Hogwarts Monthly Magazine September 2023 Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

Monthly news, snippets of information, fun and entertainment and more. September 2023.

Last Updated






House Points and the Monthly House Point Competition

Chapter 5

Now for the most awaited topic- the house points.

Here is some exciting news. The monthly 'House Point Competition' held in the 'House Point Competition Group' at Hogwarts, earlier hosted by Professor Wessex and now taken over and hosted by Professor Robert Plumb (Astronomy Professor) at Hogwarts, continued the hosting and the competition was hosted as usual for the month of September 2023 at Hogwarts. The results were declared by Professor Robert Plumb on 2nd October 2023 (usually the results are declared by the first day of the next month, but for the month of September, there was a slight delay in announcing the results because of the entry of one contestant being inaccessible which necessitated a decision to be made by Professor Robert Plumb, who decided to reach out to the contestant to make the entry accessible, thus the aforesaid delay happened, but on failing to access the contestant's entry, the Professor ultimately had to make the tough decision of disqualifying the contestant ) , announcing that the first position in the competition was bagged by Hiya Debnath of Gryffindor house with 1696 house points, the second position in the competition was bagged by Hope MIKAELSON of Ravenclaw house with 391 house points and the third position in the competition was bagged by Evony Senoj (also a Charms, Transfiguration and Flying PA) of Slytherin house with 344 house points. A gold medal was awarded to Hiya Debnath (Gryffindor) , a silver medal was awarded to Hope MIKAELSON (Ravenclaw) and a bronze medal was awarded to Evony Senoj (Slytherin) for their respective positions in the competition, by Professor Robert Plumb. There were 15 participants, but one of them had to be disqualified due to their entry for the competition with the screenshot of their initial house points being inaccessible as aforementioned, and among the remaining 14, there were 11 valid entries ( a minimum of 30 house points are required for a valid entry for the competition) for the month of September 2023 in the competition, as posted by Professor Robert Plumb. Some past toppers (by toppers I mean first, second or third position rankers) in this competition were Maya (Ravenclaw), Kenzie G (Ravenclaw), Timothy Walsh (Ravenclaw), Rose PETERSON (now her name has been changed to Hope MIKAELSON, Ravenclaw) and Evony Senoj (Slytherin). The stats indicate that Ravenclaws with their ravenous hunger and ravenous spirit have often been quite high up in the competition, Gryffindors have made a smooth landing with their brave efforts, Slytherins have been slithering hot and fast on the trail and Hufflepuffs huffing and puffing and smoking the engine though not high up in the stats for the competition have been incredible participants too. For all of those who are interested in the competition and want to participate, though you can always just search for the 'House Point Competition Group' at Hogwarts, here is the easy way to reach the competition at Hogwarts: - https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/13729/


A small update- If you find that the above way to reach the competition at Hogwarts is not working (there may be a possible bug that is preventing the above way from working) , kindly just search for the 'House Points Competition Group' at Hogwarts. 


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