Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion

written by Hiya Debnath

Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?

Last Updated






I'm a Gryffindor

Chapter 5

"Uh, uh, Flipendo" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood stammered, knowing in her subconscious that she had pronounced "Flipendo" wrong. She was shaking so much in fear that she must have failed to move her lips the right way to pronounce "Flipendo" correctly. The werewolf advanced further towards her, angrier, growling. It looked like it would be upon her in a moment. In that moment of fear and terror, she looked at her dangerous opponent, being at a loss herself, and noticed that the werewolf was large and muscular, possibly the wolf form of a tall and muscular human being. Terrified, she pulled out her wand and cast the Knockback Jinx again. This time, it bounced off it's hide and instead of throwing the werewolf back on it's feet like she had imagined, it growled even more angrily. The angrier it would get, the harder it would be to deal with it. Little Scarlet Riding Hood's Gryffindor spirit kicked in with full force.

She drew herself up to her full form and decided to cast the Stunning Spell. But something stopped her. She did not want to hurt the werewolf. Noticing the tall and muscular form of the werewolf silhoutted against the moonlight howling away and roaring, and realising that it was a tall and muscular human in wolf form, had also made her contemplate that she did not want to harm the creature and the human underneath. She felt sorry for him and only wanted to disarm him enough to flee. So, she resorted to defensive tactics. She cast another spell instead, "Impedimenta" , she said, drawing the required wand movement in the air. She put enough willpower and concentration into the spell to make it work. She was fully focused now as she had her objective clear in mind, which was to flee. Clear focus had replaced fear and terror. Her spell worked and the werewolf slowed down. She cast it again and again and again until the werewolf could barely move. She then cast the Confundus Charm, confusing the werewolf sufficiently, and managed to calm it down. As she cast these spells, she inched backwards and backwards towards the castle, as fast as her little strides could take her. When she was sufficiently close to the castle, she turned and fled. She fled as fast as she could and crashed right into the Entrance Hall, banging the door still partially open from her sneaking out, wide open. She then quickly slammed the door close and began to breathe deeply and quickly, exhausted.

However, instead of returning to her dorms like a good little girl, she was still curious. She put her eyes to one of the stained glass windows in the Entrance Hall and pressed her face against the stained glass, looking out into the Hogwarts grounds for the werewolf. The view was breathtaking from the Entrance Hall, she noticed. She had never been here at night earlier. After a few seconds of searching, she spotted the werewolf just a little distance away from the spot where she had last seen it. The werewolf still confused from her Confunding Spell, was inching backwards and backwards towards the edge of the cliff and the black lake. Little Scarlet Riding Hood was terrified. She wanted to stop it. She could not let it fall to it's death. And because of her Confundus Charm? No, that could not happen. However, to her relief, the werewolf regained it's brain function soon, as much as was possible for a werewolf, and stopped. Little Scarlet Riding Hood noticed that the eclipse was clearing up. The sky appeared lighter and the Moon was becoming whiter with time. She breathed deeply and sighed in relief. The werewolf drew itself up to it's full height, silhoutted against the silvery moonlight getting brighter over time, and howled. Then, it sprinted back towards the Forbidden Forest. 

Little Scarlet Riding Hood sighed deeply again, glad at having survived the ordeal. She noticed a silvery white metallic object visible from the very castle, glinting in the grass, a few inches from the spot where the werewolf was standing, when she encountered it in the Hogwarts grounds. She had to know what it was. Maybe it belonged to the werewolf. She opened the stained glass window, and cast the Summoning Charm, Accio, chanting "Accio Silvery Metallic Object" concentrating on whatever that was and willing for it to come to her, dragging her wand in the required shape for the wand movement. The object flew towards her and she caught it in her left hand, her left arm being her non-wand hand, and shut the window again, fastening it as tightly as it was fastened earlier. She lighted her wand and turned the object in her hand. It appeared to be an amulet of some kind, possibly not metal, but of ivory. The glint on it, indicating that it was often polished and well-maintained, yet the wear and tear of long use on it's surface, hinted to her that it could be a family heirloom. It was in the shape of a crescent moon and attached to a silver chain, and it appeared almost luminous in the dark Entrance Hall. 

Strangely, Little Scarlet Riding Hood did not feel any pair of eyes stalking her this time, but it was possibly because of the curfew, and she did not care but was relieved, until she saw a wand light up in the distance. Her hands automatically closed over the amulet, clasping it, to protect it from whoever had seen her or was approaching. She did not realise that she had clasped the amulet with such force almost subconsciously and reflexly, that her own wand fell to the ground with a thud, until the light cast by her own wand went out and she realised she could not find it to pick it up.

"Miss" , a familiar voice she had a crush on, stern but professional, spoke, "Riding Hood?" . It was Professor Draekon. He had noticed her by wandlight when he was patrolling the castle at night.

Professor Draekon had the unique ability to make anyone feel scared and terrified, yet respect and trust him at the same time, also maintaining his inaccessible and mysterious aura. "Oh hello, Professor Draekon" , little Scarlet Riding Hood stammered, "I was just wa-an-dering. " .

"You were what?" , Professor Draekon asked, his eyes glowing like orbs in the nightly darkness of the Entrance Hall.

"Sorry Professor, I c-c-ouldn't sleep" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood stammered, "I thought taking a walk would help me sleep." . 

Professor Draekon looked amused at the half-terrified and half-cheeky student, but maintained his stern voice and said, "I was wandering too, for a break after my nightly research, and I often take walks at night around the castle when my research work gets overwhelming and I am exhausted. However, I do not appreciate students being out of their dorms at night, wandering, as I am responsible for their safety. Also, personally, being your Head of House, I wouldn't recommend you being out during curfew, if you would like to maintain an image for the school and for your own safety. Please go back to your dorm, Miss Riding Hood, and let me know if you are in trouble on the way. Detention with me on Friday night." .

Little Scarlet Riding Hood kept her eyes downcast all this time, and nodded as her Professor finished. "Sorry Professor" , she said.

"And ten points from Gryffindor" , Professor Draekon said, as she made her way to the Gryffindor dormitories, her eyes on the floor of the corridor and occassionally on her steps.

As she settled into her dormitory, she took a long look at the Hogwarts grounds through her dormitory window, searching for the werewolf but she could see nothing that caught her attention.

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