Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue
Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.
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House Points and the Monthly House Point Competition
Chapter 7
Do you keep watch on the hourglasses in the Great Hall?
Which house do you belong to? Are you in The Blue Sea beside The Ravenclaw-ed eagles, who soared their way into true wit and wisdom through their curiosity and passion?
Are you among the Sea Green Slytherin-g Serpents who slid their way into remarkable positions, fueled by their ambition?
Are you Seeing Red like The Gryffindor-roar Lions, who fought hard to get into the world of majestic fame with bravery and determination?
Are you in The Yellow Sea with The Hufflepuff-ers Honeybadgers, who burrowed their way into greatness through mind-blowing dedication?
No matter which house you are in, house points are something we all hold dear. Hogwarts is close to our hearts, and house points are the currency when you are at Hogwarts. The more you add to your repertoire, the better.
For the ones who like monthly reminders to touch up their driving force and energy, here is the monthly search for the best student, Professor Plumb's House Point Competition. Join the House Point Competition Group if you haven't already, and participate to be appreciated for studying hard. Gear up and get those house points under your name, win gold, silver, or bronze medals, shine through your academic achievements, and make your house proud. That definitely sounds like good news for a nerd to me.
This month the competition was hosted by Professor Robert Plumb, as usual. There were 6 entries, out of which 2 were disqualified due to having less than 30 house points. The gold medal was placed on Martha Desurra's wall for being the winner with 355 house points. The silver medal shone on Hiya Debnath's wall for claiming the 1st runner-up position with 292 house points. The bronze medal made its way to Alex Halsey's wall for ending up as the 2nd runner-up in the competition with 235 house points. The results were calculated by the humorous and intellectually dazzling and outshining ex- Muggle Mathematics and Magical Astronomy Professor, Robert Plumb, who also left those bedazzling medals on the students' walls. Martha Desurra is a 2nd year Ravenclaw witch, Hiya Debnath is a 2nd year Gryffindor witch, Astronomy and Charms Professor Assistant, and, Alex Halsey is a 1st year Slytherin wizard and an Astronomy Professor Assistant, at Hogwarts. Watch out for Professor Plumb's next entry collection post in the House Point Competition Group to be a contender and prove your academic prowess to the world inside Hogwarts in the next month. Extra power to you if you are a proper nerd.
How to Join? - Just enter via the fireplace through the Floo Network by saying "House Point Competition Group" clearly. Then, look at Professor Plumb's post for further instructions. You can also reach there via portkey, like all other places. So here's a quick and easy-to-hold little portkey for you: -
You can join the competition any time during the month, but your house points will only be counted from the day you join. So hurry up. If you are joining mid-month, don't be scared, though. It's never too late to start studying hard. Pick up your books and quills, and simply go to class. Are you in it to win it?
- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Compiler, Publisher, Editor, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.