Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

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Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits

Chapter 1

Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,

Did you enjoy the holly and jolly month? We hope you did, because it's going to get even better from now on. With the Christmas snow not yet melted and the Christmas gifts melting our hearts, we are all ready to usher in the New Year, 2024. So, to celebrate, the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team wishes you a very Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas. As usual, we've brought to you a special issue to make the most of on this festive occasion. Here's the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue, the fourth issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine, to cheer up your hearts and keep the festive cheer in your minds while you sleep with the mistletoe under your pillows.

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine was founded by a 2nd year Gryffindor witch at Hogwarts, Hiya Debnath, in lieu of facilitating the easy spread of information, news, and entertainment at Hogwarts. This magazine is also for time-pass purposes and fun, so enjoy it.

For your belated Christmas gift and to keep up your anticipations for the New Year, the cost of this magazine is only twenty Knuts, cheaper than a time-turner that could be bought to take you back to 2023. So, leave those regrets behind and welcome the New Year happily while continuing to read the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

To bring glory to our magazine, Kyra, a 1st-year Gryffindor witch, joined the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine team this month as a journalist. Jules, another 1st-year Gryffindor witch, also joined us this month as a journalist to give our magazine a youthful vibe. Sophia Williams, a 1st-year Gryffindor witch, joined us as Sales Manager to help us with our finances, guided by her wisdom. We were also blessed by the addition of Elizabeth Wonders, a 1st-year Ravenclaw witch, as a proof-reader and journalist to our team. Here's how our little interview with Elizabeth Wonders went: - "I'm Elizabeth Wonders, and friends usually call me Lisa. I love writing, and I'm writing a few books on HiH. I often write a few books in a row. When I finish them, I choose which is the best and share it with family and friends. Their feedback is awesome, and it helps me improve. Apart from writing, I love reading. I read the Harry Potter series in two months. One amazing achievement I made was reading Order of the Phoenix in two weeks. Ever since then, I have been a Potterhead, perhaps nerdy, Mum would say, and Dad would say geeky. I am a proud Potterhead, however, and when I found HiH, I was thrilled. I'm also on hexrpg.com (Hogwarts Extreme: A Harry Potter Fan Site Experience), where I love the economics. Since I love reading and economics on HEX, I figure I would like this job because 1) I can spot a misspelled word or wrong sentence a mile away, and 2) I do perfect advertising."

Tricia Malfoy, a 1st-year Slytherin witch, nobly joined us this month as a journalist and marketer, while Veronica Nightingale, a 1st-year Hufflepuff witch, also joined us as another marketer to spike up our marketing, especially by covering our need for a talented graphic designer. Furthermore, olivia., a 1st-year Slytherin witch, joined us on Christmas Eve as our Publishing Secretary and and yet another marketer to bring peace and harmony to our magazine's editorial and publishing team.

The cover of this issue of our magazine was expertly designed by Celestia Carrow, Cover Designer and Illustrator, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

What should you look out for in the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue to continue smiling throughout the New Year?

  1. Arithmancy classes have begun at Hogwarts. Welcome 2024. Good news for students in their sixth year at Hogwarts - The first Sixth Year Potions lesson is ready. Rush to class. Check out "Breaking News at Hogwarts".

  2. A description of "Baily's Beads" and the important celestial events of this and the next month, along with little surprises about next year, in "Cosmic Communiqués by Hiya".

  3. Yet another magical mystery in "Magical Mysteries from the Super-secret Files of Isadore Oakwood".

  4. Albus Dumbledore on HiH in "Albus Dumbledore on HiH".

  5. Learn how to make your own DIY ornaments and decorations in "DIY Ornaments and Decorations".

  6. Take a tour inside Ginny Weasley's trunk to look at the choice items and participate in the random wheel to win a very special prize in "Peeping into Ginny Weasley's Trunk with Daisy Delacour".

  7. If you are still frozen cold, brew hot chocolate in the best way with help from "Hot Chocolate For You".

  8. Learn interesting, lesser-known facts about magical people who are thought to be Muggles in "Magical People Who Are Thought to Be Muggles".

  9. Gear up with planning for nothing but success this New Year in "How to Actually Keep Your New Year's Resolutions".

  10. Decide on your best future career in the wizarding world with help from "This Month's Special Topic by Hiya - The Career Aptitude Test to Help Decide Your Wizarding World Career".

  11. Embrace entirely different Christmas and New Year traditions from across the world that you did not know about in "This Month's Christmas and New Year Special Topic by Hiya - Christmas and New Year Traditions from Around the World".

We hope you enjoy this issue thoroughly and party hard to bring in the New Year, 2024.


- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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