Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion

written by Hiya Debnath

Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?

Last Updated






The Second Meeting

Chapter 7

Little Scarlet Riding Hood sat in the library, poring over her class notes. She had a few textbooks and reference books open on the side and she was doing some extra research for an essay and adding extra material from the books to her class notes. 

She felt a pair of eyes stalking her very keenly. She wanted to care this time but she was too busy with her work. The amulet was in her pocket and pulsed against her veins where her pocket made contact with her skin. She felt the eyes come closer, but since she was too familiar with the feeling of being stalked by a pair of eyes, she determinedly kept her focus on her work, her eyes on the material in front of her and her class notes. She did not notice the tall and muscular boy who had walked closer and closer to her and stopped in front of her desk with his shadow falling on her notes and the books in front of her, until his shadow obscured the light from the very place where her quill was writing.

Little Scarlet Riding Hood looked up from her work, half curious, half annoyed at being distracted and also a bit wary of what she was about to face or have to deal with. The boy in front of her was tall, handsome, dark-haired and muscular, with broad shoulders and a broad chest. His eyes were dark green but keen and with depth and they looked pained, there was regret in his eyes and possibly deep sorrow. Little Scarlet Riding Hood felt sorry for him and her little heart melted. "Ah, uh, the amulet, it belongs to my family" , he said, with regret in his tone and voice. Little Scarlet Riding Hood did not plan to part with the amulet so soon. She was too curious about it. "Oh" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood said, reluctantly considering returning the amulet and clutching the amulet in her pocket. "Who are you?" , she asked in a tiny voice. From the color of his robes, he was a Slytherin boy. Little Scarlet Riding Hood thought that his eyes changed color slightly, though she could not make out if she was just imagining it. He seemed to be getting slightly angry at her not immediately handing over the amulet and was having difficulty covering it with his calm. However, as he managed to compose himself, his eyes changed and seemed to return to the same shade of dark green color, leaving Little Scarlet Riding Hood further confused whether she was imagining all of it. "I am Lucius Costa da Silva Carvalho, Slytherin" , he said, looking calm and possibly looking full of regret again. "I am a seventh year student" , he added, awkwardly. Little Scarlet Riding Hood murmured, "Hi" , scared of his cold and aloof nature, but she was also intrigued, coldness, aloofness and a mysterious aura being very attractive to her. It was once again the lure of the unknown for her, as she tried to learn more about him instead of just handing over the amulet. She stared right into his eyes, testing his patience. The werewolf averted his gaze and stared at a bookshelf, scanning some library books. Little Scarlet Riding Hood thought that his face looked sorrowful and full of regret again and he soon had a deep, pained expression on his eyes and face again.

"This would be a Slytherin pureblood family amulet" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood said, prodding into the mystery for information, however, she noticed him clench his teeth and look away and his eyes change color again. "I found it at the cliff by the Black Lake when I was wandering there this morning" , she added, not wanting him to know that she had seen him in his werewolf form. "I am a half-blood Slytherin" , he said through his teeth, "and I already know who you are and where you saw me and your escapades on the night of the Blood Moon, so pass on my amulet to me. I will not tell on you." . "Ohh" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood stammered, her head bursting in a pounding headache and memories of the last night coming back to her. As she looked at the werewolf again, his face and eyes changed back to the same pained expression of deep regret and sorrow and he seemed to feel sorry for what he had just done. Little Scarlet Riding Hood meanwhile did not know that the werewolf, Lucius, with the long name, was also adept at Legilimency. The headache made her rethink her wish to prod further, and she timidly took the amulet out of her pocket and told Lucius that she was in detention with Professor Draekon on Friday night. Lucius, the same regret and sorrow still on his face, said, "This is my mother's amulet. It's made of ivory and I often lose it every month. It's a family heirloom, and I care about it." .

"Why don't you keep it off you then, in a safer place? " , Little Scarlet Riding Hood asked, her questioning spirit back again. Lucius looked at her straight in the eyes, and simply said that he needed it on himself, then turned and walked fast out of the library. 

The pair of eyes that Little Scarlet Riding Hood always felt stalking her, disappeared for then, too.

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