Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion
Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?
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Detention and Attention
Chapter 8
It was detention on Friday night. Only for Little Scarlet Riding Hood, of course. She changed into her Hogwarts robes and wore Potions lab class appropriate attire with closed-toed shoes, neatly tied back hair, goggles, dragon-hide gloves and ensured that her robes were not loose, as instructed. Taking her wand in hand, she made her way to the Potions dungeon to meet Professor Draekon after an early dinner. She felt a pair of eyes intensely boring her and scrutinising her and she looked around but there were too many people around to locate someone specific. She had an hour of detention to stay there and then she would be sent back to her dorm by the time curfew started.
Professor Draekon was already in the Potions dungeon when she arrived. A cauldron sat on the Professor's brewing station, attached to the Professor's table and he added an ingredient making the potion hiss. "There you are, Miss Riding Hood" , he said, "you will assist me in brewing this potion today. You must prep the ingredients as I tell you. This is an advanced potion and I will not guide you through the process as you don't need to brew it yet. But, as with all potions, watching me brew and helping to prep ingredients will help you practise on your ability to focus, concentrate and follow instructions, something that you seem to have been disregarding recently." .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood obediently nodded and began to slice and prep the ingredients as told. As she counted out some augurey feathers, she noticed that the next ingredient was purple flowers with green stems and dark green leaves. She thought she recognized them. "Are these wolfsbane or aconite, Professor?" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood asked. "Yes, they are what you say they are. They are also known as monkshood." , Professor Draekon answered, "however, they are very delicate ingredients, so you do not need to work with them today." .
Something caught her attention. She did not know about augurey feathers but she knew that monkshood or wolfsbane was an ingredient in the Wolfsbane potion for werewolves. She decided to be brave and asked, "Professor, are you brewing Wolfsbane?" .
She thought a change came over the Professor's face and though he did not get visibly angry, he answered, "Yes, and you are dismissed." .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood least wanted to be dismissed now, for she wanted to watch the entire potion being brewed and wanted to see if she could possibly acquire some Wolfsbane potion and also was debating in her mind whether it was safe to tell Professor Draekon the identity of the werewolf without putting the werewolf in danger. She also had another question brewing in her mind, which was who was Professor Draekon brewing the Wolfsbane for.
Little Scarlet Riding Hood took her hands off the ingredients, but said, "Professor" , looking keenly at the Professor, with her internal debate still going on hard within her. "Yes?" , the Professor asked, in a very professional tone, not sounding too open to questions. "I was just wondering if that will be all" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood said, deciding against asking him who he was brewing it for. "Yes, that will be all, Miss Riding Hood. Thank you." , Professor Draekon said, in an almost mocking tone. "Thank you Professor" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood said, turning and walking quickly out of the Potions dungeon, almost fleeing.