Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion
Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?
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Little Red Riding Hood Got Scar(let)ed
Chapter 1
Flowy red hair, dark keen eyes, and a curious nature, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in hand, Little Red Riding Hood made her way into the Great Hall, traipsing along with the other first year students. The hall was already full of the older students who had arrived in thestral drawn carriages. She could feel a pair of eyes boring her keenly from somewhere, but she could not make out from where, and she did not care. She was used to being stared at by people who had crushes on her, either because she was too beautiful or because she was too innocent and an easy prey. She kept munching on her Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans until Professor Draekon took the stage, announced the usual basics and started the Sorting Ceremony. One by one, all the students got sorted.
"Little Red Riding Hood" he called. The red-haired girl looked up, her cheeks red and full of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans. She had just pulled out a chocolate frog from her pocket and had almost screamed like a Muggle when she thought that the frog wanted to escape and was a real frog that would hop around. Being a Muggle-born witch, her reaction to the chocolate frog did not embarass her in the least. It was her first chocolate frog in the wizarding world after all. She never liked chocolate too much and wouldn't have tried it except for the novelty of not missing the experience. As the chocolate frog ran out of magical energy and settled down, Little Red Riding Hood made her way up to the stage, chocolate frog in it's packet still in her hand. She sat on the large golden chair placed for her on the stage and waited. The Sorting Hat was placed on her head and it covered her forehead and almost her eyes too. Her hair flowed in cascading waves, spilling out on both sides, from the hat. Her screech owl was perched on her shoulder and watched with keen eyes and curiosity as if the owl was going to screech "Gryffindor" instead of the Sorting Hat. Little Red Riding Hood always wanted to be in Gryffindor because she loved the Golden Trio and she had a crush on Harry Potter. But she was smart and could have been a Ravenclaw and she did not mind being a Ravenclaw too. She was scared she could be a Hufflepuff as she had had her little moments when she did not dare to do things that she should have dared to do, but she thought she had developed the potential to be in Gryffindor over the years by learning to be more confident, loving herself more and practising bravery in life by doing things without worrying too much or overthinking and learning to take risks.
"That's a lot of confusion in your little head, my dear" , the Sorting Hat spoke into her little red-haired head. "Are you sure?" the Sorting Hat asked her every time he heard her contemplate situations in her head and how her responses to the situations would be. She assured herself and the Sorting Hat that she was sure and she actually was. Actually, she knew she was. And the Sorting Hat ruled out Hufflepuff. "But what about Ravenclaw?" the hat spoke silently into her little head. "Ravenclaw much, but Gryffindor much much" , Little Red Riding Hood thought. Another slew of hypothetical situations and the Sorting Hat said in a booming voice "Gryffindor" . The house was announced. She left the chair. Little Red Riding Hood had been sorted, or rather "scarleted" not scared, that is been made to belong to the house of scarlet and gold. She would now be known by the traits of her house-bravery, chivalry and daring, and more.