Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

Last Updated






A Guide to Magical Foods,Sweets and Drinks

Chapter 21

While I mentioned a lot of foods,sweets and drinks in this book until now,there are some worth mentioning still left.

The magical world is full of ordinary as well as magical foods,sweets and drinks that have different magical properties.Let me list some foods and treats and describe them instead of attempting to explain these magical properties.

Butterbeer-Butterbeer is a famous drink among the wizarding community,and it is a foamy fizzy drink.

Firewhiskey-It is a magical alcoholic drink,which is supposed to make the drinker feel warm in the throat.

Acid Pops-These are lollipops which when sucked,may corrode your tongue and burn a hole in it like acid does,but that heals back quickly.

Ton Tongue Toffee-These are toffees when eaten make the tongue become long and roll out of the mouth and onto the floor.

Fizzing Whizbees-These large sherbet balls make anyone who sucks on them float a few inches in the air.

Exploding Bonbons-These magical treats explode when eaten,without causing large enough magical injuries.

As you can see,the magical wizarding world treats have different magical effects on the person eating them according to the name of the sweet.

Many such sweets are found in Hogsmeade.You can explore and discover more foods,drinks and sweets in the wizarding world over time,at your leisure.


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