Hogwarts Monthly Magazine November 2023 Pre-Christmas Special Issue
Autumn is slipping through our fingers. But Christmas is coming. Are you excited? We are. Do not be gloomy; we will all miss autumn, but let's learn to let go and prepare for the cold and snowy Christmas season. Let twenty Knuts slip between your hands and pick up this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine to warm your spirits throughout the chilly pre-Christmas month of November.
Last Updated
Aubrey's visit to the current Hogwarts Library
Chapter 9
Book Lovers, assemble! Hark and hear.
Are you bored with waiting to pack Christmas gifts for the ones you hold dear?
To your gloomy days, add some cheer.
Nothing beats a book and a butterbeer.
"A book is a gift you can open again and again" - Garryson Keillor.
"Books are a uniquely portable magic" - Stephen King.
Grab a warm butterbeer and cozy up by the crackling fireplace with the recently updated books from the Hogwarts Library. Here are a few to keep you reading for hours: "Care of Magical Creatures" by Katherine Sanderson is a perfect book for future magizoologists, with a bonus, a theory, and an opinion about magical creatures. "Creature Giude For Blinkered People" by Zee Scamander is yet another great one. "Hogwarts Hacks and Helpful Stuff <3" by Lulu is really helpful! If you ever need a few good tips for classes or spells, this is the book for you. Dive into discovering about Animagi and learning all the secrets with "A Guide To Animagi" by Isiah Banner, even how to become one! An interesting story that'll keep you hooked, "Being a Hufflepuff in a Family of Death Eaters" by Abigail Rookwood is certainly a thriller! If you were brought up in a home without any witches or wizards, read the handy "A Complete Guide to the Wizarding World (WIP)" by Damian Basiliscus Acheron. If you are more the type to enjoy an enthralling fiction novel, take up "Only on one condition" by Kyra. On the other hand, if you would like to read a curiosity-evoking autobiography of Aberforth Dumbledore's daughter, the niece of famous former headmaster Albus Dumbledore, that unveils a mind-blowing secret in the present tied to our beloved former headmaster's past, pick up "Lily Dumbledore" by "Lily Dumbledore".
Happy reading!
To add, if you had a hard time browsing the lovely collection in the Hogwarts Library due to spam, inappropriate, or offensive books, please help the library administration and the Hogwarts Castle by reporting such cluttering books through the following Google Form available in Headmistress Oshiro's "The Guide to the HiH Library" : - http://goo.gl/forms/RoAjPT8cIP
- Aubrey Rosier, Journalist, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.