from the witch or wizard herself/himself,and not by fuel or any other means.The broomsticks are designed to stop mid-air,turn,magically apply brakes by the braking charms,land and take-off,and sometimes also to perform maneuvers in mid-air which are useful while playing Quidditch.The broomsticks are manufactured and sold to witches and wizards by broomstick trading companies,about which witches and wizards interested in flying and especially in Quidditch are often very well versed,but you will learn a lot about broomsticks and their various models with different features,made available in the wizarding world market by various broomstick manufacturing and trading companies,in your flying classes.The broomsticks are streamlined and have a seating area on the broom's handle which is made comfortable by the Cushioning charm,and you are supposed to sit on the seating area with your legs on either side of the broom after mounting it,and are supposed to fly it with the broom's hairy or bristly region behind you and the broom's handle under you and on the front.The brooms are designed by the broom manufacturers and traders in various models,with features depending upon the length and size of the broom and how many passengers it can take,how well the cushioning charm is applied,how well the braking charms are applied,the streamlining,in some cases the speeds and maximum heights possible,the Quidditch maneuvers they can perform etc.While broomsticks can be flown at different heights,and at high speeds like muggle airplanes,there are laws and rules and regulations enacted by the Department of Broom Regulatory Control in the Ministry of Magic,to put safety and minimum height and speed limits on broomstick flying.You will learn about broomsticks,their models and features and their manufacturers and traders,and about other different forms of magical transportation,and about the rules and regulations associated with them in your flying classes.You will also learn how to use your magic to lift,mount and fly on your broomstick and how to balance on it and turn,apply brakes to or land the broomstick,and how to perform maneuvers on it in your flying classes.Flying classes are taken in the open in the Hogwarts grounds near the Quidditch pitch.
Care of Magical Creatures-This subject also known as CoMC in short,is about information about,and proper care of the various magical creatures in the wizarding world.In these classes,you will be taught about the magical creatures,and learn how to properly behave with them and care for them,and learn about the various laws and rules and regulations concerning them.You will also be practically interacting with and caring for some of them in class.These classes are taken in the open in the Hogwarts grounds,usually in front of the cabin near the Forbidden Forest,which was the famous Hagrid's hut home,and is now rebuilt into a cabin according to the taste of the current CoMC professor,who is also the Hogwarts groundskeeper and gamekeeper.This cabin serves as a home for the professor for living and rearing magical creatures and the front of it serves as a classroom for students studying CoMC.
Ancient Runes-Ancient Runes were a form of writing used by witches and wizards hundreds of years ago,and this subject deals with information about them and teaches to decipher and interprete them,and thus read them and know their meanings.It is like learning an ancient language and can be used to explore and decipher old textbooks and ancient texts,tablets and other writings from the ancient world,and may even help to lay our hands on some ancient information and history.
Alchemy-Alchemy is an ancient science and branch of magic that focusses on the composition,structure and the magical properties of the natural elements,mainly the four basic elements,earth,water,wind and air.You will not only learn about these but you will also be practically taught to harness the magical energy of these elements in these classes.
Divination-Divination is a branch of magic that attempts to foresee and foretell the future or determine the past,present and/or future using various magical tools such as the crystal ball or various processes such as reading tea leaves or dregs from a tea cup,from which the tea has been drunk or from interpretations of dreams.You will not only be taught about these but also asked to practically divine the future and/or past and/or present in these classes using what you learn.The renowned Ex Hogwarts Headmaster,Albus Dumbledore,once almost removed this course from the Hogwarts curriculum because true seers(diviners) are rare and could not be easily found to teach the subject and also because of the inaccuracy of the predictions made in divination.The famous witch and Harry Potter's friend,Hermione Granger also did not like the subject much and finally gave up on it during her time at Hogwarts.But,personally,I find the subject to be promising and interesting,because of the sheer fun of learning the various divination methods,and of satisfying the curiosity about the future that is inherent in all of us,even if the predictions are not always true or accurate.Divination is taught in the Divination classroom at the North Tower or the Divination Tower in the Hogwarts castle.
