Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

Last Updated






This Month's Special Topic by Hiya - The Career Aptitude Test to Help Decide Your Wizarding World Career

Chapter 17

All of us would like to know what we want to be when we graduate from Hogwarts. Some of us have solid plans, and some don't. 

Muggles use this Career Aptitude Test to determine the type of career that suits them. In this article, I, Hiya, the founder, compiler, publisher, and editor-in-chief of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine, am going to help you determine your future career in the wizarding world with the help of this test.

The Career Aptitude Test explores your motivations, your triggers, your personal interests, and your values; analyzes your personality traits; assesses your reactions to certain situations; and, in general, comprehensively measures your competencies such as drive, adaptability, emotional regulation qualities, trustworthiness, etc., to establish the type of job role you are most inclined to fulfill well by comparing your overall personality to four spheres that determine an individual's personality at their workplace.

The four spheres are : - 





The results of the test show your comparative likeliness to each sphere, thus determining your workplace personality and helping you decide what types of jobs you would be best suited for.

So, take the personality test here, and let's find out which wizarding world jobs are best for each of these four spheres: -

Humanitarian - Humanitarians are driven to make the world a better place. They want to change the world for the better by coming up with imaginative, insightful, and creative solutions to meaningful problems faced by the entirety of humanity. The best wizarding world careers or jobs for humanitarians would be Minister for Magic (what better person than one who likes to brainstorm solutions for the betterment of humanity), Author (the quill may often be more powerful than a wand when it comes to the wizarding world), Hogwarts Professor (who better than a Professor to bring change in the world by influencing the minds of the younger generation of witches and wizards for a better future), Magical Historian (there is a reason why history is taught, yes of course, so that we can learn from our ancestors and improve upon ourselves), and Wand maker (they would find their solace in researching the best ways to channel a witch or wizard's inherent magical abilities the best).

Caretaker - Caretakers like to take care of others and provide social service while under the banner of an established institution that provides stability, safety, and security. The best wizarding world jobs or careers for caretakers would include Healers at St. Mungo's (they would enjoy serving the sick under the safety and security of an established wizarding hospital), Herbologists (plants require as much care as humans do), Magizoologists (animals could do with a bit of care and service, and without that you cannot study them), Seers (a seer finds his or her happiness in putting the minds of the confused and those who seek guidance to rest), and Dragonologist (dragons may be ferocious, but it takes the heart of a nurturer and caregiver to fully understand dragons and study their various aspects).

Innovator - Innovators are driven by an interest in thought-provoking problem-solving and analysis. They love complex rational problems and like to use their analytical abilities to come up with innovative ways to improve logical systems. The best wizarding world careers for innovators would be Potion-inventor (they would love to formulate new potion-recipes, along with enjoying the precision and accuracy that potion making requires), Arithmancer (they would truly enjoy analyzing the magical properties of numbers), Gringotts curse-breaker (that takes a knack for solving thought-provoking problems and analyzing little details for sure), Alchemists (analyzing the properties of metals and researching the possibilities would be just their cauldron of tea), Quidditch player (if not inventing the Wronski Feint, it certainly helps to brainstorm a foolproof way to dodge the Blugders and confuse the rival team's Seeker), and Broom-maker (they would love to invent the most practical and efficient designs that serve various purposes like balance or speed).

Pragmatist - Pragmatists like to work in a safe and secure environment and perform accurate and efficient tasks that serve practical, real-world goals. The best wizarding world jobs for pragmatists would be Aurors (practical and efficient, these individuals would get a kick from serving the community through little rewarding real-world pursuits), Magical Artist (portrait-making is a very important job in the wizarding world if you are looking to keep people happy and remembered), Magical Astronomer (they would enjoy accurately revealing the mysteries of the cosmos to the wizarding world), Desk-job at Gringotts (serving humanity by safeguarding their most important possessions under the umbrella of the safest bank in the wizarding world), Hit wizard or witch (someone has to fight to keep the others safe), and Obliviator (they would find solace in the safe and secure job of helping keep the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in place).

So, now that you know your future plans a little better, I hope you feel motivated to live your present accordingly.






Sources: - Results of the https://www.truity.com/test/career-personality-profiler-test







- Hiya Debnath, Journalist, Editor-in-Chief, Compiler, Publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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