Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

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Albus Dumbledore on HiH - by Hiya

Chapter 11

We all know the famous former Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

What if he returned to check on us on HiH?

I'm pretty sure he'd be in for a rude shock. Just joking. Actually, I think he'd be quite pleased.

Drifts off.

This morning, I saw Albus Dumbledore on HiH. He had a flowy, long, white beard and was wearing half-moon spectacles. He held a moon watch in his hand and wielded a wand in the other. Albus Dumbledore looked exactly like he was represented in portraits and chocolate frog cards. There was something like a time-turner around his neck. Beside him was a tall witch in a black cloak, obviously Minerva McGonagall. I hid in the shadows, watching them as they kept whispering to each other.

Dumbledore - Minerva, why do they call it "Hogwarts is Here"? We all know that it's right here. That sounds like a pesky way to draw unwanted attention to my beloved school.

McGonagall - Albus, relax. That's just a way to restore belief. Many Muggles wouldn't send their children to Hogwarts because they do not believe in its existence. With the International Statute of Secrecy even more strictly in place, thanks to Hermione, I am sure adding "is Here" after the name of the school is a good way to restore belief among the Muggle-borns.

A strange noise was followed by a group of students traipsing into the Great Hall. McGonagall turned into a cat. Dumbledore turned off a few lights with his deluminator.

One of the students - Uh, oh, what's happening here? I can't see anything; I am lost.

Another student - Don't you worry. If there's anything you need to find, just go to the "HiH User Guide" section or the "FAQ" section.

Dumbledore - Minerva, what are those two sections? Are the kids talking about something in the Room of Requirement?

McGonagall - From the words "HiH User Guide," I suspect they found a way to guide the magic users. I am not sure what HiH is, though. It must be some sort of advanced transfiguration.

Dumbledore burst out laughing.

Dumbledore - Minerva, now that you told me what a user guide is, I think I know just what the kid meant. HiH is the shortened form of that name they gave my school.

McGonagall - Ahh, that's clever, Albus.

Dumbledore - It still sounds weird to need a user guide for Hogwarts, though.

McGonagall - At least the students won't trip across the trick-steps in the staircases that you refused to remove, Albus.

Dumbledore - Safety issues, Minerva. But I think Hermione is taking care of that.

The student from earlier - Why, you are right. Thank you so much. You have been so helpful. Can I send you a follow request?

The other student - Yes, of course. I will do the same.

Dumbledore - What do you think a follow request is, Minerva?

McGonagall - I am pretty sure the kids are only role-playing at this point, but it could mean a magical written request to follow each other around.

The student once again - Actually, I already checked out your Profile last night.

Dumbledore - Why would the kid check out the other one's profile? That sounds weird. Minerva, these kids are making me dizzy. Let's go elsewhere.

McGonagall - As you say, Albus.

I stealthily followed them to the Hogwarts Library.

Dumbledore (proudly) - Look at the size, Minerva. At least the authorities have done great work.

McGonagall - That certainly is a huge collection. I must say that they have vastly expanded the library to a remarkable size. I see a lot of books written by students. That would mean that there are quite a few talented students here. There are quite a lot of aspiring authors too, I see. Impressive. Oh, and here are the textbooks. I like the hard work put in by the Professors.

Dumbledore - Advanced Potion-Making by Professor Draekon. This man would beat Snape.

McGonagall walked over excitedly to look at the book.

Dumbledore - I am glad to see the Professors teaching with such passion. These reprints of the traditional Hogwarts textbooks are brilliantly made. The new ones are very informative, too. It looks like they are paying almost equal attention to the electives. I wish I could meet these dedicated Professors.

Just then, they turned around a corner and spotted two students grabbing books from the shelves in the library. McGonagall pulled Dumbledore back into the shadows.

One Student - I am new here. How do I finish looking at this vast collection of books in the Hogwarts Library?

Another Student - Just Scroll. If you are looking for anything specific, you can visit the "Textbooks," "Most Popular," or "Updated" sections, depending on what you are looking for.

Dumbledore - I don't understand. What does the student mean by "Just Scroll," Minerva? Can they, can they roll down the whole library like a piece of parchment? (sounding scared)

McGonagall - Relax, Albus. I am pretty sure the student only meant writing down the names of the books they like or want on a roll of parchment to keep track of what they are looking for.

Dumbledore - Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Why would the student be new in December, though? Isn't he supposed to be three months into his school year?

McGonagall - I heard something about Hermione making time-turners available for everyone and Muggle-born children toggling between Hogwarts and Muggle life, attending both schools at once. I think the student joined in December, but is using a time-turner to complete the classes and all the other events he is supposed to have already attended since September.

Dumbledore - That's quite a lot. Also, the funny language they keep using, such as "Just Scroll," I suppose it's just Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

McGonagall - I think we've seen enough, Albus. Everything seems to be pretty much in control here, except that I don't see the armored knights or the Hogwarts ghosts. Let's travel back to our era.

Dumbledore - I agree with you, Minerva. I think we should maybe return to our era and put some permanency charms on those armored knights and ask the Hogwarts ghosts to stick around. I must admit, I've seen quite a lot.

McGonagall - Also, Albus, can I send you a follow request?

Just then, someone shakes me up. "Hiya, where have you been? I've been looking for you all morning."

"Umm, have I been sleeping?" I ask, my eyes still trying to focus on her.

"No, you looked like you were in a trance," she says. "Anyway, I came to remind you that we were supposed to go to Potions class together."

"Yes, of course, I am so excited," I say as I rise. "I think I was just dreaming."

" About what?" she asks.

"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" I reply.


- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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