Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion

written by Hiya Debnath

Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?

Last Updated






Don't Go Deep into the Woods, Mother Said

Chapter 3

She had practised spells all day. She was exhausted. No matter how purposeful her spell practice may have been, she was clearly suffering from magical exhaustion. "I need a break" , she thought to herself, "I must go explore the Hogwarts grounds and the Hogwarts castle to relax myself." . She chose the Hogwarts grounds because she thought it was easy to go where there are less complex things and simpler nature and natural things. She was subjectively correct, but also, partly even if minutely, too innocent to think that the Hogwarts grounds were simpler than the Hogwarts castle, despite knowing about the dangers lurking in the Forbidden Forest. Or maybe she was overconfident. No matter what the truth be, she did not feel any inhibitions or self-doubt in the least as she made her way towards the Forbidden Forest because she thought the rest of the Hogwarts grounds was boring. Or maybe she thought she already knew everything about the rest of the Hogwarts grounds, but the fear of the unknown in the Forbidden Forest also became the lure of the unknown for her, despite knowing that there were restrictions against first years visiting the Forbidden Forest unescorted. She called it performing mischief to relax herself. She considered performing mischief to be something all cool or rather normal students must do, however she owned that she did not like getting into trouble except for a great magical object like her favorite magical object, the Marauder's Map, or for some other similarly great vendetta.

She walked and walked deeper into the Forbidden Forest, aimlessly, wand in hand, seeking danger, mostly because her mental faculties were looking for refreshing adventure that her innocent brain percieved as less dangerous than spellcasting practice. She percieved it as though she was looking to cure her magical exhaustion through seeking refreshing adventure. Soon after, she heard hooves near her, at first approaching from close behind than trotting past her at high speed and softening into the distance. However, she saw nothing. She guessed it could be a thestral. After her brilliant deduction, she heard hooves again, this time from somewhere deep in the forest among the bushes. The hoof sounds this time were gentler, less urgent and more graceful. However, instead of calming her down, they perked her up and put her on guard. She readied to use her wand and retreated to some bushes to be in a safe hideout and viewpoint. After some time, she saw a flash of silvery white light where she had heard the hoof sounds. The flash of light disappeared so quickly after being visible as a streak for a very little time, that she could not make out what it was like. It startled her brain and she worried if she had imagined it. A few minutes later, she saw it again and again and again, closer with every sighting. Finally, something very beautiful and silvery white, whiter than the purest white and the whitest snow, luminous against the dark background of the Forbidden Forest and lighting up the area, landed with a soft and almost unheard thud on the forest path at the exact spot where Little Scarlet Riding Hood was standing a few minutes ago. When the creature became still and it's motion stopped, Little Scarlet Riding Hood could appreciate what the creature was. It was the most beautiful unicorn she had ever seen, with the most beautiful sparkling white horn and the most beautiful sparkling silvery white mane. Little Scarlet Riding Hood was intrigued and she felt a serene calm fall over her and felt the effects of her magical exhaustion lift, leaving her lighter and happier. At first, she felt like she had been surrounded by dementors and the beautiful creature in front of her was her own patronus that she had accidentally cast. After all, it did make her feel safe and protected and happier. But then she slowly realised that it was a solid living creature, a true unicorn. And she also knew that her patronus was most definitely an Ibizan hound, an animal which could protect against wolves. After watching cautiously for awhile, when she realised that the unicorn was not going to sprint or run away from her, she softly revealed herself from behind the bushes. The unicorn seemed to be staring right at her through the very opaque bushes all this while as if he could see her through them. The unicorn's eyes were fathomless abysses of black. Little Scarlet Riding Hood felt safe in the presence of the unicorn. She timidly reached out with her hand and gently stroked the unicorn's mane. The touch immediately healed her, warmed her heart, made her feel braver, calmer, happier, loved and wanted and possibly cured her magical exhaustion. She wanted to go back to the Hogwarts castle and also felt deep inside her heart that the unicorn was warning her to go back towards the Hogwarts castle. She decided to listen. She nodded to the unicorn, confused if she was just overthinking or imagining it or if the unicorn was non-verbally communicating to her to go back to the castle, stroked the unicorn gently again and thanked the unicorn with a bow, then made her way out of the Forbidden Forest, back towards the Hogwarts castle. She realised that her magical exhaustion had truly been cured and she felt newly energized and healed.

She still felt a pair of eyes stalking her as she returned to the castle and made her way to her dorms, but she did not care. She was too light and happy to care, and feeling too energized to want to waste time bothering about these little things. She would go back to her dormitory to practise more spells or maybe to read more textbooks and study more instead.

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