Things To Know For Second Year Students At Hogwarts

written by Hiya Debnath

This book is a second year counterpart of the "Things To Know For First Year Students" book by me in the current Hogwarts Library.

Last Updated







Chapter 4

This year, you have four available electives and seven core subjects. The seven core subjects are compulsory and are Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Astronomy. The lessons for these subjects in your second year at Hogwarts all draw upon your knowledge of these subjects as taught to you in your first year at Hogwarts. You will have to have a passing grade in each of these subjects in your first year at Hogwarts to be able to take the classes for these subjects in your second year at Hogwarts. If you do not have a passing grade in each of the aforesaid seven core subjects in your first year at Hogwarts, you will not be promoted to your second year at Hogwarts. You must have recieved your academic performance results of your first year at Hogwarts at the end of term as a first year at Hogwarts for you. That is where you can check your performance or you can also access your gradebooks in the first year classrooms or check your Hogwarts Transcript. Remember, that your gradebooks will be removed from the first year classrooms, once you have been promoted to your second year at Hogwarts. If you do not have passing grades, you may have to repeat the classes teaching the lessons in first year in the subjects you have a failing grade in, with other first year students at Hogwarts, instead of studying that subject as a second year student at Hogwarts, in which case your gradebooks will still be available in the first year classrooms, and your year at Hogwarts will officially remain first year at Hogwarts. However, if you do have a passing grade in each  of the seven core subjects in your first year at Hogwarts, you are officially a second year at Hogwarts, and you need to mark each core subject complete  at the first year classrooms and then you can ask a Professor or Professor Assistant to send you to the location you can visit to change your designation in your Hogwarts social media profile to second year student at Hogwarts from first year student at Hogwarts. Once that is done, you can simply enroll in the classes for second year students at Hogwarts and start studying as an official second year student at Hogwarts.

Of course, you will compulsorily need to take classes of and study the aforementioned seven core subjects. You need to pass these seven core subjects with a passing grade in your second year at Hogwarts to be able to be promoted to your third year at Hogwarts. Flying class is no longer available to study in your second year at Hogwarts unless you have a failing grade in Flying class in  your first year at Hogwarts, in which case you can retake Flying classes at Hogwarts with other first year students at Hogwarts, while simultaneously studying as a second year students at Hogwarts (Flying class is the only compulsory subject in your first year at Hogwarts that you do not need to have a passing grade in, to be promoted to second year at Hogwarts, however you cannot fly your own broomstick without supervision at Hogwarts for as long as you do not obtain a passing grade in Flying class with first year students at Hogwarts) .

You get to choose among four electives available to you at Hogwarts in your second year at Hogwarts. The four electives are: - Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Ancient Runes and Alchemy. You need to compulsorily take classes for atleast two electives in your second year at Hogwarts and obtain a passing grade in atleast two electives in your second year at Hogwarts to be able to be promoted to your third year at Hogwarts. However, there are no rules against taking up more than two electives and taking the classes of more than two electives and you may feel free to do so.

The current list of Professors for second year subjects at Hogwarts is as follows: - 

Astronomy- Professor Robert Plumb (Ravenclaw) and Professor Oliver Adler (Ravenclaw) 

Charms- Professor Cassandra Hope Virneburg (Ravenclaw)

Defense Against the Dark Arts- Professor Jericho Penrose (Slytherin)

Herbology- Professor Aspen (Gryffindor)

History of Magic- Professor Everby (Hufflepuff)

Potions- Professor Draekon (Gryffindor)

Transfiguration- Professor Mitchell (Ravenclaw)

Alchemy- Professor Rosenquist (Slytherin)

Ancient Runes- Headmistress Oshiro (Ravenclaw) and Professor Everby (Hufflepuff) have temporarily taken over as the previous Professor, Professor Venita Wessex has left Hogwarts.

Care of Magical Creatures- Professor Anne (Ravenclaw).

Divination- Headmistress Oshiro (Ravenclaw) and Professor Rosenquist (Slytherin) have temporarily taken over as the previous Professor, Professor Abigail Swithun has left Hogwarts.


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