Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion
Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?
Last Updated
The Wolf on Grandmother's Bed
Chapter 10
Little Scarlet Riding Hood walked to Professor Draekon's office, to give up the identity of the werewolf and perhaps put herself in danger and earn detention again, or worse expulsion. She was also scared about Lucius's secret being known and him being expelled, but she hoped that would not be the case. She wanted to ensure that Professor Draekon gave Lucius a jar of Wolfsbane potion to drink on every Full Moon. She knew that Wolfsbane tasted horrible and adding sugar would destroy the effects of the potion and the thought almost made her vomit out her innards. But she failed to understand why she empathized with Lucius at every step. He had this aura about him that should have made her want to run, especially after knowing that he was a werewolf, but she only felt drawn to him. It was no longer the lure of the unknown nor the fear of the unknown, but pure unparalleled empathy, because she had discovered the truth about him, and he was no longer unknown to her. She tried to rid her mind of the confusing thoughts and entered the Potions dungeon. She stood outside Professor Draekon's office and lightly tapped on the door. Two little raps with her little hands and Professor Draekon called out, "Come in" , in his usual calm but fear inducing and awe-inspiring voice.
Little Scarlet Riding Hood walked in timidly and said, "Professor" , it was then that she noticed it, as her eyes fell on the large jar of Wolfsbane potion at the Professor's desk. She could read the label from where she stood. Inside, was a blue potion, with a swirling mist above it. Little Scarlet Riding Hood stared at the potion intently, while Professor Draekon asked, "Yes?" . Professor Draekon's question drew Little Scarlet Riding Hood out of her observation and she realised why she was here with full force. She found it difficult to move her lips but gulped, as sweat formed on her eyebrows, and began. "Professor, there is a werewolf in our school, and I think he could benefit from the Wolfsbane potion." , she said. Professor Draekon looked up at her intently, eyes on her face, and asked, "And where did you know that?" .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood was still shaking for fear of the consequences. But she said, hoping for the best, "I saw him in the Hogwarts grounds through the window. I saw his amulet on the grass through the window and summoned it using the Summoning Charm. I waited for someone to claim the amulet and when he claimed it, I knew it was him." .
"Is that what you have been doing on your nightly escapades, Miss Riding Hood?" , Professor Draekon asked and laughed.
Little Scarlet Riding Hood answered timidly, amused but confused at Professor Draekon's reaction, "I assure you, Professor. I have only been out of my dorm at night, once. I am sorry. I will never break curfew again." .
Professor Draekon looked amused too. He answered, "You have been appropriately punished, Miss Riding Hood. You have served your detention properly. Make sure you never break curfew again." .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood nodded, relieved that she did not sound to have been expelled for now, however she was still worried about Lucius.
"And as for the werewolf, would you give me his name?" , Professor Draekon asked.
Little Scarlet Riding Hood pondered for a moment wondering whether expelling Lucius on the grounds of being a werewolf would be riskier or allowing him to transform every Full Moon night in pain would be riskier. She considered hard between the two for awhile, and her decision making skills were put to the test, while she thought out an answer and said, "It's Lucius Costa da Silva Carvalho, Professor. He needs help. Hogwarts is the safest place for him. Please do not expel him." . Professor Draekon was amused and laughed again. Then, with a smile playing on the edge of his lips, he said, "Miss Riding Hood, could you wait here until Lucius is summoned?" . Little Scarlet Riding Hood nodded, her heart pounding against her chest, at the thought of Lucius's reaction, Professor Draekon's decision and at the thought of seeing Lucius again. "I believe he is a seventh year Slytherin student" , Professor Draekon said, and as Little Scarlet Riding Hood nodded, he sent an owl to Lucius, summoning him to Professor Draekon's office immediately.
Lucius appeared at the Professor's office, looking calm and mysterious as usual, without a thought about what may have happened and why he may have been called by Professor Draekon. But when he saw Little Scarlet Riding Hood in the office, he was disturbed by just a bit and he wondered if she had got herself into trouble again, the poor kid that she was, over-involving everwhere and in everything all the time, and Little Scarlet Riding Hood looked at the floor, hiding any emotion from him, the best that she could. Lucius was a little confused and a bit amused at her reaction.
Professor Draekon asked, "Lucius, have you seen her before?" .
"Yes, Professor" , Lucius replied, "I have talked to her." . Little Scarlet Riding Hood breathed a sigh of relief as she had thought he would have denied having seen her anywhere.
"It seems you know about the amulet, then?" , Professor Draekon asked. "Yes, Professor" , Lucius replied.
"I have been searching for the owner of the amulet for months" , Professor Draekon said. Both Little Scarlet Riding Hood and Lucius looked up at the Professor at his words.
"This amulet belonged to Olivia Amanda, my childhood friend, colleague at Mahoutokoro and a very proficient witch. She often said that it was a family heirloom and wore it with pride and also often showed it to me, grinning proudly. She said it often showed it's bearer the true path and put the bearer on his/her right path if he/she deviated from it. It was made of ivory. It had runes inscribed on it, especially Naudhiz and Jera. It helped recognize need and represented the cycles of life, allowing one to ease into necessary change for the purpose of need. I see you have inherited it, Lucius." , Professor Draekon said.
