Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

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Things You Cant Do In First Year

Chapter 15

Apparate-You cant apparate even during your vacation or holidays when you are in first year.Apparition requires a license which is granted only when you are seventeen years of age,no matter where you attempt to do it,this is a law by the Ministry of Magic,and if you attempt to break it,you may get punished.

Brooms-You cant bring your own brooms to Hogwarts.You must use school provided broomsticks for your first year flying classes.

Care of Magical Creatures class-This is a very interesting class and hence I wrote it separately from the electives.You cant study Care of Magical Creatures in first year.It is part of your course as an elective from second year.

Curfew-There is a curfew at Hogwarts every night from 10 PM after which students of any year are not supposed to be seen in the corridors or outside their dormitories or the common room,except when you have astronomy class at 10 PM on Wednesdays.

Divination-Divination just like Care of Magical Creatures is available as an elective from second year.

Drop Flying or any core subjects-You cant drop Flying or any other core subjects in first year.You can drop flying in second year after passing the first year flying class examination and you can drop your core subjects in later years.You have already read about these things in the chapter on the Hogwarts curriculum.

Elective subjects-Other subjects I mentioned as electives in the chapter on the Hogwarts curriculum are also not available to you as classes in the first year.

Find compulsory or mandatory essay assignments to do-If you have read the last chapter,you know that all essay assignments in first year are optional for extra credit or house points,and none of the essay assignments are mandatory in first year,but if you choose to do them,which I highly recommend,they may be beneficial to you for your future and in understanding the subject matter of the lessons in the class and help you build your interest in them,and you must enjoy them to make them feel good to do and get better grades in them.

Fly without supervision-You cannot fly on broomsticks without supervision in your first year at Hogwarts.This ban will be lifted after you pass your first year flying class examination.

Play Quidditch-Playing Quidditch is not allowed in first year,but from your second year at Hogwarts.

Practise magic outside Hogwarts castle-You cant practise magic at home,or anywhere outside the Hogwarts castle,until you are seventeen years of age,as that is considered underage magic and is banned and punishable by the Ministry of Magic,especially if you are in a Muggle household.You will learn from me about some of these laws in a later chapter.

Practise Transfiguration-You cannot practise Transfiguration except under supervision of a transfigurist or your Transfiguration professor,in first year,as transfiguration is a difficult and dangerous branch of magic,and the Ministry of Magic has laws in place to ensure that first year students do not perform transfiguration without supervision.

Restricted Section-The Restricted Section in the library is only accessible after special permission from the Hogwarts administrative staff,and underage inappropriate books are not available to you for reading,but I broke this rule to lay my hands on some information about advanced magic with caution,and if you try to break it,you must exercise great caution,just like me,as well.

Use the Thestral drawn carriages-At first year in Hogwarts,you are rowed across the Black Lake to enter Hogwarts.You can only ride the thestral drawn carriages and enter through the Hogwarts entrance opening towards the Hogsmeade village,from second year onwards.

Visit Hogsmeade-You are not allowed to visit Hogsmeade in the first year.You can only visit Hogsmeade on specific days in your later years,with permissions signed by your parents or a guardian.

Visit the Forbidden Forest-The Forbidden Forest is restricted to any student of Hogwarts,except in special cases,to be visited along with professors,as this forest is full of unknown mysteries and infested with dark creatures,and is a very dark and dense forest and easy to lose your way in and stray from the path without your knowledge and hard to come out of.Should you go deeper into the forest,you may find yourself in the grasp of one and fighting for your life.Noone in the castle will hear your screams from the Forbidden Forest,if you get lost.I broke this rule too,when I was suffering from magical exhaustion,but I regret it,and though I was greeted by a unicorn who healed my magical exhaustion and made me feel instantly better,I stayed on the main path walking with extreme caution,and should I have strayed from it or lost myself deeper into the forest,I would have most certainly found myself in danger.


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