Things To Know For First Year Students

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.

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How to get to Hogwarts

Chapter 5

So you are packed and ready with your luggage.You packed enough clothes,the uniforms and everything you bought from Diagon Alley.I suggest you pack all of it in a trunk,which you will take to Hogwarts,as trunks are handy in the wizarding world and more responsive to magical charms such as Accio.

You are supposed to leave for Hogwarts by the Hogwarts Express which arrives every year at the 93/ 4 platform of London's King's Cross Station ten minutes before 11 AM on 1 September.It leaves the station for Hogwarts at sharp 11 AM and must definitely be boarded before that.To access or find 93/4 platform,you have to push your trolley(carrying your trunk) and yourself right into the wall between the 9 and 10 platform.Do not be afraid,just keep away from any prying Muggle eyes,believe in it and push your trolley through and run right into the wall between the 9 and 10 platform.You will emerge in the 93/platform with your trolley and trunk,ready to board the Hogwarts express.The Hogwarts express is a magical train that carries you to Hogwarts.It is attached to a crimson red colored steam engine locomotive that billows out white smoke throughout the journey.It has compartments for the students,and except the prefect's compartment you can sit anywhere in the train,as it catches your fancy.There is an old lady who sells various magical sweets and treats on a trolley and you can buy some of them to eat.Some noteworthy treats are chocolate frogs with collectible cards containing photographs and information of famous witches and wizards inside their wrappers,Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans(my personal favourite) which is beans looking like jelly beans flavoured in every flavour possible from edible to non-edible such as earwax,vomit,boogers,earthworm,sausage,egg,cherry,banana,chocolate,dirt,cinnamon etc.,Cauldron Cakes,Drooble's Best Blowing Gum,Jelly Slugs,Liquorice wands and Pumpkin Pasties,and also iced pumpkin juice.These treats may help you pass your time on the 9 to 10 hours long journey to the Hogsmeade train station,located in the wizarding village of Hogsmeade,where the Hogwarts castle is situated.Once you descend from the train,you will be greeted by the current Care of Magical Creatures Professor only in your first year,and rowed in boats across The Black Lake situated in the Hogwarts castle grounds(From your second year onwards,you will have to board carriages to go to the Hogwarts castle from the Hogsmeade train station,which will pick you up from there.These carriages are drawn by thestrals,magical creatures which look like black winged horses,and can only be seen by those who have seen or experienced death.).Once you are rowed across the Black Lake,you will be filed into the Great Hall by your Care of Magical Creatures Professor for the Sorting Ceremony.

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