Mythology-Mythology is a subject that deals with the myths of the civilizations like the Inuits,Navajo,the Inca and others.It is quite different from Muggle mythology and you are sure to enjoy it very much,even if you are a muggle.
Muggle Studies-Muggle Studies may be mistakenly percieved as too easy for muggles and harder and more important for witches or wizards and while there may be some truth to that,the real truth is that it is equally important and likely to be equally difficult for both muggles and witches or wizards,because for muggles,though it is muggle studies,it is muggle studies from a witch or wizard's perspective and for witches and wizards,it is necessary to study this subject especially if they want a job in the Ministry of Magic,and to be able to uphold some rules and regulations for witches and wizards that involve the muggles.Muggle studies is basically the study of muggles and their lifestyle,and muggle ways of living,devices used by muggles in daily life,and about the laws and rules and regulations about muggles in the wizarding world and how to uphold them,particularly the International Statute of Secrecy.You will learn more about these,including the obliviate charm and memory modifier charms to erase or modify the memories of muggles,in the muggle studies classes.You will also learn more about the International Statute of Secrecy in your classes soon.
Magical Art-Magical Art is a subject taught in the sixth year at Hogwarts as an elective.It is about how to make magical paintings,which if portraits of people,move almost like the inhabitant of the photograph or painting is a living replica of the original human being,that can visit its other paintings to carry messages and information and watch what is going on and memorise it and act like a real pictorial human being,even after the death of the individual whose painting it is,unlike Muggle photographs and paintings.You will learn more about this in the Magical Art classes and also practically learn how to make such paintings and other forms of magical art.
Ancient Studies-Ancient Studies is about magic in the ancient civilizations.
It may get difficult for students to take so many classes,if they take up too many electives,in which case,rarely the Ministry of Magic may give a time-turner with special permission to the student to be able to attend all the classes,but it is highly unrecommended due to reported fatigue and mental exhaustion.Time-turners are magical objects that help to turn the time and go back to the past,and come back to the present or go into the future.Students can use time-turners to go back to the past and take a different class at the same time,after taking another class in the present.While this may mean taking two classes at the same time yet in a way that feels like attending two different classes at different times for the student,for other people around the student,it means that the student is present in two places at the same time.
You will get to meet your professors for each of these classes,when you start attending the classes and all of the current Hogwarts professors are very interesting and well-suited to make the subjects they teach interesting for you,with their amazing teaching and personality and demeanor perfectly suited to making the subject interesting.
The Hogwarts class schedule-Prefixed scheduled classes in Hogwarts no longer happen,except for Astronomy at 10 PM on Wednesdays,because of the increasing number of students.While Hogwarts' expandable classrooms can easily fit them in,so many students are not able to study with one professor,so Hogwarts magically enchants the minds of some students to want the same class at the same time and some other students to want the same class at a different same time and so on until all the students are fit in.However,there is only one Professor so the Professors use time turners and other advanced magic to be present in all these classes which exhausts them.Thus,it takes them a long time to answer owls from students with doubts about class and grade assignments,which is why current Hogwarts students must be patient with them.For this same reason,the professors are allowed to take in some well performing students as their professor assistants to help them grade assignments.However,in case of appeals or discrepancies,and in some cases always,these assignments are rechecked by the Professor.You can apply to be a Professor assistant,as well,if you can handle your academics side by side,and your extracurriculars,along with being a Professor's assistant.I will describe how to apply for the post in an upcoming chapter.
*In HiH you can enroll in your classes from the Course Catalog in the Academics section of Hogwarts,and once you have enrolled in your classes,the Hogwarts administrative staff will henceforth list the classes you are taking in the My Classes section with your name for you.You can also go to each class often even when you are not taking lessons,to check your gradebook maintained in the classroom and see a record of how well you have been studying.You can also check where your queued up assignments are on the Professor's table,among the assignments which are awaiting grading,to determine how far your assignment is on the grading queue.*