Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.

Last Updated






🎵 Accio Christmas - By Daisy Delacour - An interview with Celestina Warbeck

Chapter 14

I've got a cauldron full of hot, strong love

And it's bubbling for you!

Say Incendio, but that spell's not hot

As my special witch's brew!

Yes, my dear reader, you have heard the words correctly! It’s the Singing Sorceress’s favorite song - composed by Celestina Warbeck. The singing sensation of the wizarding world that I have managed to corner in the Three Broomsticks for a very cozy interview. Writing this article right now, I’m blasting one of my favorite festive songs - Accio Christmas, by Celestina Warbeck. You should definitely check it out. I’m just hoping Hiya won’t stumble upon me with the volume full up; I doubt that it's in the rules -coughs-

Anyway, now that you’re all comfortable and relaxed, let us begin our exclusive interview with Celestina Warbeck.

Daisy: Why hello, Celestina? How lovely to meet you! Perhaps you could tell us a little bit about the songs you are planning?

Celestina: -laughs- Unfortunately, too much can’t be given away. I can admit, though, that Three Broomsticks is a very inspirational place to think. I would recommend getting tickets by visiting the Ticket Booth - disguised by the Ministry as a sweet shop; just say the word “Chocolate Moon” and you’ll be able to see the latest concerts.

Daisy: I shall definitely need quite a few tickets then -laughs- May I ask why you’re wearing a big, bright, um, feather boa and sunglasses?

Celestina: I prefer walking undercover in the streets, especially where there are many Daily Prophet reporters around, I confess. Most newspapers do love to twist what I say. But it seems that a small interview with a student-run magazine seems quite safe, don’t you, Miss Daisy? -smiles-

Daisy: Thank you for being here -smiles back- Do you have a favorite song that you sing? And a favorite singer?

Celestina: I enjoy singing “My baby gave me a Hippogriff for Christmas” now that the festive season is coming along! As for my favorite singer, I admit that the Weird Sisters produce some great music.

Daisy: Lovely choices, and thank you for speaking with me! Have a lovely day, Mrs. Warbeck. Oh, and before you go, could you potentially take a photo with me?



- Daisy Delacour, Journalist, Publishing Secretary, Proof-reader, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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