Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

Last Updated






Blood Relations

Chapter 4


This is a description of all the terms you may use or hear being used in the wizarding world,about witches and wizards and their bloodlines.

Pureblood-A pureblood witch or wizard is someone with magical abilities who is born to a purely wizarding family or purely magical family,that is their bloodline or ancestors are descended from purely only witches and wizards.Both their parents are of magical blood,and while they may be more well versed in the magical community and how it works,due to growing up in the wizarding world since birth,they were erroneously considered superior to other witches or wizards by some followers of the Dark Arts,including Voldemort(you will have read about him in Harry Potter or need to,as he will be referred to a lot,as He Who Must Not Be Named or You-Know-Who or even Voldemort in your Hogwarts classes),but they are essentially just as likely as witches and wizards of any other bloodline to have inferior qualities or inferior magical potential.Their bloodline doesnt automatically make them superior or better than you in any field of the wizarding world,so beware of any bullying you may face in the name of bloodline,and in such case,be sure to report to any of the Hogwarts professors or staff as they will gladly come to your rescue and aid you.

Half blood-A half blood or mixedblood witch or wizard is someone with magical abilities who is born to one magical parent and one muggle parent.Many half blood witches and wizards have been extremely brilliant in the field of magic and expert witches and wizards,one example being The Half Blood Prince,Severus Snape.

Muggle borns-These are witches and wizards with magical abilities,who are born to both muggle parents,referred to by the infamous Draco Malfoy(a character in the Harry Potter books and movies and the arch nemesis during school life for Harry Potter) as mudbloods.One famous and very competent Muggle born witch was Hermione Granger.However,mudblood is a derogatory term in the wizarding world,and do not let anyone use that to refer to you.You can ask for strict action against the offender from the Hogwarts administration and staff,if you are referred to by that term by anyone,in any case,whichsoever.

Squibs-Squibs are people who do not have any magical abilities,born to both parents with magical abilities.In other words,they are the non magical children of magical parents or witches and wizards.While squibs live in the wizarding world,integrated into the magical community,with their families,they may often be frustrated or suffer from depression,as they consider themselves somehow handicapped or disabled in the magical world,as squibs cannot perform magic.Some squibs may also live among muggles,happily married with a muggle,often disguised as a muggle,in the muggle world.

That is all you need to know about the bloodlines in the magical community.Now,you can start packing for your journey to Hogwarts,see you in the next chapter,good luck.

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