Things To Know For First Year Students
This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.
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Chapter 19
Hogwartle is a magical game similar to the muggle game of Wordle,and you need to guess a five-letter word related to the magical world in each game.You are allowed a certain number of tries which is represented by the horizontal rows on the Hogwartle board.Each Hogwartle board allows you to guess one five-letter word at a time.There are 26 letter blocks or blocks of letters with each letter from the English alphabet arranged below each Hogwartle board.Once you make a first guess of the word(which is largely random),by placing the blocks of letters on the sockets in the first horizontal row,the letters magically turn green if they exist in the word that is to be guessed and are in the correct position as they are in the word being guessed.If the letters exist in the word being guessed,but have been placed in the wrong position that is different from their position in the word being guessed,then the letters magically turn yellow.If the letters do not exist anywhere in the word being guessed,then the letters turn gray and the corresponding letter blocks freeze in place so that you cannot use them again to form your next guess word.Using these color changes as clues,you must guess the word again using the letter blocks that are not frozen.You can use the letter blocks that have turned green or yellow again.The letters again magically change colors until you have finally guessed the word.If all the sockets in each and every horizontal row on the Hogwartle board are occupied,and the word being guessed has still not been guessed correctly,then you lose the game.However if the word is guessed correctly,which will then obviously be indicated by all the letter blocks being green in that particular horizontal row,before all the empty sockets on the board are occupied,then you have won the game.
There are multiple Hogwartle boards for the students to play using,and the abandoned corridor in which these boards and their corresponding letter blocks are situated is known as the Hogwartle corridor.The Hogwartle corridor is just beside the newsroom,near the Great Hall.