Things To Know For First Year Students
This book is a compilation of all the things that a first year student may find helpful to know,before joining and when here at Hogwarts.These are compiled by me by drawing inspiration from my own experience at first year in Hogwarts.
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House Points
Chapter 8
In this chapter,we will discuss about the house points.
House points are points earned by a house when awarded to one or more students or to the house as a whole for correctly answering questions in class or doing a good deed or winning a Quidditch match.Nowadays house points are awarded in accordance with marks obtained in an assignment as well.These house points may be awarded to a single student or to more students or to the house as a whole depending on who and how many students were involved in earning it.In either case,the house as a whole recieves the house points earned,and this is reflected in the giant hourglasses in the Great Hall by adding gems in the house colors in the bottom part of the hourglass.House points can also be deducted from one or more students or the house as a whole for breaking rules,bullying or bad behaviour.In this case too,the house points are deducted from the entire house in any case,and this is reflected in the giant hourglasses in the Great Hall by moving gems up from the bottom compartment to the top compartment.Each gem represents one house point.Usually,the gems in the hourglass for Gryffindors are rubies,for Slytherins are emeralds,for Ravenclaws are sapphires and for Hufflepuff are diamonds.
*In HiH,the number of house points you have earned for your house until now can always be found written in your Hogwarts Transcript,a copy of which can be found in the Academics section,always updated in time or with a slight delay due to official delays.It is also magically updated in your magical social media profile,the moment you earn them.Your magical social media profile will be described in greater detail in a later chapter.*