Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

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The Hogwarts library

Chapter 12

The Hogwarts library is a huge area stacked with various books,which include textbooks,various story books,novels and literature,and also books on various other topics written by the Hogwarts students and/or staff.Many of these books are reprints,with or without footnotes and relevant edits,of various textbooks that were in use or found in the library at Hogwarts at the times of Harry Potter.

While many books are openly found in the library,the Restricted section is a section of the Hogwarts library,that contains books,that have inappropriate for younger ages rated content,books about very dangerous or dark magic such as Horcruxes and others,and books that cannot be made accessible to everyone.These books require special permission from the Hogwarts administrative staff to read and/or publish.

The Hogwarts library,now also has a 'Most Popular' section and a 'Textbooks' section for you to find the most popularly read and borrowed books and textbooks respectively.

Now at Hogwarts,whenever you take a copy of a book from the library to read,it is magically replaced by another same copy of the book,so you do not need to return any books to the library,unless its cluttering your bookshelf,in which case you can simply remove it from your bookshelf.Your bookshelf is for you to keep books to read.

*In HiH,the library is found as Hogwarts library,and while you can browse the library,look at the Most Popular or Textbooks section,you can also borrow books and add them to your bookshelf,and you will thereafter find these books in your own bookshelf and do not need to return it to the library,but can remove it from your bookshelf if you no longer need it.You can now also sit in a corner or part of the Hogwarts library,now specified for book writing,known as the book writing desks and write your own books and leave them on your specific desk in the library to come back later and finish.You will get familiar with the process once you start writing books of your own.*

To publish a book,it must be in accordance with the Hogwarts library rules and regulations,which are enlisted in Headmistress Oshiro's book "The Guide to the HiH Library".You can owl Headmistress Oshiro in case of doubts.

On wanting to publish a book,you must go to the publishing counter in the library itself,quite near the book writing desks,and ask to preview and then publish the book,and they will allow you to magically preview the book,before copying it with a doubling charm and printing it for you,to add to the library.Plagiarism is not allowed on publishing books and can be considered a major offence.You can edit your book at any time any number of times even after publication,and keep submitting edited versions of the book for printing to the publishing counter and the book will be reprinted and republished for you.The publishing counter is manned by Hogwarts administrative staff for the library section.

The Hogwarts library has not had a librarian for a long time now,but you must maintain decorum nevertheless,as you are constantly watched and monitored by Hogwarts administrative staff,and the Hogwarts castle is full of magic,that can detect you breaking rules or decorum anyway and punish you if necessary,that you dont want to mess with.


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