Hogwarts Monthly Magazine October 2023 Halloween Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is back. The October 2023 issue is a Halloween special issue with spookily fabulous gossip, mystically petrifying celestial events and shockingly delicious Halloween treat recipes that you don't want to miss. Jump into the pages for a hair-raising Halloween ride and dive into challenging adventures.

Last Updated






The Ravenclaw Common Room Door-Knocker Riddle

Chapter 10

The Ravenclaw Common Room has an eagle-shaped bronze knocker on their entrance door, which we all know about. It asks a riddle to anyone who wants to enter. Without providing the correct answer, no one is permitted inside. Also, it never asks the same riddle twice, which means that the past riddles can be used for having fun in the present.

Thus, here comes the fun and entertaining part of this magazine once again. This month's Ravenclaw Common Room Door-Knocker Riddle is as follows: -

"It's an extension of you, but it's not

In wood around a magical creature's parts, it's wrought

If it likes you back and is your soulmate, sparks fly.

It has a mind of it's own, well-nigh

Very loyal and yours for life

Works as anything, whether flashlight or knife"






Just like last month, answering the riddle via owl to Hiya Debnath, the founder and publisher of this magazine, or to https://www.hogwartsishere.com/1554507

earns you a prize of five Knuts, free advertising opportunity in the pages of our magazine and your name in the next issue.






For more goosebumps, here's your special Halloween surprise, an extra riddle (please note that the riddle is not Halloween themed though). Answering this riddle earns you the same perks as the riddle above, but you may find this one a bit more challenging if you haven't taken second year Divination lessons yet (but feel free to try): -

"They often help you, but are not very loyal.

They have numbers, and are sometimes royal.

Made of paper, but living wrapped in cloth or in wood

They could be silently ominous or they could hint of good.

Friend or foe? We never know

But with some effort, they are always honest to you.

If you lack a friend or guide, or don't know where to go,

They are the ones you may often turn to.

Sometimes they are up straight and sometimes reversed

To get the correct answer, in your question you have to be immersed."


Now, here is a special mention of the winners of last month's (September issue) riddle with a big round of applause from our team and many congratulations.

The winners were: -

Evony Senoj (Charms, Transfiguration and Flying Professor Assistant) , Second Year Slytherin student.

Celestia Carrow, First Year Hufflepuff student.

Kathleen Mcgonagall, First Year Gryffindor student.

The correct answer was the Moon.

With pride, pleasure and gratitude, we announce that Celestia Carrow volunteered as the editor for this magazine and Kathleen Mcgonagall volunteered as proof-reader for this magazine and helped create the issue you are holding now, with their diligent efforts.

Here's a quick recap and the explanation: -

Hogwarts Monthly Magazine September 2023 Issue Ravenclaw Common Room Door-Knocker Riddle-

"In the middle of the night,

Brighter and larger than a fairylight,

In different fixed shapes on different days,

Passing out gentle silvery rays,

Sometimes completely unseen,

It has a very beautiful reflection on water in a tureen.

Visible from the Astronomy Tower,

Spare the von Rheticus though,

The friend of Mooncalves and usually the enemy of werewolves,

It looks silvery-white and as dented as dough."

Explanation- The Moon reflects the Sun's magic and has a powerful magical influence on Earth, especially on Full Moon nights, as anyone who has taken their first year of Astronomy lessons seriously will know. The Moon is often seen in the sky in the middle of the night and is like a large disc brighter than a fairylight. The Moon usually has phases which are in different shapes on different days. It gives us gentle silvery-white rays of light and is completely unseen on the New Moon days. If you ever take water in a tureen and try to look at the Moon's reflection in it, it will definitely look very beautiful. The Moon is visible from the Astronomy tower with the naked eye (even without the von Rheticus telescope), which is why you may spare the von Rheticus, but you may also need to spare the von Rheticus on Full Moon days to prevent the Full Moon's magic from destroying the charms on your telescope. The Moon is the friend of mooncalves because the full Moon drags them out into the open, makes them dance and also aids their digestion and metabolism. The Moon is usually an enemy of those werewolves who do not want to hurt anybody. The Moon is silvery-white in color and dented with craters.


Meanwhile, we hope you enjoyed answering this month's riddle and look forward to your responses.



- Hiya Debnath, journalist, editor, compiler and publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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