"Yes" , Lucius replied, still emotionless and calm, but his face showing signs that his expressionless face was about to burst into tears and his eyes changing color. "May I see it?" , Professor Draekon asked. "Yes Professor" , Lucius replied and handed over the amulet. Little Scarlet Riding Hood stared in amusement from Professor Draekon to Lucius. Professor Draekon turned the amulet in his hands, and rubbed his fingers gently over it. "It reminds me of your mother" , he said, "I found this so many times on Full Moon nights and knew that her son was here. But I did not know he was you. I have been returning the amulet to the 'Lost and Found' section every month after the Full Moon, from where you retrieve it every time. It took me a while to crack the mystery. I did not know you were a werewolf. I looked and looked until one Full Moon night I found werewolf paw prints beside the amulet. At first I thought you were attacked, but then I realised you were the werewolf. Because I never saw signs of blood or a struggle, only the amulet lying discarded, I guessed that you always dropped it after you transformed. The next Full Moon night I decided to wait for you, to see for myself, who Olivia's son was, it was the night of the Blood Moon. However, I happened to be a little sick with a cold and fell asleep early. I had taken the Pepperup Potion and settled into a warm sleep. I failed to wake up in time for your transformation or to see you leave for the Forbidden Forest while still in human form. However, this little Missy here happened to be on the scene earlier than me. She retrieved your amulet which is why I couldn't find it when I looked for it on the night of the Blood Moon. I found her in the Entrance Hall breaking curfew and gave her detention, but had no idea that she had taken the amulet with her. I brewed the Wolfsbane potion for you hoping to meet you one day, with this little Missy's help in prepping ingredients, and today she walked into my office to tell me that the werewolf was you. I immediately knew it must be the same werewolf. I summoned you and you are the owner of the amulet too. Therefore, I now know that you are Olivia Amanda's son." . Professor Draekon sighed as he stopped. Lucius was holding back tears with great difficulty. Professor Draekon asked, "Your mother was a good Legilimens. So was everyone in your mother's family. Do you practise Legilimency too?" . "No, it hurts, it hurts me and others" , Lucius replied, "I'd rather never again know what someone else is thinking, than use my gift of Legilimency." Professor Draekon handed back the amulet to Lucius. Lucius was still holding back emotions that threatened to come out. Finally, he gave in and cried, saying, "It hurts, Professor. " . Professor Draekon waited patiently, listening. "It hurts to have lost my mother and it hurts to have lost my little sister while trying to take care of her for my mother. I was hoping to train as an Auror to avenge my mother, but" , Lucius could speak no more. He hung his head and began to cry. Professor Draekon put his hands on Lucius's shoulders and comforted him. "My boy, your mother was a fine witch. She was the kindest, most gentle and bravest witch anyone saw. Crying would insult her memory. Hiding your emotions and suppressing them would also insult her memory. I suggest you forgive yourself for the past and embrace the meanings of the runes on your amulet." , Professor Draekon said. Lucius felt relieved like a huge mountain had been lifted off his chest as he slowly embraced Professor Draekon's words and eased into the reality of it. Professor Draekon embraced him. Little Scarlet Riding Hood felt relieved too, she had solved both her problems, no expulsion for either Lucius or herself, and Wolfsbane potion for the werewolf every Full Moon night from Professor Draekon. She was about to walk out from the office when Professor Draekon waved to her to wait and Lucius, having calmed himself, thanked Little Scarlet Riding Hood for bringing him to this. Professor Draekon thanked Little Scarlet Riding Hood for bringing the werewolf to him and told her, "Little Scarlet Riding Hood, here is a little gift for your bravery, in reporting the required to my office, the Felix Felicis potion" , and handed over a phial of green potion to her with little golden sparks leaping over it. Little Scarlet Riding Hood was over the Moon with joy and leapt up in the air, taking the phial in her hands. It was her favorite potion. "The usual rules will apply though. No quidditch on Felix Felicis, no classes or assignments or exams on Felix Felicis either" , Professor Draekon added. "I will remember those, Professor. " , Little Scarlet Riding Hood nodded and said.
Soon after, she traipsed back to her dormitory with the phial of Felix Felicis potion in her hand.
"Hey Scarlet" she heard, in a now very familiar voice. She felt a pair of eyes boring her intensely. She turned. She was intrigued. No one had ever called her "Scarlet" or "Red" before. She was called either "Little" by everyone, or atleast "Little Scarlet" . She liked the name "Scarlet" though. Her heart leaped in joy when she saw Lucius following her and realised that he had just called her "Scarlet" . She waited looking into his eyes, for him to talk again.
"I have been suppressing my emotions for a long while now" , Lucius said, "I want to let go and feel my emotions again. Can we be friends?" .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood stood overjoyed, her heart pounding in her chest, her innocent eyes staring at Lucius's eyes and dreaming of her new nickname "Scarlet" .
"You have my mother's eyes" , Lucius said.