Hogwarts Monthly Magazine December 2023 Christmas Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The festive season is still on, and memories of the Yule Ball still haunt us. But we also have our eyes on a very special gift - a brand new year full of surprises, anticipations, and goals. Moving on is a very important skill to master; embracing new beginnings and leaving the past behind is essential to keeping the cycle of life going. On that note, let's step into the New Year, 2024, with a fresh, new perspective, a calm mind, and a cheery heart. Happy New Year!

Last Updated






From Our Team

Chapter 19

Hello Students, Staff, and Spirits,

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a glowing New Year.

We hope you enjoyed this month's issue to the brim and are overflowing with joy and happiness to carry forth into your New Year, 2024. Here's wishing you luck, success, merriment, and more. Cheers to all of us becoming one year older and wiser!

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team wishes you all the best and would like to thank you for your unwavering support throughout this year. We are looking forward to your continued support throughout the entirety of 2024 and beyond. 

We would like to note with the greatest pleasure that, in all honesty, we enjoyed bringing you every issue of this magazine and would love to continue to do so. We spent every day of the month full of love and warmth, dedication, and commitment towards bringing out only the best for our readers.

Our amazing staff members who have been sauntering across our office, carrying stacked-up rolls of parchment and bundles of quills, to help produce this issue of the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine are: - 

Journalists - Hiya Debnath (2nd-year Gryffindor witch), Isadore Oakwood (1st-year Ravenclaw wizard), Raven Greengrass (1st-year Ravenclaw witch), Daisy Delacour (1st-year Slytherin witch), Kyra (1st-year Gryffindor witch).

Editors - Hiya Debnath (Editor-in-Chief), Isadore Oakwood.

Proof-readers - Elizabeth Wonders (1st-year Ravenclaw witch), Raven Greengrass (temporarily volunteering proof-reader for this month), Lily Dumbledore (1st-year Ravenclaw witch).

Compiler and Publisher - Hiya Debnath.

Publishing Secretary - olivia. (1st-year Slytherin witch).

Cover Designer and Illustrator - Celestia Carrow (1st-year Hufflepuff witch).

Marketers - Veronica Nightingale (1st-year Hufflepuff witch), Kyra (temporarily volunteering marketer for this month), olivia..

Sales Manager - Sophia Williams (1st-year Gryffindor witch).

Hiya's Editing Quill owner of the month - Isadore Oakwood.

Daisy's Reporting Quill owner of the month - Isadore Oakwood.

Rita Skeeter's Quick Quotes Quill owner of the month - Hiya Debnath.

Minerva Mcgonagall's Proof-reading Quill owner of the month - Elizabeth Wonders.

Dumbledore's Fancy Quill owner of the month - Isadore Oakwood.

Dumbledore's Moon Watch owners of the month - Kyra as Journalist, Isadore Oakwood as Editor, Raven Greengrass as Proof-reader, and Kyra as Marketer.

Dumbledore's Rings owner of the month - Isadore Oakwood.

Dumbledore's Half-Moon Spectacles owner of the month - Elizabeth Wonders.

Deluminator owner of the month - Hiya Debnath.

Lavender's Yule Ball Bows owners of the month - Veronica Nightingale, olivia..

Model of Binky owners of the month - Kyra, Veronica Nightingale.

Snape's Love Letter to Lily owners of the month - Isadore Oakwood, Raven Greengrass, Daisy Delacour.

Snape's Potions owner of the month - Raven Greengrass.

Celestia's Wand owner of the month - Hiya Debnath.

A Special Note of Thanks to Raven Greengrass for temporarily volunteering to proof-read this month and to Kyra for temporarily volunteering as a marketer this month.

Here's a short note from us: - We would love to welcome more people to help row the boat and share our responsibilities in the future. If you would love to join us in our magical experience, please send an owl to either Compiler and Publisher Hiya Debnath or Publishing Secretary olivia.. Alternatively, you may also drop into "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office." We have vacancies for Journalists (if you love to write and think that creation of written pieces is your forte, jump right in), Editors (if you are good at rephrasing sentences beautifully, put your name into the box), Proof-readers (if you have a keen eye for finer details, love correcting grammar or spelling mistakes, and have a reputation for being a grammar nazi, drop your name into the ring), Marketers (if you love to create innovative and eye-catching graphics that grab a lot of attention instantly, strut confidently and proudly into the arena), and a volunteer to help run a quaint, little shop called "Mystical & Magical" in a quiet corner of Hogsmeade.

We would also like to request that our readers drop by our office and leave their valuable feedback for our magazine, if any, or simply chat with us over a mug of our best-brewed warm coffee about anything and everything they like. Anything our readers say is of the utmost importance to us. Dear Readers, your wish is our command. There is no Fidelius Charm on our little, comfortable location, and our doors are always left wide open for you to enter. Should you have difficulty locating our office, just use the Floo Network to connect to our fireplace by saying "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" out loud and clear among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts. If you would rather travel by portkey, here's one left by us with love for you: -




One of us will certainly be present in our office to welcome you as soon as you arrive. 

Our fireplace is registered with the Ministry of Magic and is regularly maintained. Our portkey is legal and completely safe for use.

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is published on the last day of every month with the latest, juiciest details and also some fun and entertainment. In the pages of this magazine every month, we provide you with a riddle to solve that gives you an opportunity to earn five Knuts, a free advertising opportunity, and a special mention of your name in the next issue; a section on the important celestial events of the month with a glimpse into the same for the next month; a special topic; general news; and more.

The cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one Knut per advertisement.

With that, we would like to sign off for this month and for the year 2023. We look forward to your continued support as our beloved readers while we wait to present you with our next issue on January 31, 2024. Until then, have a great winter month and party hard. Here's hoping that you enjoy all the New Year celebrations and the fireworks, and once again, we wish you a really Happy Christmas.

Thank you for reading our magazine. Please read our "A Note of Thanks" to you.


- The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Editorial and Publishing Team.

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