Things To Know For Second Year Students At Hogwarts

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a second year counterpart of the "Things To Know For First Year Students" book by me in the current Hogwarts Library.

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The Thestral Drawn Carriages

Chapter 2

No Sorting Ceremony and no rowing across the Black Lake for you this year, rather I am glad to say that you will get to experience the novelty of being an older second year student at Hogwarts atleast in lieu of the company of the new first year students at Hogwarts around you. You also get to experience the thestral drawn carriages for the first time. Thestrals are not visible to you if you have never witnessed a death. If you have witnessed a death, you will be able to see these majestic looking, black, winged horses. They will pull the  carriages, in which you will sit in groups of five with other students of Hogwarts except first year students at Hogwarts, from the Hogsmeade train station in the Hogsmeade village to the Hogwarts castle and you will then dismount the carriages and enter through the gates of the Hogwarts grounds facing the Hogsmeade village. After entering, you will walk into the Entrance Hall and then traipse into the Great Hall as usual where you will be able to view the Sorting Ceremony for first years at Hogwarts. You will then partake of the start-of-term feast and head to your dormitories to sleep. You still get to live in the same dormitory and still get to use the same four poster bed that you used in your first year at Hogwarts.

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